Safety in Mines Research Advisory Committee

Final Project Report

A holistic assessment of SIMRAC

rock-related research to date

R.J. Durrheim, E.T. Brown, P.K. Kaiser

and H. Wagner

Research agency:CSIR

Project number:SIM 04 02 06

Date:February 2006

Executive summary

Since the establishment of the South African Safety in Mines Research Advisory Committee (SIMRAC) in 1991, more than R250 million has been spent on rock-related research, representing some 500 man-years of effort. The improvement in injury and fatality rates was initially disappointing, but the coal sector has shown a marked improvement since 1999 and the gold sector since 2003. This study seeks to assess holistically the scope, quality, and impact of the SIMRAC research programme to ensure that the maximum benefit is derived from past work, and that future research work is appropriately directed. The information, conclusions, and recommendations contained in this report are intended to support SIMRAC decision makers for the next decade, at least.

The Status Report enables stakeholders to derive the maximum benefit from SIMRAC’s past investment in rock-related research by structuring and analysing the large body of completed work and work in progress. SIMRAC projects have been reviewed, evaluated, and compared with similar efforts in Australia, Canada, and Europe, as well as several local collaborative research programmes (DeepMine, FutureMine, Coaltech 2020 and PlatMine). The evaluation by an independent panel of international experts ensures that the assessment is unbiased and benchmarked against global best practice. It has been concluded that SIMRAC has succeeded in identifying the major research needs and has conducted a comprehensive programme of research. SIMRAC has contributed to the emergence of new technologies, such as systems for seismic monitoring and analysis, dip-pillar mining layouts, preconditioning, and prestressed elongates. SIMRAC research has also contributed to the work of the collaborative research programmes and the formulation of the codes of practice to combat rockfall and rockburst accidents. The relatively small impact on safety statistics is attributed to: the increasing depth of mining; the increasing proportion of remnant and pillar mining; the long lead-time for new knowledge to be implemented; and shortcomings in the knowledge and technology transfer process. It must be noted that implementation is not driven by researchers, but by industry and regulators. It has been found that the scope and quality of the research work is comparable to efforts in Australia, Canada, and Europe.

The Foresight Report is intended to enable SIMRAC to deploy funds and resources optimally in future, ensuring that any important knowledge and technology gaps are filled, and that research efforts are strategically focused. It is recommended that SIMRAC’s mandate be reviewed to recognise the critical importance of rejuvenating competence. Greater emphasis must be placed on knowledge and technology transfer and implementation, though new funds will have to be sought for implementation activities, as the research budget has declined to a dangerously low level. It is desirable that universities play a larger role in the research endeavour so that the pool of highly qualified rock engineering practitioners is enlarged. Focus areas for research remain the measures to mitigate and manage the rockburst and rockfall risk. Emerging rock-related hazards associated with coal pillar and multi-seam mining, small-scale mining, and deep platinum mining should be proactively addressed. The research portfolio should cover the entire innovation cycle, ranging from basic science, engineering, risk assessment, and human issues, to technology transfer and the assessment of the impact of implemented technologies.

The Status Report and Foresight Report are supplemented by a Powerpoint slide show that makes the findings explicit to high-level decision makers who are not rock engineering specialists.


The authors are indebted to the following individuals who provided valuable insights into the research endeavour in general and rock-related research in particular.

Adams, DuncanMine Health & Safety Council

Baxter, RogerChamber of Mines of South Africa

Beukes, JohannCoaltech 2020

*Bosman, KoosOpen House Management Solutions

*Day, AlanLonmin

*Diering, DavidAnglogold Ashanti

*Dunn, MichaelAnglogold Ashanti

*Ebrahim-Trollope, Ms ShanaGeoHydroSeis c.c.

*Gcilitshana, EricNational Union of Mineworkers

Granville, Dr ArnoldCSIR Mining Technology

Jager, TonyCSIR Mining Technology

James, Dr JohnPlatMine

Johnson, Roger Anglo Platinum

*Klokow, JohanGold Fields

Makuluma, Dr HlombeCSIR Mining Technology

Molapo, Dr MatselisoCSIR Mining Technology

*Laas, JohanAnglogold Ashanti

*Minney, DaveAnglocoal

*Morallana, JosephNational Union of Mineworkers

Roberts, Dr MikeCSIR Mining Technology

*Rymon-Lipinsky, Dr WoodyDepartment of Minerals and Energy

Spottiswoode, Dr SteveCSIR Mining Technology

*Stacey, Prof. DickUniversity of the Witwatersrand

Strydom, JohanCSIR Defence Technology

Taute, Dr BarendCSIR Crime Prevention Centre

Van der Heever, PaulMine Health & Safety Council

*Van der Merwe, Prof. NielenUniversity of Pretoria

Van der Woude, SietseChamber of Mines of South Africa

Van Niekerk, Ms ElnaCSIR Transportation Technology

*Van Wijk, JohannBHP Billiton

Venter, Dr PieterCSIR Transportation Technology

* indicates persons interviewed as part of the Survey of Stakeholders (see Appendix D).



Executive summary



List of figures

List of tables



2.1Literature survey

2.2Research inventory

2.3International review panel

2.4Sense-making techniques

2.4.1Mind map

2.4.2Cynefin framework

2.4.3Scenario planning and technology roadmapping

2.4.4Knowledge fingerprinting and mining

2.5Survey of stakeholders

3Status Report: A holistic assessment of rock-related research

3.1SIMRAC (1991 – present)

3.1.1Background and mission


3.1.3Review of SIMRAC processes and outputs of research needs research research / engineering factor assessment of knowledge and technology the impact of research

3.2Other research programmes

3.2.1Chamber of Mines Research Organisation (1964 - 1993)

3.2.2DeepMine (1998 - 2002) of geological structures ahead of mining layouts and methods support management development and support of men, material and rock transfer

3.2.3FutureMine (2001 - 2004) methods and systems processes

3.2.4Coaltech 2020 (1999 - present) reserve utilization mining mining environment and social aspects

3.2.5PlatMine (2003 - present) support characterisation design

3.2.6Shotcrete working group

3.2.7International collaborative research projects earthquake generation experiments active faults in South African mines

3.3Emerging technologies for the prevention and control of rockbursts

3.3.1Mine planning and development

3.3.2Macro-layouts and regional support

3.3.3Micro-layouts and local support

3.3.4Rockbreaking technologies


3.4Research resources

3.4.1Human resources


3.4.3Equipment and facilities


3.5.1Stakeholder perceptions of research and quality of research / SIMPROSS processes / technology transfer and implementation

3.5.2International review panel of research management and resources and quality of research / technology transfer and implementation

3.6Findings of research and quality of research, SIMPROSS & research supplier issues resources

4Foresight Report: Priorities for rock-related research

4.1Trends in the mining industry

4.1.1Global trends Sources Trends trends factors prospects for rock-related research

4.1.2South African trends Sources and political trends challenges and trends factor

4.2Lessons from other endeavours to improve safety and health

4.2.1Crime Prevention

4.2.2Road safety

4.2.3HIV/AIDS management

4.2.4Common themes

4.3Research priorities



4.3.3A proactive approach




4.4.2Research, development and implementation strategy

4.4.3Research management




A - Catalogue of rock-related research projects

B - Directory of researchers

C – Inventory of research equipment and facilities

D – Survey of stakeholders


Mr Koos Bosman

Mr Alan Day

Mr David Diering

Messrs Michael Dunn and Johan Laas

Ms Shana Ebrahim-Trollope

Messrs Joseph Morallana and Eric Gcilitshana

Mr Johan Klokow

Mr Dave Minney

Dr. Wlodzimierz Rymon-Lipinski

Prof. Dick Stacey

Prof. Nielen van der Merwe

Mr Johann van Wijk

E – Report: Prof. E. T. Brown

F – Report: Prof. P. K. Kaiser

G – Report: Prof. H. Wagner

H – Research contract


List of figures


Figure 1.1 Occupational health and safety performance milestones for the different mining sectors (figure courtesy of D. Adams, MHSC, 2005)

Figure 1.2 Gold mining sector accident analysis (Adams & Van der Heever, 2001)

Figure 1.3 Rockburst fatality rate 1984-2002 (Van der Heever, 2004)

Figure 2.1 Mind map showing the rationale and methodology for rock-related research

Figure 3.1 SIMRAC research portfolio (Van der Heever, 2004)

Figure 3.2 SIMRAC rock engineering strategic effort matrix 2000-2002 (Adams & Van der Heever, 2001)

List of tables

Table 2.1: Planning Tools

Table 3.1: SIMRAC scheme to categorise rock-related research projects.

Table 3.2: “Mind map” scheme to categorise rock-related research projects

Table 3.3: Technologies for managing the rockburst risk that have emerged in the last two decades

Table 3.4: Summary of directory of rock-related researchers, 1993-2005


The Safety in Mines Research Advisory Committee (SIMRAC) was established in 1991 to advise the Mine Health and Safety Council (MHSC). SIMRAC’s task is to formulate research programmes that will produce tools and understanding to eliminate, control or minimise the occupational health and safety risk at mines and to oversee the implementation of the research programmes. The first research projects started in 1993. Since then SIMRAC has spent more than R250 million on rock-related research, representing some 500 man-years of effort. The improvement in injury and fatality rates was initially disappointing, but the coal sector has shown a marked improvement since 1999 and the gold sector since 2002 (Figure 1). There is no place for complacency, however, as some 100 lives continue to be lost annually due to rockfalls and rockbursts. SIMRAC commissioned this project to assess its efforts and achievements during the first decade of operation, and to provide guidance that will enable it to deploy its resources optimally in the future.

Figure 1.1 Occupational health and safety performance milestones for the different mining sectors (figure courtesy of D. Adams, MHSC, 2005)

In this study, SIMRAC processes and research outputs are benchmarked against local collaborative research programmes that have run concurrently (DeepMine, FutureMine, Coaltech 2020 and PlatMine), as well as global best practice. In the making of comparisons, it is important to note that there are some essential differences between mining practice in South Africa and in countries such as Australia, Canada, and the USA, particularly with regard to the gold and platinum sectors.

  • The ore bodies of the Witwatersrand Basin and Bushveld Complex are shallow dipping, tabular with vast lateral extent, and extend to great depth.
  • The South African mining industry has traditionally been labour intensive. While the number of employees has declined substantially since the 1970s owing to a contraction of the gold mining sector, the number of workers going underground daily in gold mines still exceeds 200000.
  • The ore bodies are not easily amenable to mechanisation, as the rock is generally hard, abrasive, and brittle and the ore zones are narrow.

It is crucial that these differences in ore bodies and mining practices are appreciated when international benchmarking is carried out, as it is likely that factors other than the scope and quality of research contribute to differences in safety statistics, e.g. mining methods, training, work organisation, regulations and enforcement.

The rock-related fatality rate (rockfalls plus rockbursts) for the gold-mining sector has fluctuated between 0,52 and 0,76 fatalities per 1000 workers per annum during the nine-year period 1992-2000 (Figure 1.2). Taking a longer 20-year view, however, it is evident that there has been a reduction in the rockburst fatality rate as a function of production, despite the increasing depth of mining and larger percentage of extraction, which, other factors being constant, would be expected to increase the incidence of rockbursts and associated casualties (Figure 1.3). While the average annual expenditure by SIMRAC on rock-related research (about R20 million per annum from 1993-2004) is quite substantial, it should be borne in mind that the mining industry generates about 7 per cent of South Africa’s gross domestic product, supplies about a third of South Africa’s exports, and employs over 400000 people. To give illustrative figures, total mineral sales in 2000 amounted to R98,4 billion and total direct taxation paid by the mining sector was R2,5 billion (Chamber of Mines of South Africa, 2000). In 2003/4 the total SIMRAC levy amounted to R38 million. There were 420000 mine employees, yielding an average level of research funding of R90 per employee per annum(Mine Health & Safety Council, 2004: 20).

Figure 1.2 Gold mining sector accident analysis (Adams & Van der Heever, 2001)

Figure 1.3 Rockburst fatality rate 1984-2002 (Van der Heever, 2004)

Essentially, this investigation seeks to answer four main questions:

  1. Did SIMRAC address the most important issues? The scope of the programme and the processes used to identify research needs are reviewed.
  2. Did the researchers succeed in filling the identified knowledge and technology gaps? The quality of the research work and the efficiency of its execution are evaluated.
  3. Were the research findings effectively transferred to practitioners and implemented on mines? If not, what has hindered knowledge transfer and implementation, and how can these be improved?
  4. How should SIMRAC direct the rock-related research effort in the next decade? Trends in the global and local mining industry are reviewed and research priorities identified.

The research methodology is first described. A Status Report that analyses and evaluates the large body of completed work and work in progress is then presented, followed by a Foresight Report that identifies future research needs. Finally, the findings and recommendations are summarised. A catalogue of all rock-related research projects, a directory of researchers, an inventory of research equipment and facilities, transcripts of interviews with stakeholders, reports submitted by members of the international review panel, and the contractual project outputs are appended to the report.


2.1Literature survey

The research work into rockbursting and seismicity in mines sponsored by SIMRAC and DeepMine has been reviewed by Adams & Van der Heever (2001) and Durrheim (2001), respectively. Ortlepp (2005) has reviewed the global research effort in the field of mine seismology since the early 1980s, recorded in the proceedings of the quadrennial Symposium on Rockbursts and Seismicity in Mines. This report builds on these reviews, with the contributions by the members of the review panel (see 2.3 below) providing an up-to-date international perspective.

Glaser & Doolin (2000) report on a forum held by the American Rock Mechanics Association, where it was concluded that fundamental improvements in in situ rock mass characterisation were of the utmost importance and should be the primary goal of future research.

SIMRAC has taken stock of its efforts before. Several audits and reviews have been commissioned covering projects, themes, mining sectors, and even the entire mining research endeavour.

  • Individual projects: Projects GAP 345 (1997) and GAP 346 (1997) audited the project GAP 017 (Seismology for rockburst prevention, control and prediction, 1996).
  • Themes: Project GAP 816a (2002) reviewed past SIMRAC work addressing stope and gully support, and project GAP 816b (2002) reviewed past SIMRAC work addressing seismology and mine layout design.
  • Mining sectors: Project GAP 730 (2001) sought to establish the effectiveness of SIMRAC research in improving safety in the gold and platinum sectors by means of interviews with representatives of government, labour, and mining companies, while COL 620 summarises all coal-related work.
  • Mining industry: SIM 020905 (postgraduate study, in progress) reviews the evolution of mining research in South Africa.

This assessment has a considerably greater scope than any of these earlier studies. Firstly, all rock-related research work conducted by the SIMRAC programme is reviewed in the context of other local and international research programmes. Secondly, this study not only reviews past research, but also seeks to establish a research strategy for the future. Lastly, the report also considers SIMRAC processes used to identify research needs, monitor progress, and transfer knowledge and technology.

2.2Research inventory

All relevant SIMRAC, DeepMine, FutureMine, Coaltech 2020 and PlatMine projects were reviewed and classified according to their content. This represents a vast body of information. SIMRAC has published more than 180 final reports on rock-related projects with another 30-or-so projects in progress, representing well over 500 man-years of effort. The collaborative research programmes have published more than 70 reports. The research reports are catalogued in Appendix A. In addition, a directory of researchers was compiled, indicating their current status (Appendix B), and an inventory of research equipment and facilities was drawn up (Appendix C).

2.3International review panel

A feature of this project is the participation by a panel of international experts to ensure that the assessment is unbiased and benchmarked against global best practice. The criteria for selecting the panel were:

  • Outstanding credentials as researchers and leaders in the international rock engineering community;
  • Knowledge of the South African mining scene;
  • Knowledge of the international mining scene with respect to trends in technology and research; and
  • Sufficient geographic spread to allow the work done under the auspices of SIMRAC to be benchmarked against international best practice.

A list of potential members of the review panel was tabled at the meeting of the SIMRAC Rock Engineering Technical Advisory Committee held on 19 May 2004, and the committee members indicated their preferences. All first choice candidates indicated their willingness to participate. They are:

  • Professor Horst Wagner (Austria) is Head of the Department of Mining Engineering at Leoben University. He is also chairman of the Commission for Basic Research on Mineral Raw Materials of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. Prof. Wagner has extensive experience of the South African mining sector. He joined the Chamber of Mines Research Organisation in the 1960s, and made significant contributions to rock mechanics research, particularly in the fields of coal and deep gold mining. He served as Director of the Chamber of Mines Research Organisation from 1986 to 1988 and Senior General Manager (Operations) of the Chamber of Mines from 1988 to 1993.
  • Professor Peter Kaiser (Canada), President of Laurentian University's Mining Innovation, Rehabilitation and Applied Research Corporation (MIRARCO), Professor of Mining Engineering and Chair for Rock Engineering and Ground Control. Professor Kaiser is a specialist in applied research for mining. His particular interests lie in geomechanics, mine design, and applications of new technologies to mining operations in order to increase safety and productivity. He brings extensive experience to this area from both the industrial and academic sectors, having served as consultant to numerous consulting engineers, mines, and public agencies. Dr. Kaiser is the author of approximately 150 technical and scientific publications in the field of geomechanics. He is a Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada and of the Canadian Academy of Engineers.
  • Professor E T (Ted) Brown (Australia) is a graduate of the Universities of Melbourne (BE 1960; MEngSc 1964), Queensland (PhD 1969) and London (DSc (Eng) 1985). He began his career in the State Electricity Commission of Victoria’s brown coal mining operations. After several years at what became James Cook University in Townsville, he went to the Royal School of Mines, Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, in 1975. He was appointed Professor of Rock Mechanics in 1979 and served as Dean of the Royal School of Mines (1983-1986) and Head, Department of Mineral Resources Engineering (1985-1987). In September 1987, Professor Brown returned to Australia as the University of Queensland’s Dean of Engineering. He became Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the University in 1990 and Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor in 1996. He retired from that position in 2001 to resume his career in engineering practice as a Senior Consultant with Golder Associates Pty Ltd, and as a research consultant with the University’s Strategic Minerals Institute and the Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre. Professor Brown has wide international experience as a researcher, teacher, consultant, and writer on rock mechanics and its applications in the mining, civil engineering and energy resources industries. He is the co-author with Evert Hoek of the book, Underground Excavations in Rock, and with Barry Brady of Rock Mechanics for Underground Mining, the third edition of which was published recently. He is the author of Block Caving Geomechanics published in 2003, and the editor of several other volumes.

The reports produced by the members of the International Review Panel are synthesized in the body of the main report, and included verbatim in Appendices E, F, and G.