No Repeats

Writers Workshop Daily Plan

1. Mini-Lesson Focus: Procedural Process Trait Conventions

ELACC3L3a. Choose words and phrases for effect.

ELACC4La. Choose words and phrases to convey ideas precisely.

a. Expand, combine, and reduce sentences for meaning, reader/listener interest, and style.

No Repeats: In this mini-lesson, the students will be challenged to write sentences without repeating any of the same words. This should help them see the effect of good word choice. They will discover that they really need to think about the words they choose, especially verbs. Tell students that you are going to write 10 sentences on the topic of friends, but you are going to try not to repeat a word once you’ve used it. (See sample) Give students a topic and challenge them to write 7-10 sentences about the topic without repeating any of the words. (Have thesauruses handy—this is really tricky!) Allow them time to share. Tell them that during Writer’s Workshop today, you want them to choose a piece of writing to revise for word choice using this strategy.

2. Status of Class

3. Student Writing/Teacher Conferring

4. Author Share: Student Teacher

Tell the students that from now on in Writer’s Workshop, they should try to use this strategy when possible and effective. Celebrate effort today!

I have quite a few best buddies.

They go to school with me.

We hang out at lunch and recess, laughing and sharing ideas.

These special classmates have several impressive qualities.

They possess great senses of humor, in addition to kindness and loyalty.

When thinking of how a good pal should act, John, Robert, and Luke come to mind immediately.

The “Four Musketeers”, as we call ourselves, are lucky to have each other!

*Some of the articles seem impossible to change—don’t let students get hung up on them. Concentrate on verbs and important nouns.

Troup County Schools 2012