Throughout the next few weeks we will be learning about all of the events surrounding the Civil War time period. This is an ongoing assignment where parts will be completed in class and others are to be completed at home. All students are responsible for keeping up with and adding information learned in class to their Social Studies Civil War Portfolio. This will also be used as a Study Guide for our end of unit test. Please read all details below regarding the sections to be completed at home. The assignment will be due on Wednesday, October 5th.

Civil War Leaders Trading Cards

All of the facts listed below should be included on the back of your leader cards. A picture of the leader should be on the front (blank) side of your cards. Outline your pictures with either: blue for the union or red for the Confederacy. Examples can be found on our class blog. Leader cards should be on 4 x 6 index cards and neatest work must be displayed to receive full credit!

1.  Name of Leader

2.  Date of Birth

3.  Date of Death

4.  Who he was in history (Example: President of the United States)

5.  Accomplishments during the civil war (at least two)

6.  What side they are on (Union or Confederacy)

7.  Extra Information – find a way to go above and beyond

Required Civil War Leaders

Abraham Lincoln

Robert E. Lee

Ulysses S. Grant

Jefferson Davis

Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson

William T. Sherman

(Can complete 2 extras for bonus points)

Civil War Timeline

Below are the required events for your timeline. Be Creative!

-Uncle Tom’s Cabin

-Dred Scott decision

-Lincoln’s Election

-South Carolina secedes

-Fort Sumter Attacked

-Battle of Bull Run

-Battle of Antietam

-Emancipation Proclamation

-Battle of Vicksburg

-Battle of Gettysburg

-Gettysburg Address

-Atlanta Campaign

-March to the Sea

-Battle of Atlanta

-Surrender at Appomattox Courthouse

-Lincoln’s Assassination

Civil War Battle Map

Label all states and territories during the Civil War Period

Color all Union States blue

Color all Confederate States red

Research and Label battles of the Civil War (listed above)

The Battle Chart, Causes of the Civil War, and Effects of the Civil War will be completed over the next few weeks in class.