WVHSAthletic Booster Club

Meeting Minutes

November 16, 2009

Persons Attending:Mike Rogowski, Wayne Palmer, Pam Neely, Patty Smith, Phyllis Ellam, Jeanne Petersen, Barb and Dave Yonkers, Mike Klafehn, Lida Kuehn, Jolene and Jeff LeRoy, Rudy Keller, and Beth Lisauskas.

  1. The meeting was called to order at 7:02p.m.
  2. Last Meeting Minutes Approval –Wayne motioned to approve minutes with correction and Barb seconded. Minutes approved.
  3. Open Floor – Parents / Coaches / Other – Mike Klafehn from Digicom Imaging presented new yard sign samples. Wanted to get Boosters input using Warrior Head as background and adding realistic sport emblems for activities. Signs are 18x24 inches. Sign including stake is $12, decals are $3 each, name added is $5 . Turnaround time is 48 hours. Will pass on sample to Paula for her to review. Boosters had favorable response to ideas.
  4. President Report – Dave Yonkers. Announced Paula Dam was absent due to son hospitalized. Received email from Brian Wittig regarding a video new magazine opportunity for Warrior Wearhouse. Received thank you letter from our scholarship recipient, Mike Lyons, attending Uof I. Credit card machine process will soon be finalized.
  5. Athletic Director – Mike Rogowski. Girls swim team attended NV Sectional. Taylor Eggenberger won sectional for diving with 452 score! Baumgartner and Dalesandro qualified as individuals. Diving finals are Saturday at New Trier. Girls and Boys basketball seasons will begin shortly, as well as Wrestling and Gymnastics. Ordered 72 more state sweatshirts. Competitive Cheer, Special Olympics co-op with Metea, as well as Gymnastics and Girls/Boys Lacrosse co-op with Metea are all up and running. Requested $110 for conference pictures and boys wrestling warm-ups fee TBD.
  6. Administrative Liaison – Rudy Keller – No Report
  7. Executive Board Reports
  8. Past President – Mike Smith. Not Present.
  9. Vice President – Wayne Palmer. Discussed the domain names for a website as forwarded from Mark McCoy. $20 will hold both names. Good response for .Wayne motioned to approve and Beth L. seconded. Continues work on bylaws and tax ID status. Will continue to update progress.

7.3.Treasurer – Jeff Leroy . Made deposits and has some bills yet to pay for football spirit. Needs descriptions for what deposits are for to keep separate and itemized for easier tracking. Sponsorship for Naperville Cadillac needs to be documented for $1,600. Motion to approve by Barb, Mike R. seconded. Approved report.

7.4.Secretary – Beth Lisauskas. Will send thank you’s to Naperville Cadillac (Fred Squillo) for generous $1600 donation. Also to State Farm Insurance Company (Fred Margalus) for foam football donations, and to Our Team Auto for their support and pig roast donation.

7.5.Membership – Barb Yonkers. Two more members. Contacted Tara at Royal Publishing to get member names added to Winter Program. Try selling programs for $1.

7.6.Warrior Wear –Paula Dam(not present as mentioned previously). Jeanne P. waiting for license plate holders. Has orders for letter jackets. Football banquet on November 18, would like to have store open at 6:30pm for additional sales opportunities. Checking into competitive pricing on the jackets. Orders will be placed by this Friday.

7.7.Concessions – Jolene LeRoy and Phyllis Ellam. Fall sports went well! Great help and newly trained people! Thanks to Cathy Ferrel for Pig Roast. Went over well! Phyllis stated the popcorn, pretzel, and hot dog machines are up and running. Moved concessions to basketball. Storage room available for drink storage from football stands. Boys basketball will be Maureen Connolly and Lisa MacFadyen. Also, have wrestling and girls basketball leaders as well.

7.8.Spirit Committee Liaison –Pam Neely. Pride Tribe flags and tshirts purchased. Jeanne indicated a price advantage if these are coordinated through the booster orders in the future.

7.9.Fundraising – Golf Outing. Dianne Martin will be contacted. Would like to move outing to first week of September.

  1. Old Business- Lida Kuehn mentioned that Lynn Waldman will take over football communications next year. Would like to investigate purchasing football sideline jackets. Also, there was a nice article in the Naperville Sun written by Sherry Tatar touting all of the positive perks and achievements recently at WVHS.
  2. New Business- No report
  3. The next meeting will be on Monday January 11, 2010at 7:00 p.m. in room 111 at the WVHS. Reminder, there is no meeting scheduled for December. Happy New Year to all and see you in 2010!!!
  4. Meeting was adjourned at 8:24 p.m.