Writing Story – Stages - Sports Chapter 1
Criteria / You are a great presenter!6-10 points / Good, but could use improvement.
0-5 points
Topic/Purpose / Purpose established, topic stated / Purpose and topic unknown
Verbal Delivery
(pitch, speed, volume, tone) / Good pitch, speed, volume, & tone / Pitch too high or low; speed too fast or slow; volume too loud or soft
Nonverbal Delivery
(facial expression, eye contact, posture, gestures) / Smiles, good eye contact, stands up straight, good hand gestures / Does not smile ever; reads from notes, does not look at audience; sways or rocks; hand gestures distract from speech
Give examples of nonverbal cues used / 1. 3.
2. 4. / 1. 3.
2. 4.
Language / Correct grammar; appropriate expressions, ideas clearly stated, easy to listen to / Inappropriate expressions, slang, and contractions (isn’t, ain’t, won’t) used; frequent use of filler words such as “um” and “uh”
Visual Aids / A visual aid or electronic presentation is used / No visual aids used
Introduction / Creative, gets attention, is written in a paragraph on notes / Boring, nonexistent
Content/Body / Organized; complete; connections made; clear and interesting facts stated; examples provided / Unorganized, incomplete, no examples
Conclusion / Wraps up all points, is written in paragraph form in notes / Abrupt, no conclusion, no paragraph
Length of Presentation / 2 or more minutes in length / Less than two minutes in length
Notes / Typed/written copy of story is submitted / Typed/Written copy of story is submitted
Total Points
Adapted from lesson prepared by Summer Rogers, Chapel Hill High School, Georgia, GACTE Summer Workshop