Probable Maximum Precipitation Study

for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania




The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), Bureau of Waterways Engineering and Wetlands, requires a Contractor experienced in the development of probable maximum precipitation (PMP) studies for the purpose of updating PMP values for the entire state of Pennsylvania. This study shall update PMP values for Pennsylvania that have been provided in the Hydro Meteorological Report No. 51 (HMR 51), dated June 1978. The scope of study shall include:

  • A hydrometeorological analysis of large storms that may influence the PMP values in Pennsylvania. In addition to major storms through 1972 that were included in the HMR 51 analysis, the updated study shall include all additional major storm events which have occurred in subsequent years. Updated tools and methodologies should be applied for estimating extreme precipitation depth, area, and duration relationships for the entire area of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The contractor should refer to the Regional Extreme Precipitation Study for Colorado and New Mexico to obtain guidance regarding updated tools, methodologies and national standards applicable to extreme precipitation studies.
  • A reevaluation of the Smethport 1942 storm and associated rainfall reports. Because of the exceptional magnitude of this storm, it is the primary event that influences the magnitude of the PMP rainfall depths in Pennsylvania. It is deemed critical to conduct a thoroughreevaluation of this event using current methodology and all available historic data.
  • The statewide, site-specific PMP values shall be derived for (1) storm durations of 6-hours, 12-hours, 24-hours and 72-hours, and for (2) aerial sizes of 1, 10, 100, 200, 500, 2,000, 5,000, 10,000 and 20,000 square miles. The results shall be provided on maps of Pennsylvania with isolines to designate the precipitation depths.
  • A final report shall include allof the PMP maps in GIS format. Also, a GIS-based program will be provided to allow the user to extract the exactPMP values for any location in Pennsylvania.


The contractor shall perform the following tasks designed to complete the PMP analysis for Pennsylvania:

1.Project Management – This will include management of the PMP analysis by the contractor’s technical staff and the coordination of a review of this PMP analysis by an independent review committee.

2.Technical Analysis – The technical analysis for the PMP study shall include:

  1. Reevaluation of the Smethport storm of 1942 for inclusion in the updated statewide PMP analysis. This task shall be completed and presented to the review committee in the first 6 months of the contract.
  1. Analysis of major storms that may impact the PMP in Pennsylvania, and develop a draft report of the PMP analysis. This task is to be completed and presented to the review committee in the first 12 months of the contract.
  1. Coordination of Project Review–The PMP technical analysis shall be reviewed by an independent committee having expertise in both dams and meteorology. This review and the associated editing of the PMP report shall be completed between months 12 and 18 of the 18-month contract.

The individual members who comprise thisindependent review committeeshall be selected by the Bureau of Waterways Engineering and Wetlands. All costs of compensating the committee members are to be included in the lump sums of this contract and are to be disbursed by the contractor. This committee shall consist of a maximum of 6 individuals who have expertise in either meteorology or the hydrologic and hydraulics of dams. For estimating costs for the compensation of these committee members, the bidders are advised that it is Bureau’s intention to include the following individuals and representativeson this committee: (1) Dr. Arthur Miller, P.E. of AECOM, (2) John Harrison, P.E., of Schnabel Engineering, (3) a meteorology professor from either Millersville University or Penn State University, and (4) Federal agency representatives, from FEMA, NRCS, or NOOA, who have served on similar review committees for other states that have completed PMP studies.

  1. PMP Report for Pennsylvania - The final report on this PMP study shall be developed, reviewed by the committee, and finalized within 18 months of the beginning of the contract.


The contractor will provide the following documentation in both paper and electronic formats:

  1. Quarterly status reports detailing progress toward completion of the major tasks outlined above. This report will include documentation of payments related to the compensation of the work of a 6-member independent review committee to be selected by the Bureau of Waterways Engineering and Wetlands. Committee members shall be compensated for time and expenses that are incurred for a maximum of 6 quarterly meetings to be held in Harrisburg, PA. This compensation to committee members shall be included in the lump sum bid amounts.
  1. An interim report on the 1942 Smethport storm analysis shall be provided with the 6-month quarterly status report. This report shall also be included as an appendix of the final report.
  1. A draft report on the PMP study shall be completed and submitted in conjunction with the 12-month quarterly status report. Copies of this draft report shall also be delivered to the members of the independent review committee.
  1. The final report, including all PMP mapping for the designated durations and storm areas, shall be completed at the end of the 18-month contract.


The project manager for the contractor shall have documented experience in the development and completion of statewide and/or site-specific PMP studies. Prior to bid award, the contractor shall identify key project personnel and provide documentation of their training, experience and certification, as it is applicable to this project, in the following disciplines:

  • Project Management
  • Meteorology
  • Statistical Analysis
  • Technical Writing


  1. Any technical questions should be directed to Deborah Wakefield, phone (717) 772-0439, email . Email communication is preferred.
  1. Questions regarding bidding procedures should be directed to Janet Noll, phone (717) 783-5747, email . Email communication is preferred.


The contract shall commence upon execution, projected for July 1, 2017, and terminate 18 months after the date of execution.


The quantities contained in the IFB section are estimated only and may increase or decrease dependent upon the needs of DEP. Items may be added to this acquisition at the discretion of the DEP at the price originally bid.


Payment shall be made upon receipt of itemized invoices for approved services rendered.


Bid award will be based on the bid total of above Reports and Deliverables. Deliverables shall include all costs within the available below award lines. The bidder shall provide a price for all deliverables. Pricing must include all costs to include travel and delivery and any other miscellaneous costs. No additional costs will be permitted.

The award will be made to the lowest responsive/responsible bidder.