Press release

Arburg United Kingdom celebrates 25th anniversary

  • High-ranking delegation: Managing Partners Juliane and Eugen Hehl extend their congratulations on the silver anniversary
  • Festive celebration: exclusive evening event with presentation of the traditional anniversary sculpture
  • Practical applications: Open House event with exhibits and presentations

Lossburg/Warwick, 22 May 2018

Arburg Ltd. in Warwick celebrates its 25th anniversary in 2018. In order to celebrate this special anniversary in fitting style, the subsidiary organised a two-day eventwith some 90 guests on 15th and 16th May 2018. During an exclusive evening event, Arburg Managing Partner Juliane Hehl presented the traditional anniversary sculpture to Colin Tirel, Managing Director of Arburg Ltd. The Open House event afforded customers and partners the opportunity to witness the performance of the machines and the expertise of Arburg for themselves on the basis of exhibits and applications, as well as numerous expert presentations.

In her address, Managing Partner Juliane Hehl referred to the importance of the Arburg "Wir sind da." brand promise, which expresses the values that Arburg has always stood for. "We are uncompromisingly committed to the interests of our customers and partners worldwide, everywhere and at all times," explained Juliane Hehl, emphasising that the Arburg team in the UK had been proving this to customers on a daily basis for the last 25 years.

Thanks to both staff and customers

Following a speech full of gratitude and praise, Juliane Hehl presented the anniversary sculpture to Colin Tirel, Managing Director of Arburg Ltd. as a gesture of thanks and recognition for the successful work and as motivation for the future. The high-ranking delegation from the German parent company included not only the real founder of the subsidiary, Eugen Hehl, but also Managing Director Sales Gerhard Böhm and European Director Sales Stephan Doehler. Speaking on behalf of the entire company, Gerhard Böhm thanked the customers from the UK and Ireland for their trusting and successful cooperation over the past decades, before looking back over the successful history of the subsidiary.

Several successful decades in the market

The success story began with the sale of the first Allrounder injection moulding machine to the UK in 1967. Initially, the customers received support via a trading partner. Over the years, however, not only did the overall plastics processing market grow, but also Arburg's market share. Consequently, 25 years ago, the decision was taken to found a fully owned subsidiary. The transition was seamless, as all employees of the trading partner responsible for Arburg were taken on. At the time, the subsidiary began with an 18-strong, experienced team headed up by Frank Davis. Much to the delight of Juliane and Eugen Hehl, Frank Davis was present as a surprise guest at the anniversary celebration. One of the milestones was the construction of a dedicated building in Warwick, during the inauguration of which in 1999, a member of the British Royal Family, Her Royal Highness Princess Anne, was in attendance.

Extensive range of services

Since 2005, Colin Tirel has been at the helm of the subsidiary, continuing its success story. Today, the Arburg team has a total of 26 employees, 17 of whom work in after-sales. In this area, Arburg Ltd. offers its UK and Irish customers a hotline manned by specialists, expert service technicians, application engineering consulting, a showroom with Allrounders for testing customer moulds, a well-stocked spare parts warehouse and a wide range of training courses.

Representation in all industries

In addition to the mostly small to medium-sized companies, each with only a single site in Great Britain or Ireland, the customer portfolio also includes some very large global players with worldwide production operations. These produce parts for the automotive, electronics, packaging and medical technology sectors. The main focus is on the production of thermoplastic parts, but in recent years, the areas of LSR processing and multi-component injection moulding have grown. One of the trends in the UK and Ireland is towards larger, multi-cavity moulds. Arburg is well positioned to cope with this, thanks to the extension of the clamping force range up to 6,500 kN. An expert is available in the field of automation to advise and support customers, while the use of the Freeformer for industrial additive manufacturing will be further promoted in 2018 with a number of events.

Plastic processing in theory and practice

In order to demonstrate Arburg's pioneering role in many areas, its comprehensive range of products and services, as well as its extensive expertise, during the evening event, subsidiary manager Colin Tirel provided an overview of the technological innovations at Arburg, as well as the company's development over the past decades. In addition to this, the agenda for the open house event the next day included the presentation of exhibits and a series of lectures by external and internal experts. "Our anniversary event was a complete success," said Colin Tirel. "We welcomed some 90 guests over the two days and were thus able to personally thank many of our customers for their excellent cooperation during the past decades as well as showcasing ideas for future projects based on the exhibits and presentations."


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Ceremonial presentation of the anniversary sculpture "25 years of Arburg Ltd." (from right to left): Eugen and Juliane Hehl, Managing Partners, Stephan Doehler, European Director Sales, Colin Tirel, Managing Director Arburg Ltd., Gerhard Böhm, Managing Director Sales, and Frank Davis, former subsidiary manager.


Press release

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Press office

Susanne Palm

Dr Bettina Keck

Postfach 1109

72286 Lossburg

Tel.: +49 (0) 7446 33-3463

Tel.: +49 (0) 7446 33-3259

About Arburg

A German family-owned company, Arburg is one of the leading global manufacturers of plastic processing machines. The product portfolio encompasses Allrounder injection moulding machines with clamping forces of between 125 and 6,500 kN, the Freeformer for industrial additive manufacturing and robotic systems, customer and industry-specific turnkey solutions and further peripheral equipment.

The company places the topic of production efficiency at the centre of all its activities, taking into account the entire value-added chain. The objective is to enable Arburg customers to manufacture their plastic products, whether as one-off parts or in high-volume production, with optimal quality and at minimum unit costs –
e.g. for the automotive and packaging industries, communication and entertainment electronics, medical technology and the white goods sector.

An international sales and service network ensures first-class customer support at the local level: Arburg is represented by fully owned organisations at 33 locations in 25 countries and by trading partners in more than 50 countries. The machines are produced exclusively at the parent company in Lossburg, Germany. Of a total of around 2,800 employees, about 2,300 work in Germany. About 500 further employees work in Arburg's organisations around the world. In 2012, Arburg became one of the first companies to gain triple certifications: ISO 9001 (quality), ISO 14001 (environment) and ISO 50001 (energy).

Further information about Arburg can be found at

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