WYSC Standing Committee Programs for 2013 and Beyond
/ Initiative / Priority / Required Actions / When? / Costs / Comments // WYSC / Indiv Org / Who should do what, who pays, etc. /
1 / Participant Safety and Education Committee / The Participant Safety & Education Committee is a Standing Committee focused on participant safety. It is responsible for the following Initiatives plus others assigned by WYSC or its President.
1.1 / Certify all coaches / managers / 1 / A. Add narrative to BL or P&P
B. Define SUNNY as the benchmark
C. Negotiate with P&R / WCSD on funding and implementation. / Feb/March 2013 / $20/coach / Organizations choose if individuals pays or org takes care of all charge of partial charge
1.2 / Background check all coaches / 1 / A. Add narrative to BL or P&P
B. Negotiate with P&R / WCSD on cost effective provider and funding. / April/May / $1/coach / Offered by SUNY and can be part of coaching cert as option. For this org should be resp. for costs
1.4 / Implement Safety Director Board position directive / 1 / A Add narrative to BL or P&P
B. Get WYSC approval / 2013 / No Costs / YSC is recommending position on each youth sports board. Resp. include maintaining safety procedures for org.
1.5 / Offer Abuse Certification Program / 1 / A. Add narrative to BL or P&P
B. Get WYSC approval
C. Work with WCSD / P&R to identify optimal option for us to use.
- Determine how it fits w/CARE
D. Identify proposal / Feb/Mar 2013 / Free on-line / Sponsored by SUNY – 2 hour on-line program
1.6 / Implement Safety manual for each coach / 1 / A. Construct Template from existing material. Manual to be evergreen, updated annually.
B. Get WYSC approval
C. Each Org supplies existing info
D. Make Template available on-line
E. Add narrative to BL or P&P / Feb/March 2013
B. Oct 2012
C. Dec. 2012 / Minimal – copies binders etc / Committee will provide draft copy of generic safety manual which can be altered by youth sports org.
1.7 / Support School District Bullying education program / 3 / A. Add narrative to P&P describing long term intent
B. Get WYSC approval
C. Work with WCSD to define a viable program.
D. Implement as available / 2014 / TBD / Need to investigate avenues
2 / Health & Wellness Committee / The Health & Wellness Committee is a Standing Committee focused on participant health and wellness. It is responsible for the following Initiatives plus others assigned by WYSC or its President.
2.1 / Support and encourage the concept of 'Off Season' activities.. . . . Activity Cross training '365' / 1 / A. Add narrative to P&P or BL describing intent, including support for 'Downtime' for each sport.
B. Develop a name and a narrative rationale for 'Downtime'
C. Ask MAP for recommended activities
D. Ask each sport to identify alternative activity during 'Off Season' periods.
E. Obtain info from WCSD
F. Develop a list of alternative activities, by sport.
G. Consider publishing a list by sport
H. Post list on web site / 2013
2.2 / Establish First Aide Stations at each site / 2 / A. Add narrative to P&P
B. Ask each org to identify req'd sites
C. Negotiate location with site owners
D. Define contents and costs.
E. Identify funding sources
F. Define security req'mnts. / Spring 2014 / Approx $100/ea. / Standard FA kit encourage at each site. Many org have in coaches bags
2.3 / Implement CPR / AED access at each site / 2 / A. Add narrative to BL or P&P
B. Get WYSC approval
C. Determine location and number needed.
D. Determine total cost
E. Determine funding sources
F. Identify required security
G. Define / Plan required Training / Spring 2013/2014 / Approx. $2000ea. / Actions are to identify locations; structure needs to be built, AED purchase. Org and partners to discuss share costs
2.4 / WYSC to develop an 'Medical Advisory Panel’ approach to gaining support from community experts. / 3 / A . Add narrative to P&P describing long term intent.
B. Get WYSC approval
C. Identify area 'experts' to help define panel viability and Roles & Responsibilities.
D. Use recommendations for injury prevention and education initiatives
E. Post recommendations and supporting info on web site / 2013 / No costs . .All Volunteer
2.5 / Develop / provide a short outline of a general injury prevention and education program. / 3 / A. Add narrative to P&P describing long term intent.
B. Get WYSC approval
C. Use Info from 1.10 above to identify / develop programs.
D. Survey all 2012 coaches to establish baseline. / 2014 / TBD
D. Low cost / Need to develop plan
2.6 / Develop a common Emergency Action Plan / A. Obtain member Org. input.
B. Ask M.A.P., WCSD for input.
C. Develop Template Draft document.
D. Get WYSC Approval.
E. Make available digitally. / 2013
2013 / Low / no cost
3 / Sportsmanship, Communication & Community Service Committee / The Sportsmanship, Communication & Community Service Committee is a Standing Committee focused on identifying/implementing initiatives to improve sportsmanship and communication with parents and players, and the community. Additionally, it identifies community service opportunities, enhancing the WYSC image in the community. It is responsible for the following Initiatives plus others assigned by WYSC or its President.
3.1 / Develop / Implement Player Respect Program School CARE Rubic / 1 / A. Add narrative to BL or P&P
B. Use the jointly developed modified CARE program as the Pilot.
C. Get WYSC Approval
D. Develop Roll out Plan
E. Update based on experience after 1- 2 years. / March/April 2013
C. Oct. 2012
D. Nov. 2012 / Minimal- copies / binders
Signs / Banners costs? / Rubic successfully piloted. WCSD wants to be involved in rollout.
Need to determine funding.. .signs / banners in 2014?
3.2 / Encourage having fun / 1 / A. Add narrative to P&P or BL describing intent,.
B. Get suggestions from all orgs.
C. Ask WCSD for ideas
D. Define the methods for encouraging 'Fun' / Start in 2013 / TBD
3.3 / Develop, provide and enforce a common code of conduct document / 1 / A. Add narrative to P&P or BL describing intent.
B. Use existing Code of Conduct document with P&R / WCSD as the base. Needed changes include:
- Include CARE
- Include 'Bullying' info as developed
- Not criticize players in front of spectators but reserve constructive criticism for later, in private or in the presence of team members if others might benefit.
- Not criticize an opposing team, its players, coaches or fans by word or gesture
- Emphasize that winning is the result of good team work
- Emphasize that good athletes strive to be good students and that both are physically and mentally alert
- Strive to make every sports activity serve as a training ground for life, and a basis for good mental and physical health
- Not deliberately incite unsportsman- like conduct
- Not permitting ineligible participant (s) to participate in games or practice activities
- Not pile it on, nor encourage your team to get a commanding lead and raise the score as high as it can
- Be responsible for and control your fans
C. Issue / publish joint document
D. Document available and maintained Digitally. / 2013 / - Printed versions supplied by WCSD.
- Digital version available on WYSC Website. / Webster Community Partnership Operations Council to solicit and process input and publish update to the current Code of Conduct document to reflect input.
E. Figure out how to help WYSC member organizations to provide proper training on good sportsmanship, the Code of Conduct and the expected behavior. Learn and teach how to recognize/promote proper behavior, and reward it. Conversely, learn to recognize improper behavior and develop processes/ procedures to address and correct it.
F. Leverage the C.A.R.E. Program as appropriate
3.4 / Develop WYSC web site to enhance WYSC community awareness / 1 / A. Add narrative to P&P or BL describing intent of the web site
B. Use a 2 tier approach: Buy a turn key site for 2 years before deciding whether to build own.
C. Identify content
D. Determine if League Athletics can support needed content.
E. Identify cost of our own site
F. .Decide to build our own site / 2013
2015 / $275 / Yr / League Athletics
3.6 / WYSC to support a booth Community Arts Day. / 2 / A. Add narrative to P&P or BL describing intent to support a booth at Webster Community Arts Day.
B. Determine annual budget allocation.
C. Develop Booth content.
D. Develop handouts
E. Print handouts
F. Schedule booth manning / 2013 / $ 100
3.7 / WYSC to write regular articles in the local papers. . .establish a column / 3 / A. Add narrative to P&P or BL describing long term intent to develop a process for providing regular articles in the local papers.
B. Engage local papers
C. Define Webster Herald as the 'WYSC paper'
D. Develop process for submitting articles on a regular basis
E. Get agreement by sport for the timing of articles.
F. Establish 'WYSC Corner' as a regular column in the paper / 2013
2014 / $ ?? / Is there a way to use technology to make this easier? . .our web site or the 'Cloud'
3.9 / Reward good behavior / A. Identify 'reward' opportunities
- Use 'National Football Foundation' as a model.
- Focus on Sportsmanship & academics
- Review Red Penguin Grid Iron Process
- Others as approriate
B. Utilize local sponsors and other businesses to help promote good behavior
- Define ‘good behavior’
- Engage media to promote
- Businesses donate awards in exchange for media/ Chamber publicity / 2013 / TBD
3.10 / Provide support to the larger Webster Community by example
Provide 'Give back to the Community' by supporting local groups.
Develop a culture of community Service in our young people by example . . Instead of just 'taking'. / 3 / A. Identify ways to 'cross promote' and support community sports
- E.g.: Display brochures, man others concession stands,
B. Identify ways to promote 'Give Back' to the community
- E.g.: Provide 'sweat equity' for community orgs 'Clean up Day', Membership Drives, etc for Friends of the Webster Trails, Community Chest, Webster Comfort Care as examples
C. Identify fund raising opportunities and recognition events [example: Recognition dinners] promoting our values. [Athletics and academics]
D. Identify ways to recognize players and coaches on a regular basis [eg; articles in local papers]
E. Develop a narrative fleshing out the idea/principles
F. Determine what activities might be done in what season by each sport
G. Develop a list of activities for WYSC to support/promote.
H. Cross-promotion of sports. / 2014 -2015 / ?? / Anticipate minimal costs
4.0 / Internal Organization & Community Relations Committee / Internal Organization & Community Relations Committee is a Standing Committee composed of the WYSC Officers. It is responsible for overseeing the internal functions of WYSC and its relationships with outside organizations.
It decides which items need to go in By-laws and which into the Programs, Policies & Procedures Manual. The following actions have been assigned to this committee:
4.1 / WYSC By-Laws / Responsible for proposing, documenting and implementing approved updates to the WYSC By-Laws
4.2 / Programs, Policies & Procedures Manual / Responsible for keeping the Programs, Policies & Procedures Manual current and up to date.
4.3 / Provide continued support of the Webster Community Partnership Operations Council. / 1 / A. Add narrative to P&P describing intent to support the Webster Community Partnership Operations Council.
B. Ask Ops Council to attend one WYSC meeting per year.
C. Agree on the month
D. Develop a standing agenda for those meetings. / 2013 / $0
4.4 / WYSC to work with WCSD to develop guide lines for school coaches supporting training of community sports athletes / coaches.. / 1 / A. Add narrative to P&P or BL describing WYSC intent to work with WCSD to develop guidelines for school coaches supporting training of community sports athletes / coaches..
B. Use the Webster Community Partnership Operations Council as the vehicle to focus the activity.
C. Implement agreed guidelines / 2013
2014 / $0
4.5 / Continue to support the current process for facility development and use. / 1 / A. Add narrative to P&P describing intent to support the current process for facility development and use.
B. Identify needed changes to current process, providing input to the WCP Ops Council
C. Encourage member orgs to follow the process as amended. / 2013 / $0
4.6 / Encourage /support WCSD effort to improve the current scheduling system / 1 / A. .Add narrative to P&P describing intent.
B. Use Partnership Operations Council to help encourage scheduling system improvements.
C. Write a letter to WCSD in support of upgrades to the current scheduling system. / 2013
2013 / $0
4.7 / Schedule specific meetings throughout the year where AD and P&R Commissioner are encouraged to attend. / 1 / A. Add narrative to BL defining how many and when joint meetings are to be scheduled.
B. Agree on the month
C. Develop a standing agenda for those meetings. / 2013 / $0
4.8 / WYSC to join the Webster Chamber of Commerce. / 2 / A. Add narrative to BL describing intent to join the Webster Chamber and who is expected to attend the meetings.
B. Budget membership fees as appropriate / 2013 / $ 175 / Yr
4.9 / WYSC to develop a relationship with WABO. / 2 / A. Add narrative to P&P or BL describing long term intent to develop a relationship with WABO.
B. Define who should take the lead and who should be the ongoing 'point person' with WABO. / 2013 / $0 ??
4.10 / WYSC to develop a relationship with WHEN[Webster Health Education Network]. / 2 / C. Add narrative to P&P or BL describing long term intent to develop a relationship with WHEN.
D. Define who should take the lead and who should be the ongoing 'point person' with WHEN. / 2013 / $ 0 ??
PAC 11/27/12 Handout
3/20/13 Initiative 4.0 revised