Total No. of Pages: 2
Register Number: 7431
Name of the Candidate:
diploma EXAMINATION - 2012
(horticultural nursery management)
(paper - ii)
120. production maintenance and protection of
nursery plants
(Common with nr & or)
May) (Time: 3 Hours
Maximum: 100 Marks
SECTION – A (5 × 2 = 10)
I. Write short notes for any FIVE of the following:
1. / Asexual propagation2. / Graft in compatibility
3. / Scion orchard
4. / Media
5. / Mist chamber
6. / Growth regulator
7. / Seed dormancy
8. / Foggers
9. / Liquid manures
10. / Protrays
II. Define any FIVE of the following: (5 × 2 = 10)
1. / Vivipary2. / Stion
3. / Air layering
4. / Poly embryony
5. / Precuring
6. / Stratification
7. / Slip
8. / Micro propagation
9. / Hardening
10. / Biofertilizer
SECTION – C (5 × 4 = 20)
III. Differentiate any FIVE of the following:
1. / Sexual and asexual propagation2. / Stion and scion
3. / Grafting and budding
4. / Monoembryony and poly embryony
5. / Media and container
6. / Manures and fertilizers
7. / Micro propagation and mist propagation
8. / Potting and re-potting
9. / Raised bed and portray
10. / Irrigation and fertigation
IV. Briefly answer any FIVE of the following (5 × 12 = 60)
1. / Discuss on establishment and maintenance of a high tech vegetable nursery.2. / What is mother plant in nursery? How would you establish the mother plant blocks in a nursery?
3. / Explain in detail the commercial methods of propagation of mango, sapota, jasmine and nutmeg.
4. / Discuss on structures used for ornamental plant production.
5. / Explain a) The method of procurement of various inputs for nursery
b) Marketing and sales promotion strategies in a commercial nursery
6. / Explain how to revive an old senile mango/cashew orchard into a productive orchard.
7. / Discuss on principle, benefits, constraints of micro propagation of horticultural crops with suitable examples.