X INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE APEGA 2010 PAPER’s TITLE (Comunicación: Arial – 14 pt – Capital letters – Bold – Centered)

SURNAME, Author’s name (Author: Arial – 11 pt – Capital letters, Lower case letters – Bold – Centered). In case of several authors add superscript to Name[Example: SURNAME(S), Name(1); SURNAME(S), Name(2)]

(1)Department,School, Universityto which is member (Datos + Antes 8 pto: Arial – 10 pt – Lower case letters – Centered) [Example: Department of GraphicExpression and Mapping, University of Alicante]

City, Country(Datos: Arial – 10 pt – Lower case letters – Centered) [Example: Alicante, Spain]

Email (Datos: Arial – 10 pt – Lower case letters – Centered)[Example: e-mail:

(2)If authors are members of the same Department, School, University,don’t repeat information, only addEmail

Just in case authors are members of different Departments, Centers, add (even if it is repeated) City, Country

Always indicate Email

Abstract (Estilo 1: Arial – 11 pt – Lower case letters – Bold – Left-aligned)

Abstract text (Texto: Arial – 10 pt – Lower case letters – Justified – Single Line spacing). This template will help you to format your paper.You can make a copy and insert text taking care not to changespecified styles and formats.

Please, do not change page numbers, do not change headers, do not put footnotes in. Save document in Microsoft® Office Word 2003format and after that print as a PDF document. You will have to send both files to Registry of Conference.

Page size is A4 (21 x 29,7 cm). Top and bottom margins are2 cm. Right and left margins are2,5 cm.Abstracts maximum length will be between 200 and 220 words; 1.550 charactersincluding blank spaces.Always keep the specified space between paragraphs.

Keywords (Estilo 2: Arial – 10 pt – Lower case letters – Bold – Justified): Keywords, no more than four(Estilo 2 + Sin Negrita: Arial – 10 pt – Lower case letters – Justified) [Example: Graphic Expression, Edification, Geographic Information System].

Abstract. English translation. (Estilo1+antes 15 pto: Arial – 11 pt – Lower case letters – Bold – Left-aligned)

Paper’s Title (Texto + Negrita: Arial – 10 pt – Lower case letters – Italic– Left-aligned)

Abstract no more than 200-220 words; 1.550 charactersincluding blank spaces.

Keywords:Keywords [Example: Graphic Expression, Edification, Geographic Information System].

1.Section (1. Título 1: Arial – 11 pt – Lower case letters – Bold – Left-aligned – Number Style 1, 2, 3)

Paper explanation (Texto + Antes 8 pto: Arial – 10 pt – Lower case letters – Justified – Single Line spacing), with a maximum length between 8 and 10 pages,including Abstract, Illustrations and bibliographical references.Just in specific cases, when justified by the quality of graphic documents presented and with scientific committee agreement during evaluation process, maximum length may be slightly exceeded.

It’s scientific committee job acceptance, selection and evaluation of submitted papers.It will use the anonymous peer review system. Itsevaluationwill be unquestionable.Authors are requested that papers are confined to Thematic Areas covered in the Conference website. It is recommended to structure the exhibition in the following sections: Introduction (foundation, antecedents, hypothesis), Objectives, Method and Research Process, Results and Conclusions, Bibliographical References.

Papers may be written in mother tongue (spanish, french, italian, english, etc.), always including English translation of the Abstract. Conference official languages will be those who sharemost of the scientific community gathers, encouraging the exchange of knowledge, experiences and results: spanish as the host country’s official language, english, and of the participating countries french, italian.

1.1.Subsection (1.1. Título 2: Arial – 10 pt – Lower case letters – Bold – Left-aligned – Number Style 1.1, 1.2, 1.3)

Depending on the nature of work, figures may be embedded in the text (Texto + Centrado)orincorporated at the end of the paper.

In the corresponding paragraph of the text, indicate (in parentheses) the number of the figure referred to(Fig. 1).You can use the Insert cross-reference option.When references are not updated correctly, select all text and press F9.

When a paragraph precedes to a figure it will be styled with space after 15pt (Texto + Antes 8 pto + Después 15 pto: Arial – 10 pt – Lower case letters – Justified – Single Line spacing). Resolution of images should be at least 300 dpi. JPG format is recommended. It will be printed in gray scale. Every figure must be accompanied by a Legend.

Fig. 1.Figure Legend(Fig.1. Figuras: Arial – 9 pt – Lower case letters – Centered – Number Style 1, 2, 3).

Tables and Graphics will be added to the text the same way as the images.

You can use the table or graphic format most suitable to you(Tabla 1) (Gráfico 1), always using Arial font of size 9 (minimum 8).

Tabla 1.Tables Legend (Tabla 1. Tablas: Arial – 9 pt – Lower case letters – Centered – Number Style 1, 2, 3).

Gráfico 1.Graphics Legend (Gráfico 1. Gráficos: Arial – 9 pt – Lower case letters – Centered – Number Style 1, 2, 3).

2.Resultsand Conclusions

Quotations and Bibliographical References will be included as a list at the end of the paper, after any other content (attached pictures, tables, graphs).It will be used the schemes listed below, based on the UNE 50-104-94 (equivalent to ISO 690:1987).Fieldsmarkedwith * are optional. Referenceswill be indicated with a number in brackets:[1]monographs; [2]monographs chapters; [3]serial publications; [4]contributions in serial publications;[5]conferences; [6]presentations at conferences; [7]other considerations; [8]reference Websites.

In references will be used the following Styles([1] Referencias: Arial – 10 pt – Capital letters, Lower case letters – Justified, Number Style 1, 2, 3 / [1] Referencias + Cursiva: Arial – 10 pt – Lower case letters – Italic – Justified, Number Style 1, 2, 3).


[1]Main responsibility. Book title in italics.Subordinate responsibility*. Edition (if it is not the first). Place of publication: publisher, year. Length*. Serie*. Notes*. Standard number. [Reference’s example: SURNAME(S), Name. Book title.Translated bySURNAME(S), Name*. 3ª ed. Alicante: Publisher, 2010. 300 p.*Collection*. Translationof original booktitle*. ISBN 0000.]

[2]Main responsibility chapter. Chapter title. Inmain Responsibility source.Book titlein italics.Edition (if it is not the first).Place of publication: publisher, year,situation in the source publication.[Reference’s example: SURNAME(S), Name.Chapter title. In SURNAME(S), Name.Book title.3ª ed. Alicante: Publisher, 2010, vol. 1, p. 200-250.]

[3]Publication title in italics.Main responsibility. Edition (if it is not the first). Issue identity (dateand/ornumber). Place of publication: publisher, date of first volume – date of the last volume. Serie*. Notes*. Standard number.[Reference’sexample: Revista de Expresión Gráfica en la edificación EGE.Asociación de Profesores de Expresión Gráfica aplicada a la Edificación APEGA.Marzo de 2009, Nº 6. Sevilla: APEGA, 1999-2009. Revista bianual*. ISSN 0000.]

[4]Main responsibility article.Article title. Subordinateresponsibility*.Journaltitle in italics.Edition (if it is not the first).Location in the source document: year, number, pages. [Reference’s example: SURNAME(S), Name.Article title. PhotographySURNAME(S), Name*. Revista de Expresión Gráfica en la edificación EGE.Marzo de 2009, Nº 6, p. 10-20.]

[5]Publisher proceedings of a conference are cited as a monograph. [Reference’sexample: AA.VV.Actas del X congreso Internacional de Expresión Gráfica aplicada a la Edificación APEGA, Alicante, 2-4 diciembre 2010. Al cuidado del Área de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica del Departamento de Expresión Gráfica y Cartografía de la Universidad de Alicante*. Alicante: Universidad de Alicante, 2010. 500 p.* ISBN 0000.]

[6]Papers or presentations in the proceedings of a conference are cited as part of a monograph. [Reference’sexample: SURNAME(S), Name.Papertitle. En AA.VV. Actas del X congreso Internacional de Expresión Gráfica aplicada ala Edificación APEGA, Alicante, 2-4 diciembre 2010. Alicante: Universidad de Alicante, 2010, p. 100-108.]

[7]UNE standards file can be found on the Conference Website (PDF).

[8]Referring Web Pages [Example: Web: