Writing a Summary Using Key Words and Phrases Lesson Plan
Name: L. Breach / Subject: Social Studies /ELA / Grade: 6Lesson Title / Summarizing Finding Queen Nefertiti’s Tomb - Day 2
Newsela Article / Mystery of Ancient Egyptian Tomb
(Lexile 950)
Learning Objective
A statement(s) about what students will learn from this particular activity / Today I am learning … to use key words and phrases to write a summary.
So I can… summarize an article authentically and avoid plagiarism.
I know I understand when … I can write a 1-2 paragraph summary of the article.
Students will be able to … write a summary of an article using keywords and phrases in the text.
Learning Standard / CCSS – ELA RL.2
Determine a theme or central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments.
CCSS – RH.6-8.1
Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources.
Lesson Content
How will you introduce the lesson to your students? How will you teach them the skills they need to be successful? How will you allow students to practice the skilled they learned with Newsela’s Write feature? How will you assess mastery? / Direct Instruction:
● Yesterday we expanded our understanding of the archaeologist's potential discoveries in Egypt. We identified the key words and phrases which supported the central idea of the text.
● Why did we use key words and phrases as opposed to highlighting whole sentences?
●It saved time as we will only be highlighting the most important information.
●Today it will also make is easier to use this information to write a summary. When we use key words and phrases, we avoid plagiarism (explain this concept). If we copy or highlight complete sentences from the text, these complete sentences will wind up in our summary. When we use key words and phrases we need to then construct our own sentences which will help insure that it is in our own words.
● We will return to our highlighted article: Mystery of ancient Egypt solved? (950L)
● Today we will be writing about the central idea of this text, Queen Nefertiti’s tomb may be hidden behind King Tut’s tomb.
● You are going to use your highlighted information to write a 1-2 paragraph summary about this article.
● I will return to my highlighted words in the first two paragraphs:
Egyptian Queen Nefertititomb hidden. / Nefertiti family KingTutankhamun,
ArchaeologistReeves claimsfound tomb. near resting place of Tut.
radar scans, foundcracksmay indicateconcealed doors.
● I will use this to create my summary:
For years archeologists wondered where Queen Nefertiti was buried. People believe the location of her tomb was kept secret. Recently, an archaeologist, Mr. Reeves, said he believes he has discovered where she was buried. While using radar scans, he uncovered cracks in the walls near the tomb of King Tut. He suspects these cracks are evidence of hidden doors and behind these doors is the Queen’s tomb.
● How did I make this summary my own? I used synonyms (hidden – kept secret, found – uncovered). I added some background (first 2 sentences). Other options – I can change the order of how I present the information – write about discovery first and then give background.
Student Practice:
● Now you will take the next section of highlighted text and create a 1-2 sentence summary. Try the strategies of using synonyms and changing the order.
One door could lead to storeroom,/ larger door could lead to remains of Nefertiti.
● Have students share their examples.
● Directions: (Teacher Note: Share as instructions on Newsela article)
○ Now return to the words you highlighted yesterday and continue writing your summary.
●Option 1: Provide a Google Doc with the all key words and phrases from article (prior day’s lesson) and have students work directly on the document.
●Option 2: Have students write summary as Writing Prompt on Newsela. They will save and share to add to their Binder for teacher review.
Guided Questions:
● Why are the challenges to writing this summary?
● What strategies are most helpful for you?
● How can you write your sentences in a new way?
● Students will be able to write a unique sentence for each of the highlighted sections.
● Students will share their examples. with their tables, then whole class.
What scaffolds can be included to support learners? Can you anticipate different reading level for students? / ● Work with small groups and share synonyms. Ask students to verbalize their ideas before writing it down.
● Prompts: How else can I say/write this?
● Provide Google Document with all key words and phrases already typed. Divide into sections and have students write one sentence at a time.
How can you support high level learners? Can you anticipate reading level and Writing Prompt to challenge? / ● Increase Reading Level (1140 and higher based on appropriate Reading Levels).
● Have students expand their writing by adding appositives and higher level synonyms
● Assigned second article from yesterday: Remains of 4 leaders identified at early English settlement of Jamestown
Remains of 4 Leaders identified in Jamestown Settlement (Lexile 1130)
○ Have students return to work from yesterday and practice writing a summary from key words and phrases.