Corson County Commission Proceedings December 28, 2012
The Corson County Board of Commissioners met at the Courthouse on December 28, 2012. Chairman Steve Keller called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. with Commissioners Darren Bauer, Shawn Hinsz, Mike Mickelson, and Don Pazie present.
Approve Minutes
All voted in favor of a motion to approve, as published, the minutes of the December 4 meeting.
Highway Report
Highway Superintendent Benny Joe Schell and Dave Lutz of Brosz Engineering discussed cost of various options for re-surfacing County Road 15. After discussing cost and the problems with enforcement of overweight and speed limits, Bauer made a motion, seconded by Hinsz, to accept Brosz Engineering specs with 1400’ of patching in areas that are broken up and patching wheel rutting with asphalt and seal coat. Hearing opposition, roll call vote: Pazie, yes; Bauer, yes; Hinsz, yes; Mickelson, no; Keller, yes. Motion carried.
Superintendent Schell informed the Commission that the gravel at the Donner pile has been exhausted. The new 2012 CAT loader with optional scale and printer has arrived and has been programmed for use.
Tax Deed Property
John Luke Flying Horse, Justin and Hattie Flying Horse discussed county tax deed property with the Commission. No action was taken.
Add Omitted Property
No one appeared for the hearing to add omitted property. All voted in favor of a motion by Bauer, seconded by Pazie, to add the following property to the tax roll:
Outlot F, McLaughlin City, belonging to Prairie Dog Land, LLC; value: $913
Lots 3 & 4 Block 4 OT Trail City belonging to Sarah Holt; value: $4936
Lots 9 thru 12 Block 4 OT Trail City belonging to James S. Dunn; value: $315
Undivided 1/45 interest in SW4 3-19-23 belonging to Roberta F. Compton; value: $530
Undivided 1/45 interest in SE4 4-19-23 belonging to Roberta F. Compton; value: $407
Undivided 1/15 interest in N2 8-19-23 belonging to Roberta F. Compton; value: $3114
Undivided 1/30 interest in S2S2N2SW4 16-19-23 belonging to Roberta F. Compton; value $123
Undivided 1/30 interest in S2 17-19-23 belonging to Roberta F Compton; value $1220
Undivided 1/45 interest Lot 17 14-20-22 belonging to Roberta F. Compton; value $22
Undivided 1/15 interest in Lot 20 14-20-22 belonging to Roberta F. Compton; value $46
Undivided 1/15 interest in Lot 33 14-20-22 belonging to Roberta F. Compton; value $40
Undivided 1/45 interest in Lot 5 10-20-23 belonging to Roberta F. Compton; value $12
Undivided 1/45 interest in Lot 7 10-20-23 belonging to Roberta F. Compton; value $15
Undivided 13/1890 interest in Lot 9 16-20-23 belonging to Roberta F. Compton; value $6
Undivided 1/15 interest in Lots 1 & 2, S2NE4 & SE4 2-21-22 belonging to Roberta F. Compton; value $1817
Undivided 1/15 interest in SW4 21-21-24 belonging to Roberta F. Compton; value $2115
Undivided 1/15 interest in NW4 32-22-24 belonging to Roberta F. Compton; value $1997
Undivided 13/945 interest in Lot 3 23-23-22 belonging to Roberta F. Compton; value $61
Plat Approval
Hinsz made a motion, seconded by Pazie, to approve the following resolution:
“Be it resolved that the County Commission in and for the County of Corson, does hereby approve the said Plat of Aberle Outlot 1 located in Government Lot 4 of the Southwest Quarter of Section 30, Township 18 North, Range 28 East of the Black Hills Meridian, Corson County, South Dakota.
On roll call vote: Pazie, yes; Bauer, yes: Hinsz, yes; Mickelson, yes; Keller, yes.
Assessor Brian Dreiske presented information on a new software program update. All voted in favor of a motion by Mickelson, seconded by Bauer, to authorize update of the assessor’s GIS software.
Jail Agreement
All voted in favor of a motion by Pazie, seconded by Hinsz, to sign the jail agreement with Walworth County effective January 1, 2013 until January 1, 2015.
Auto Supplement
All voted in favor of a motion by Bauer, seconded by Hinsz, to approve automatic supplement of the Homeland Security Budget (226-222-426) $22,425.96 from grant reimbursements.
All voted in favor of a motion by Mickelson, seconded by Bauer, to approve automatic supplement of the Sheriff Budget (101-211-426) $6,500 from the McLaughlin City Contract.
Contingency Transfer
All voted in favor of a motion by Mickelson, seconded by Bauer, to transfer $210 from the Commissioners Contingency budget (101-112-429) to Coroner’s Budget (101-213-426) and $2,243.35 to the Sheriff’s budget reflecting donations to the drug dog fund for 2011 and 2012.
Capital Projects Fund
Bauer made a motion, seconded by Mickelson, to close out the residual balance of the Capital Projects fund to the General Fund. All in favor.
Cash Transfer
Pazie made a motion, seconded by Hinsz, to transfer $590,000 cash from the General Fund to the Road and Bridge Fund. All in favor.
Commissioner Exited
Hinsz left the meeting.
Consensus was that all interest earnings should remain in the respective funds as allowed by statute.
Mickelson made a motion, seconded by Pazie, to designate $360,000 for future highway shop construction. All in favor.
4-H Shooting Sports
Dawn Robinson presented the Commission a copy of the Emergency Plan for the Shooting Sports program.
The following bills were presented and ordered paid out of their respective funds:
Salaries of officials and employees by department:
Commission 2000.00
Auditor 4764.06
Treasurer 4431.74
States Attorney 3336.66
General Government Buildings 3478.25
Director of Equalization Wages/Meals 3122.84
Register of Deeds 3880.50
Veterans Service Officer Wages 625.00
Sheriff 15688.68
Coroner Wages/Mileage 178.64
Extension/4-H Secretary 760.00
Weed & Pest Wages/Mileage 82.49
Road & Bridge 33408.99
E911 250.00
OASI 5420.87
South Dakota Retirement System 4337.00
Group Insurance 12612.44
Corson County Commission Proceedings December 28, 2012
A&B BUSINESS, INC 2208.32 Supplies, APPLIED CONCEPTS, INC 110.00 Power Cable, AVERA QUEEN OF PEACE 84.90 Lab Fees, DARREN BAUER 54.06 Meeting/Mileage, BEADLE'S SALES 599.29 Parts, MARVIN BERTSCH 482.00 Ins Reimbursement, VICKIE S. BROZ KRAUSE 843.78 Court Appointed Attorney Fees, BUTLER MACHINERY 409.78 Parts, COMMUNITIES AGAINST VIOLENCE 740.00 2012 Marriage/Divorce Fees, CENTURYLINK 598.06 Monthly Service Fee, CHARLES DUTT ELECTRIC 238.88 Lights, CITY OF MCINTOSH 130.50 Utilities, CITY OF MCLAUGHLIN 77.27 Utilities, COMMUNICATIONS CENTER, INC 4386.63 Parts/Labor, THE CURRENT CONNECTION 421.86 Ink Cartridges, DAKOTA COMMUNICATIONS 2728.80 Radio Programming, DAKOTA OIL 846.27 Shop Supplies, DAVIS/KUELTHAU 135.00 Attorney Fees, DEPT OF LEGISLATIVE AUDIT 8008.50 2010-2011 Legislative Audit, FARMERS UNION OIL 845.86 Supplies-Grease, Battery, VERONICA FISH 133.00 Transcripts, G & O PAPER SUPPLIES 516.20 Supplies, GRAND RIVER FIRE DEPARTMENT 1100.00 Budget Request, GTC AUTO PARTS INC 350.35 Supplies, SHAWN HINSZ 26.27 Mileage, STEPHEN KELLER 323.48 De-Icer Kit/Mileage, KNIGHT SECURITY INC. 2307.00 Supplies/Labor, LAR-JO'S 904.56 Record Book, LARRY JENSEN MOTORS 139.86 Shop Supplies, LIGHT & SIREN 600.41 Lightbar, CHRIS LYNCH 69.60 Meeting/Mileage, MCINTOSH CO-OP 28323.15 Gasoline, Diesel, Parts, MCINTOSH PROPANE 935.28 Propane, MCINTOSH WATAUGA EQUITY 25.50 Supplies, MCLEOD'S PRINTING & SUPPLY 55.28 Tax Forms, Appointment Book, MONTANA DAKOTA UTILITIES 1670.63 Utilities, MIKE MICKELSON 88.80 Mileage, MIDWEST DOORS 383.54 Shop Supplies, SID MILLIKEN 74.04 Meeting/Mileage, CORSON SIOUX NEWS MESSENGER 552.72 Publishing/Ballots/Paper, NW TIRE INC 18232.99 Tires/O Rings, DONALD PAZIE 53.28 Mileage, PHILS JACK & JILL 321.22 Cleaning Supplies/Coffee, JASON KELLER 685.25 Labor/Supplies, PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION INC 16.37 Cylinder Rental, RETRIEVER LLC 2150.00 Conversion Kits, RUNNINGS FARM & FLEET 287.75 Supplies, SCHREIBER LAW FIRM 482.80 Court Appointed Attorney Fees, SD STATES ATTORNEY ASSOCIATION 712.00 Membership Dues, SD ASSOC OF HIGHWAY SUPT 225.00 2013 SDACHS/NACE Dues, RUBEN SPEIDEL 74.78 Meeting/Mileage, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION 3000.00 Software Upgrade, TIMBER LAKE TOPIC 50.00 Publishing, TITAN MACHINERY 547.29 Supplies, TRUENORTH STEEL 203.10 Supplies, WALWORTH COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPT 150.00 Prisoner Care, WESTERN COMMUNICATIONS 92.00 OEM Radio Installation, SUNLIFE ASSURANCE 5.50 Partial Life Insurance Premium, AFLAC 65.66 Partial Cancer/Intensive Care Premium, US POSTAL SERVICE 1284.75 Pre-stamped Envelopes, CORSON COUNTY TREASURER 68.06 Partial Payment Release, MOBRIDGE REGIONAL HOSPITAL 125.25 Lab Fees, MCINTOSH POSTMASTER 605.00 Postage Stamps
Mickelson made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Bauer.
Dorothy Schuh, Corson County Auditor Stephen Keller, Commission Chairman
Published once at the total approximate cost of $