Minutes of Wednesday 1st October 2014. 6.00-7.00
Patient’s Forum (Patient Participation Group).
Minutes taken by Geoff R.
- Apologises- Hilary R, Dora K, Diana P, Mr & Mrs Dixon
- Minutes of previous meeting June 18th 2014 were agreed.
- Laura Buckley of the Clinical Research Network (formerly the Primary Care Research Unit) spoke to the group about the aim of the Network, to work with GP practices in order to bring about long term improvements in health benefits to patients through research into specific health issues. The research studies are offered to Practices and they decide whether to become involved. Each study will have gone through rigorous monitoring and assessment and ethical evaluation by the National Institute of Health Research before it is rolled out. Future studies will include smoking cessation and diabetes. Funding is awarded to the practice to finance the involvement of Practice nurses in the project. Relevant patients may receive a written offer to become involved in a research study. It is entirely the patient’s choice if they wish to become involved. At no time are any details of individuals involved in studies disclosed. Any patients who are interested in becoming involved in a research project may do so by contacting the surgery.
- The Care Quality Commission will be visiting 15 surgeries in the area sometime between October and January. During their visits they will review a range of aspects including safety practices, protocols for immunizations, health and safety procedures and check that appropriate policies are in place and speak to patients.
- HRMC is to contact the Pharmacy about use of car parking spaces by the Pharmacy.
- Discussion on following issues,
(a)Reducing non attendance figures. Posters and flyers are displayed around the surgery to draw attention to non attendance by patients. Non attendees receive text messages when they do not appear at appointments and GP’s may phone them personally. The newsletter may be used to draw attention to importance of contacting the surgery if a patient is unable to attend an appointment.
(b)FFT (Friends and Family Test leaflet) was shown to the group as a way improving the service provided by the surgery and providing it with useful feedback
(c)John Ingall agreed to help promote the PPG through visiting the surgery every 3 months and take feedback on issues/subjects. Additional support would be appreciated.Anna is to display a poster at the flu clinic about The PPG encouraging those who are interested to contact Dennis.
(d)Radio inreception. It was decided to try a range of different types of radio stations in the reception and display a poster to find out what patients would like to have playing in the background while they are waiting.
- With reference to GP practices operating seven days a week it was explained that the current shortage of GP’s and trainee GP’s would make this proposal very difficult to carry out at the moment in view of the fact that there are barely enough GP’s at HRMC to cover the present working day from 7.30am -6.00pm. Figures do exist for the number of users from HRMC of out of hours services and A&E. The figures indicate a relatively low use.
- AOB.
(a)Attention was drawn to the length of waiting times in the Pharmacy when prescriptions had been left days earlier, although the fact that the pharmacy seemed very busy was acknowledged. Maxine will be meeting with the Pharmacy to pass on concerns. It would be useful for the Newsletter to clarify that patients are free to choose to take their prescriptions to any pharmacy of their choice.
(b)The general waiting period for an appointment to see a nurse should be less than 2 weeks.
(c) A request was made for the names on the electronic display board in the surgery to remain visible for longer than is currently the case. This will be brought up at a meeting with partners.
(d) Call queuing. When phoning the surgery and in a phone call queue patients will be given a number to show where they are in the queue.
- Date of next meeting. Wednesday 7th January 6.00 2015
- Just as a reminder, in July 2013 the group agreed that individual copies of PPG meetings minutes would no longer be distributed to attendees of the meetings as these were published on HRMC website. For those unable to access the internet copies can be requested from the surgery. The minutes of every PPG meeting that has been held are available on the HRMC website.
- All future agenda items to be sent to Hilary 07812471926 or or contact HRMC reception.