Writing a Junior Review Statement (Media and Design)
A junior review statement provides a context for the discussion of your work and your education (past and future) at MCAD, as well as conversation about short term and long term goals. In your junior review statement, you will want to introduce the committee to your history as a student, and outline your specific interests, regarding your work. Below are samples of each section that you can adapt for your specific needs.
Section 1: Brief narrative about MCAD career up to now.
Can include:
_ Reason for choosing major.
_ Skills acquired and how.
EXAMPLE: As a freshman at MCAD I was initially interested in comics, but after my first Illustration class I realized that I enjoyed client based work and the flexibility, regarding style, that illustration offers. During my introductory courses in illustration, I developed familiarity with a variety of materials and skills in translating written narrative into a _readable_ image. My Media 2 class offered me the opportunity to experiment with Flash, incorporating interactivity with my illustration.
Section 2: Discussion of current projects.
This section is close to a traditional artist/design statement. You will want to explain/define (both conceptually and technically) the work samples that you are presenting. You can reference:
_ Artists/Designers whose work you are looking at and why they are significant.
_ Other inspirations that might fuel your work. For example, music, nature, architecture, literature.
_ Courses you are currently enrolled in and how they are affecting your work.
_ Specific pieces or series.
EXAMPLE: This semester, I have begun to push my style into new directions. In Concepts + Metaphors, I have been attempting to use line more aggressively and to fully exploit color, as a device for creating mood. For example, in Eat on Nicollet, I used gouache in strong contrasting colors to suggest vibrancy; I have been looking at the work of HenrikDrescher and Lynda Barry for inspiration. In Digital Illustration, I am translating my traditional illustration style into a digital format and further developing my expertise with relevant software.
Section 3: General outline of future plans.
Can include:
_ New issues in work.
_ Internship.
_ Career possibilities.
EXAMPLE: Next semester, I will enroll in Professional Practice and I am looking forward to refining my portfolio and resume so that I can begin to pursue an internship at a local design company. I am also eager to revise my website and to begin research on graduate programs in illustration. Finally, I plan to begin a self_ directed series of illustrations, based on Ernest Hemingway_s _Hills Like White Elephants._ I will use work from this series to develop a more complete portfolio and to begin seeking freelance work.