WSPA Employment Fair 2017

(updated Jan 11, 2017)

Blow are the listing of the districts that will be attending the WSPA Employment Fair 2017. Districts were invited to provide their contact information and a brief description of the district.



Cooperative Educational Service Agency #5, located in South Central Wisconsin, provides services and support to 35 public school districts in Adams, Columbia, Dodge, Green Lake, Juneau, Marquette, Portage, Sauk, Waupaca, Waushara and Wood Counties. The agency office is located in the City of Portage (Columbia County), approximately thirty miles north of Madison.

Hiawatha Valley Education District (MN)

Nekoosa School District

Madison Metropolitan School District

Marathon County Special Education

Danny Powers

Marathon County Special Education provides comprehensive special education services to six rural school districts in north central Wisconsin. The opening is in Abbotsford, a progressive district of approximately 700 students, pre-k - 12, with a full time school psychologist, a staff of 7 special education teachers and 4 para-educators. Most services are provided in cross-categorical programs. Weekly onsite administrative support and mentoring is provided to the school psychologist weekly, and bi-weekly meetings are held with all of the MCSE psychologists for networking, support and information dissemination. Psychologists are asked to provide leadership and oversight to all special education staff and services.

Medford Area PublicSchool District

MIlwaukee Public Schools

Osceola School District


In collaboration with another school psychologist, this position plays an integral role in Response to Intervention, student groups, staff development, and special education evaluations/support. The district utilizies learning communities (PLCs) and Multi-tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS). This is a 192 day position. The Osceola School District is located approximately 50 miles northeast of the Twin Cities Metro Area in the beautiful St. Croix River Valley. You can enjoy the quiet of rural life and canoeing on the St. Croix River, enjoy snow activities at Trollhaugen Resort, or take a trip into the Cities for cultural events and shopping at the Mall of America.

School District of Beloit

Deetra Sallis, Executive Director of HR

Emily Pelz, Executive Director of Student Services

The School District of Beloit, a family of more than 7,000 students and 900 staff nestled in the heart of a thriving community in southern Wisconsin.We are a district of choice.We have programs for every child: advanced learning student options, online classes, all-day 4K, dual-language immersion, an advanced technical training center, a state-recognized intervention model and Ignite Beloit 1:1 iPad Learning initiative. The School District of Beloit consist of six primary schools, four intermediate schools, one high school, and for grades 6-12 a charter school an alternative program an a virtual school program.

School District of West De Pere

School District of Wisconsin Dells (SDWD)

Union Grove Special Education Consortium

Waukesha School District