
HTML Session #1

January 27, 2009 - Procurement Division

Some discussion topics, with page numbers in parenthesis.

  1. HTML in reference to your job at DGS
  2. MS Applications vs. HTML vs. CMS
  3. Lower case TAGS – always open and closed, with no exceptions

Chapter 1- Some Introduction

  1. Attributes vs. Values (27). Some predefined, others not.
  2. Parent vs. embedded children (29)
    <div> <b> Title </b> </div>
  3. Folder vs. Filename (all in lower case) (32)
  4. Email Address vs. URL (33)
  5. DOCTYPE vs. Quirk mode (60)
    Do all browsers render HTML code the same way in all monitors?
  6. Cascading style sheets – later (41)

Chapter 2 - Website Navigation (mostly later)

  1. Create a page in Notepad vs. Content Management System
    (Start/New Programs/ Accessories/Notepad)
    Use only a text editor not a word processor.
  2. ‘Save’ vs. ‘Save as’. HTML is not like Microsoft (50)
  3. Edit a page (45)
  4. View a page in the Browser (56) vs. “View Source’

Chapter 3 –Create a New Page (60)

<html> <head> <title> Exercise One </title>


<body> Some great reading content or the CMS Placeholder



  1. *Header tag <h1> <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6> (65)
    <h1> is largest; <h3> is normal; <h6> is smallest
  2. *Paragraph tag <p> </p> (66)
  3. Separate a page into blocks or Divisions with the <div> tag (68)
    Generally used with some labeling such as class or id (later).
  4. Create inline sections with <span> </span> (69)
  5. Create a line Break or carriage return with <br /> (70)
  6. Comment out some content or code with
    <!-- This content can no longer be displayed - (71)

Chapter 4 – Basic Formatting (74)

  1. Make text Bold or Italic with <b> </b>, <i> </i> (73)
  2. Make text a quotation with <blockquote> </blockquote> (78)
  3. Use Superscripts or Subscripts with <sup> </sup>, <sub> </sub> (80)
  4. Explain an Acronym or an Abbreviation with <acronym>, <abbr> (82)
    <abbr title=”Department of General Services”>DGS</abbr>
  5. Tell the screen reader that a phrase is in a Language other than English.
    <span lang=”fr”> force majeure</span> (79)
  6. Draw a line with <hr / (115)
    Use attributes=values such as width=75%, size=1, align=center.
    * Tag can be align=left, align=center, or align=right.

HTML Session #1

Coding Exercise #1

The French phrase for “You are welcome” is not “s'il vous plait”. It is not “Por favor” either. The French do not commonly use courteous phrases with tourists.

People in the UK do not speak English because their 1st king spoke no English. He worshipped nature in a Danish-like language.

Between the first and second Division blocks above, please hide a sentence that identifies you but isnot displayed on this page. You will need to comment it out.

Here is one of my favorite quotations and it is center justified:

“Jews do not recognize Jesus as the Messiah.

Protestants do not recognize the Pope as leader of the Christian faith.

Baptists do not recognize each other in liquor store.”

Date: January 27, 2009

Name: First Last

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