Nombre ______Clase______Fecha ______

Familiares y amigosESPAÑOL 2- Capítulo 2

mini-proyecto -los famosos 20 puntos

Los famosos Create a poster comparing and contrasting up to 6 famous people. Your poster must include ALL of the following elements:

10 comparisons per person in your group- a variety of comparisons must be used. You must have at least one each of the following:

  • A more than comparison
  • A less than comparison
  • A younger than or older than comparison
  • A better or worse comparison
  • An equal comparison- as ____ as (the other five are up to you)

Pictures of the people being compared (at least 2 pictures).

You may use your notes, but no electronics. Use of an electronic will result in a score of 0, or you will have to redo the project. PROJECTS MAY NOT LEAVE THE ROOM AT ANY TIME.

20 Point total- 10 grammar structures, 5 requirements, 5 creativity

PRESENTATIONAL WRITING / Stretch / A+ A A- / B+ B B- / C+ C C- / D+ D D-
Functional Language
(“What I can do with the language”) /  I sometimes write in strings of sentences.
 I may start creating my own sentences.
 I always incorporate successfully recently learned words and structures. /  I can write in simple sentences, phrases, lists, and words.
 I successfully incorporate recently learned words and structures most of the time. /  I can write in phrases, lists, and words.
 I sometimes incorporate successfully recently learned words and structures. /  I can write in words and lists of words.
 I do not often incorporate successfully recently learned words and structures. /  I can write in words.
 I don’t successfully incorporate recently learned words and structures.
(“who can understand me”) /  My writing is understandable with no errors by someone accustomed to language learners. /  My writing is understandable despite some errors by someone accustomed to language learners. /  My writing is generally understandable by someone accustomed to language learners, with errors which may require interpretation. /  My writing is not often understandable by someone accustomed to language learners, with errors that require interpretation. /  My writing is rarely understandable, with errors that cause confusion even for someone accustomed to language learners.

Vocabulario adicional- los famosos

El/la cantante- singer

Actor- actor

Actriz- actress

Actuar- to act

Talentoso(a)- talented

Primera Dama- First lady

Rapero(a)= rapper

Películas= movies

Marcar puntos= to score points

Hacer un eslam= to dunk

Los premios= awards

(tener) ventas de albumes= album sales

Pesar= to weigh

Ambicioso= ambitious

Jugador(a) más valioso= MVP

Benchmark Day 1

Day 1- 1. hand in group members- all names

2. people you are comparing

3. biographical info for each- ages, professions, etc…. Work on draft using notebook paper. Hand in paper.

Benchmark 2- DAY 2

  1. All of All of your comparisons- did you meet all categories? 2 people= 20 total comparisons
  2. Finished draft- hand it in at end of period! Check for agreement. Final version due tomorrow!
  3. Start on final version, hand it in.

Benchmark 3- DAY 3

1. Complete final version and hand it in. If you need extra time, ask for a pass for Advisory.

Remember, no electronics and your poster must remain in the room at all times. You may use the old fashioned paper dictionaries to look up vocab.