2017 Voting Information

Biography of Candidates

WSSA Constitution Changes and Explanations

Fall 2017

Vice President

Dr. William S. Curran

Dr. Dan Reynolds

Dr. William S. Curran

Dr. Curran is Professor of Weed Science in the Department of Plant Science at Penn State University. Dr. Curran joined the Penn State faculty in 1990 after serving as an Extension Agronomist and receiving his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois. Dr. Curran received his BS degree at Colorado State University and his MS degree from Washington State University. At Penn State, he has statewide responsibilities for weed science extension and research in agronomic crops. Bill conducts research on herbicide efficacy, weed biology, integrated weed management, and weed management in conservation tillage systems including managing cover crops.

Dr. Curran has been a member of the Weed Science Society of America since 1985 and has served on a number of committees. He was the Northeastern Weed Science Society (NEWSS) representative to the WSSA from 1998-2001 and an Associate Editor for Weed Technology as well frequent reviewer for Weed Science and Weed Technology. Dr. Curran received the Outstanding Extension Award from the WSSA in 2013. He is an active member of the NEWSS serving on a number of committees, the Executive Board, and was an Officer and then President in 2006 and elected Fellow in 2013. Additional information about Dr. Curran can be found at

Dr. Dan Reynolds

Dr. Daniel B. Reynolds is a Professor of Weed Science and holds the Edgar Hartwig Chair in Agronomy with Mississippi State University. He is a native of Jerome, Arkansas, and received a B.S. degree in Agricultural Science from the University of Arkansas at Monticello and his M.S. degree in Agronomy from the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville. He received a Ph.D. in Crop Science from Oklahoma State University and joined the staff of the Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station at the Northeast Research Station in 1986. Dan conducted weed control research in soybean, corn, cotton, and cereal grains in northeast Louisiana. In 1996, he joined the Department of Plant & Soil Sciences with Mississippi State University. Currently his responsibilities include teaching, weed control research in soybean along with agronomic and conservation tillage systems. His research program is now focusing on the use of spatial technologies to assess the needs and application of herbicides, plant growth regulators, and harvest-aids site-specifically. The introduction of transgenic crops has led to increased incidents of off-target deposition of herbicides such as glyphosate and auxin herbicides. Dan has worked with computer and electrical engineers to develop methods for detection and assessment of these events by utilizing multi-spectral and hyper-spectral data. Dan has served or currently serves as major advisor of 33 graduate students and has served on the committee of over 30 others. With the assistance of colleagues, Dan has developed effective weed control programs for the crops grown in Louisiana and Mississippi. He has been an invited speaker at many weed control program training seminars for extension, agri-chemical company, and farm personnel.

Dan has been actively involved in weed science societies at the state, regional, and national levels. He has served as the President of the Southern Weed Science Society (SWSS) as well as on various committees of the Weed Science Society of America. In 1999 he received the SWSS Outstanding Young Weed Scientist Award, in 2003 he was the recipient of the SWSS Outstanding Educator Award, and in 2012 he was selected as the SWSS Weed Scientist of the Year. Additionally, Dan was selected by the Mississippi Agricultural Forestry Experiment Station as their 2012 Researcher of the Year. In 2013, Dan was recognized as a Fellow of the Southern Weed Science Society when they honored him with their Distinguished Service Award.


Dr. Roger E. Gast

Dr. Phil Banks

Dr. Roger E. Gast

R&D Fellow

Roger is a R&D Fellow at the newly formed Ag Division of DowDupont where he serves as the Crop Protection Discovery Strategy Leader. He received his B.S. and M.S. degrees at the University of Nebraska in Agronomy and a Ph. D. degree from the University of Illinois also in agronomy, specializing in weed science. He joined Dow Chemical in December 1987 as a Technical Service and Development Representative in Nebraska. Over his career at Dow AgroSciences he has held several additional field positions including Development Biologist in Minnesota (1990-94), Technical Leader in Sacramento (1995),and as Station Leader at Fresno, California (1996-99). In 1999 he made the move to headquarters in Indianapolis as a Discovery Biologist in Herbicide Discovery followed by a series of product development positions including Discovery Herbicide Characterization Leader, Global Technical Leader for Tree Vine herbicides, and GlobalField Development Leader for pyroxsulam and now ArylexTM Active herbicide. Until recently Roger served as the Global Product Development Leader for cereal and broadleaf crop herbicides. In this role he defined the technical and development strategies forpyroxsulam, florasulam, fluroxypyr, clopyralid, Arylex (halauxifen methyl), haloxyfop, pronamide and cloquintocet containing products. Going forward he will help define the discovery strategies for all chemistry related crop protection technologies. Roger as long track record of service in weed science professional societies including serving on the finance committees for the WSWS and WSSA, and as President of the WSWS.

Dr. Phil Banks

Phil Banks has been a member of the Weed Science Society of America since 1975 and has served on numerous committees and on the Board of Directors as CAST Representative and as Board Member-at-Large. He was the Business Manager for the Western Society of Weed Science and the Southern Weed Science Society, Executive Secretary for the North Central Weed Science Society, and the Executive Director for the North American Invasive Species Management Association. He has BS and MS degrees from Oklahoma State University and a Ph.D from Texas A&M University. He served on the faculty of the Crop & Soil Sciences Department at the University of Georgia from 1979 to 1990 in a weed science teaching and research capacity. He founded his contract research and consulting company, Marathon-Agricultural & Environmental Consulting in 1990 and continues to serve as President and Principal Investigator.

Proposed amendments to the WSSA Constitution and Rationale:

Journal update

  1. Invasive Plant Science and Managementis added to every place where WSSA publications are listed.


  1. One class of membership (Associate) is eliminated. This membership level was developed to allow individuals to not subscribe to all of the journals. There was very low demand for this membership level, and because the society has discontinued print publishing of the journals it was determined to be unnecessary.
  2. The regional weed science societies that coordinated to organize the WSSA were all referred to initially as “Conferences.” “Society” replaces “Conference” throughout the Constitution to reflect current nomenclature (with one reference to Conference remaining in Article III, Section 7).
  3. Emeritus members may now have access to all WSSA journals (made possible because of the online-only publication format).
  4. Society members. The current name of Canadian Weed Science Society replaces a previous name currently listed. Admission of Aquatic Plant Management Society is added.

Elected and Non-elected Officers

  1. This section is updated to include the office of Past-President and Member-at-Large representatives. Language describing the Presidential rotation is revised and simplified.
  2. The term of service for the Member-at-Large is added.

Election of Officers

  1. Language describing the nominating committee is clarified.

Article III – Membership

Section 1 – Membership in the Society shall be open to individuals and organizations of all

nations interested in the objectives of the Society. There shall be eight six classes of membership: (1) Regular, (2) Student, (3) Associate, (43) Honorary, (54) Sustaining, (65) Emeritus, and (76) Conferences Society(Weed Organization).

Section 2 – Regular members are individuals who are interested in weed science and who have remitted their annual dues to the Executive Secretary. Regular Members may attend

all Society meetings, vote on all matters pertaining to the Society, hold office, and receive the publications Weed Science, Weed Technology, Invasive Plant Science and Management and the WSSA Newsletter.

Section 3 – Student members are individuals enrolled as full-time candidates for an undergraduate or graduate degree and who have remitted their annual dues to the Executive Secretary. Student members may attend all Society meetings, vote on all matters pertaining to the Society, hold office, and receive the publications Weed Science, Weed Technology, Invasive Plant Science and Management and the WSSA Newsletter.

Section 4 – Associate members are individuals who are interested in weed science and who have remitted their annual dues to the Executive Secretary. Associate members are entitled to attend all Society meetings and to receive the WSSA Newsletter, but are not entitled to vote or hold office.

Section 65– Sustaining members shall be persons or organizations who are interested in the objectives of the Society, who wish to participate in the activities of the Society, and who have remitted their annual sustaining membership dues. The names of such members shall be printed at least once annually in Weed Science, and in the program of the annual meeting. Each Sustaining Member shall receive the journals Weed Science, Weed Technology, Invasive Plant Science and Management and a Sustaining Member plaque.

Section 76– Emeritus members shall consist of persons who have the following qualifications: (1) were Regular members for 20 or more years, (2) have retired, and (3) request emeritus membership status from the Executive Secretary. Emeritus members will pay no dues and will have all the rights of Regular members except receipt of the journals (unless a subscription is purchased).

Section 87– The charter conference (Society) members were: (1) Western Weed Control Conference (now Western Society of Weed Science), (2) North Central Weed Control Conference (now North Central Weed Science Society), (3) Southern Weed Control Conference (now Southern Weed Science Society), and (4) Northeastern Weed Control Conference (now Northeastern Weed Science Society). The National Weed Committee of Canada (now the Expert Committee on Weeds [CanadaCanadian Weed Science Society)] was admitted in 1960, and the Aquatic Plant Management Society was admitted in 1988. Each member conference Society shall have one voting representative on the WSSA Board of Directors. Any other similar organization may be admitted upon application to and approval by the Board of Directors and by a two-thirds majority of the Regular members who cast ballots by a designated date.

Article VI – Elected and Non-elected Officers

Section 1 – The elected officers of the Society shall be a Past-President,a President, a President-Elect, a Vice-President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, and two Member-at-Large representatives. These shall be elected by the Society membership. A person elected Vice-President will begin a four year rotation, serving one year as Vice-President, then succeeding to one year terms as President-Elect, President and finally Past-President.The President shall succeed to the office of Past-President for one year. The President-Elect shall succeed to the office of President after serving a term as President- Elect. The Vice-President shall succeed to the office of President-Elect immediately after serving a term as Vice-President. The duties of all officers shall be those usually performed by such officers and as promulgated in Chapter II.

Section 3 – The President, President-Elect, Vice-President and Past-President shall begin their duties at the close of the Annual Business Meeting and shall remain in office until the close of the next Annual Business Meeting. The President shall not be eligible for a second term. The Secretary shall serve a two-year term, the Treasurer shall serve a three-year term, and a Member-at-Large shall serve a four-year term.

Article VII – Board of Directors

Section 1 – The voting members of the Board of Directors shall be the President, President-Elect, Vice-President, Past-President, Secretary, Treasurer, two representatives elected at-large by the Society membership, the Graduate Student Organization representative, and one representative from each member conferenceSociety, Director of Publications, and Chair of the Constitution and Operating Procedures Committee. The Executive Secretary and Director of Science Policy shall be ex-officio members, without vote. The voting members of the Board of Directors shall begin their duties at the close of the Annual Business Meeting.

Article VIII – Election of Officers

Section 1 – The Nominating Committee shall consist of the Past-President from each member Ssociety (if the Past-Presidentwho is also a member of WSSA) and the immediate Past-President of WSSA, who will serve as chair. If the immediate Past-President of WSSA cannot serve, the Board of Directors shall select the second or another Past-President to serve as Chair. Members of the Nominating Committee shall be determined by December 1 of each year.

Section 3 – If an officer other than the President or a representative of a member conference Society on the Board of Directors cannot serve the full elected term, the vacancy shall be filled for the interim by appointment by the Board of Directors. The President-Elect shall serve as President if the President is unable to serve. This service shall not constitute his/her term as President. The replacement of a Regional Organizationmember Society representative shall be the responsibility of the organization Society concerned. One member-at- large of the Board of Directors shall be elected every other year to serve a four-year term.

Article XIII – Publications

Section 1 – One or more publications may be published by the Society as authorized by the Board of Directors. Each publication shall be under the direction of an Editor who will be appointed by the Board of Directors upon recommendation of the Director of Publications. The Director of Publications shall provide leadership in the formation of policy matters of all publications of the Society, but will not have the responsibility of editing a major periodical of the Society; shall recommend to the President candidates for appointment by the Board of Directors as Editor of Weed Science, Editor of Weed Technology, Editor of Invasive Plant Science and Management, and Editor of the WSSA Newsletter; and shall appoint Associate Editors of Weed Science, Weed Technology, and Invasive Plant Science and Management upon recommendation by the respective Editors. The Director of Publications will inform the President of the appointments.