Meeting of the Hertfordshire Highways Joint Member Panel for the District of Three Rivers held in the Penn Chamber, Three Rivers House, Rickmansworth on Wednesday, 31 October2007 from 6.30pm to 9.20pm.

Present:Three Rivers District Council

District Councillors:Stephen Giles-Medhurst, Pam Hames, David Sansom,Ann ShawOBE,Ron Spellenand Martin Trevett

Officers:Peter Kerr and Miriam Wearing

Hertfordshire County Council

CountyCouncillors:Roy Clements (Chairman), Steve Drury, Paul Goggins, Barbara Lamb MBE and Leonard Spencer

Officers:Ian Brownell and Steve Gregory

Hertfordshire Police: Traffic Management - PC Terry Buck

Also in attendance: Councillors Barbara Green and Alison Scarth


The Chairman welcomed Steve Gregory, the newly appointed Herts Highways District Manager, to the meeting.


The Minutes of the meeting held on 11 July2007 were confirmed as a correct record and were signed by the Chairman subject to the deletion of the last sentence in the first paragraph on page 5. Members had agreed that there should be a change to the Section 106 procedures to enable Councillors to be more involved.


There were no items of any other business.


Councillor Leonard Spencer wished it to be placed on record that he was a Governor at RickmansworthParkSchool which was closely involved in several items on the agenda.


The Panel received a progress report on the petitions heard by the JMP for the Pedestrian crossing for the Royal Masonic School on the A404, St Peters Way Lighting scheme, Park Road Pedestrian crossing, the tunnel under the railway in Shire Lane, Chorleywood, Hampermill Lane and the Denham Way Service Road.

Two new petitions were presented to the Panel in connection with:Railway Bridge, Lower Road, Nash Mills; Solesbridge Lane, Solesbridge Close and the Readings, Chorleywood .Members were made aware of a petition regarding

the Junction of Common Road and the A404 in Chorleywood.

(a)Pedestrian Crossing for the RoyalMasonicSchool on the A404

The Panel noted there had been no change in the progression of this scheme since the previous meeting. The Assistant District Manager confirmed that the update was included in the report.

Councillor Leonard Spencerenquired whether, in view of the possibility of funding from the school and various commercial sponsors,the project could be brought forward to 2008/09. The Assistant District Manager stated that financial support would help to prioritise the item. The scheme had been designed and was subject to Executive Committee approval.

In response to a question it was noted that whilst sponsorship signage could not be affixed to the crossing, consideration could be given to erecting a sign on the grass verge.

(b)St Peters Way, Chorleywood

The Panel noted that the lamp column had been installed on site and was waiting for the electrical connection.

(c)Park Road Pedestrian Crossing

Members noted that funding to progress the scheme from the Waitrose Section 106 Agreementwould not be implemented until the store opened. The officers undertook to check the wording in the Agreement.

(d)Chorleywood, tunnel under railway in Shire Lane

The Chairman indicated that the items were progressing for design and implementation.

(e)Hampermill Lane

A representative of the residents addressed the meeting regarding the petition on the dangerous situation resulting from the fast traffic and lack of a footpath. In the previous six weeks there had been four serious accidents in the vicinity of the bend.

The Panel indicated their disappointment in the report of the officers.Councillor Roy Clements queried the statement that the minimum space to install a pedestrian refuge point was 8.5m as it had been less at other points such as Batchworth Lane. In addition it was not clear which area was proposed for the new footway. Discussion had taken place on cameras, signs, anti-skid surfaces, speed and volume counts but there had been no action.He stated that these items should be dealt with as soon as possible including a crossing and designated footway along the houses by the bank. There was nothing in the report on a section 106 from the NATO base. He suggested that a site visit would be beneficial.

Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurstproposed the installation of islands that were not pedestrian refugees but reduced speed with cross hatching either side. Although the vegetation had been cut back such action needed to be on a regular schedule of works. S106 funding had been agreed for vehicle activated signs or other measures. He suggested a bid for funding of at least the footway be made to the County Council for the next financial year. Officers should reassess the safety camera criteria for this location in view of the recent accidents and report back to the Panel. £20,000 from Oaklands Nursery for the vehicle activated signs could be agreed in principal to enable officers to proceed if it met the criteria.

Councillor David Sansom suggested the erection of signs regarding blackspot, dangerous bends and the number of fatalities in previous years.

Councillor Ron Spellen stated that speed cameras had been successful in South Oxhey and suggested that they be installed in Hampermill Lane.

The Assistant District Manager stated that the speed and volume survey counts had started on Monday and could not have started earlier due to the summer holidays and half term. In response to a question from Councillor Roy Clements, he stated that the military did not contribute s106 monies but did pay for damage that was likely to occur on the highway.

The Chairman suggested the need for speed checks undertaken with Police assistance and the movement of the 30 mph speed limit so that it came into forceat the boundary with the London Borough of Hillingdon.

The District Manager informed the Panel of a safety advice note on the suitability of a pedestrian refuge and that he had been advised that it was not safe on that road. A safety audit could take place on safety markings, a non-pedestrian refuge, vehicle activated signs, footways but it was limited as to what could be done at the location. Poor driver behaviour was the cause of the problem.


(1)that vehicle activated signs be considered within the design

(2)that the ongoing situation be monitored;

(3)that a site visit take place; and

(4)that a report be submitted to the next meeting with officer proposals

(f)Denham Way Service Road

The officers were thanked for the traffic calming measures and were asked to continue with the initiative.

The Assistant District Manager requested Member support to fund design work of a maximum £3000 to £5000 for a chicane type system to dissuade rat-running. Councillor Ann Shaw suggested the source of funding from the £24000 remaining from the £48000 from the Maple Cross Industrial Site s106 money for other items in Maple Cross that had not yet been spent.


that the installation of a chicane type system at the Denham Way Service Road from the Maple Cross Industrial Site s106 be supported if it be an appropriate use

New petition on RailwayBridge, Lower Road, Nash Mills

A petition was received in favour of traffic safety measures at the railway bridge in Lower Road, Nash Mills.

The Panel sympathised with and strongly supported the petitioners and hoped that a solution could be found.


(1)that the petition be noted and the request be included in the programme of outstanding actions and the officers arrange a separate meeting with local councillors and the petitioner to discuss in more detail.

New petition onSolesbridge Lane, Solesbridge Close and the Readings, Chorleywood

A petition was received requesting safety measures at Solesbridge Lane, Solesbridge Close and the Readings, Chorleywood.

Councillor Leonard Spencer reported that those attending the Sarratt Local Area Forum were aware of the strength of feeling on the issue regarding the closure of Chess Way. The Highways Department were looking at changing the signal timings. Councillor Martin Trevett stated that the closure of Chess Way had brought the problems to a head.

Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst stated that the petitioners wanted signs and bollards and it was not reasonable to wait until January for a report.

Herts Highways had been looking at small things that could proceed pending a full report. Councillor Martin Trevett stated that the Three Rivers highway budget had an allocation for bollard work. The District Manager undertook to inform the Panel by email of any works in hand in connection with the location.

Councillor Ann Shaw proposed and Councillor Pam Hames seconded that work proceed in installing weight restriction signs where they could be seen and installing signs stating ‘not suitable for HGV vehicles’ before vehicles turn into the lane.


(1)that the District Manager inform the Panel of any works in hand in the location;

(2)that weight restriction signs be reviewed regarding existing visibility and location.

(3)that officers ascertain whether bollards could be funded from the current budget; and

(4)That a full report be submitted to the January meeting.


The Panel was updated on issues with regard to Section 106 (s106) contributions and anticipated S106 Agreements.

In response to a question, it was noted that the civil works for the TannersWoodSchool scheme had been completed with a lead-in period of three to four weeks for the poles.

Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst stated that Brookdene Avenue was part of the volume checks for vehicle activated signs.

The Assistant District Manager informed the Panel that the planning application for Whitney Place had been amended, hence the change to the anticipated amount in the table appendix A

Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst requested an update on the consultation with local members regarding proposals for the Ovaltine site s106 monies. The Assistant District Manager undertook to report back to the meeting in January at which time at least a meeting would have been arranged between the local divisional, district members and the lead petitioner to discuss what was feasible.

Councillor Leonard Spencer referred to the £125,000 contribution from Waitrose and suggested that the work on the crossing at Park Road commence. It was agreed that instructions on the scheme be given as soon as the money was received., provided the conditions of the 106 allow.


(1)that the Panel notes the report and endorses the use of the S106 funds as set out in the report; and

(2) that instructions be given for works to the crossing at Park Road once the £125,000 contribution from Waitrose was available


The Panel received the second draft of the Integrated Works Programme (IWP) of highway schemes planned for implementation within the local area in 2008/2009 and the Forward Works Programme (FWP) of schemes planned for 2009/10 to 2012/13. The Chairman suggested that Members look at all the items and make representations in order to aid the ranking in the final draft.

In response to a question by Councillor Barbara Lamb, the Assistant District Manager stated that he would question whether Riverside Drive resurfacing should be on the A road programme.

In response to questions:

  • The Chorleywood cycling facility was represented by Green Street Surface Dressing;
  • With regard to Kings Langley, the Ovaltine reference was duplicated elsewhere so it was suggested that the remaining item be recorded under Abbots Langley;
  • The Harrow Way scheme had made it look much better although there were still some complaints.
  • The Assistant District Manager undertook to check on the extent of the works proposed for Little Oxhey Lane Bridge HCC no 1302.
  • Bids had been put forward for 25 schemes and 15 drainage sites which had to be assessed and not all had been successful

Councillor Pam Hames stated that the raised platform crossing in Delta Gain had still not been installed. With no crossing it was very difficult for pensioner buggies and she enquired whether the money for raised platforms in Harrow Way, that had not been match funded, could be used. Margeholes was on the programme for thin surfacing but other areas such as Penrose Avenuewere in a worse state of repair and she requested officers to investigate the situation.

Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst stated that there was no guarantee of carriageway surface funding for 2008/09 so it depended on the County budget. The only footway scheme was By the Woods. East Lane had a very poor surface but only served four properties, therefore officers were going to deal with the ruts. He suggested that officers examine the list to ascertain whether the most appropriate roads had been listed. In addition he suggested officers determine whether s106 funding was available from the development occupying Hudson Lane for thin surfacing at Hunters Lane. The footway at Bucknalls Lane was not in the programme for the next five years.

Councillor Barbara Lamb reported that the Pensioners Forum had referred to flooding on the A412 by the pedestrian crossing as one of the drains was raised above road level. There was a drain problem at Elm Way. Councillor Pam Hames stated that floods in By The Woods had flowed into gardens and up to front doors.

Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst referred to item 7 and the bids made by officers including Brookdene Traffic calming and College Road Safer Crossing. He stated that the work at Hampermill Lane was urgent and the scheme preparation for Solesbridge Lane should be considered for delivery 2009/10 if not earlier.

Councillor Ron Spellen asked that Richard Housdenbe thanked for his work in relation to Little Oxhey Lane

Councillor David Sansom referred to the junction with Park Road where the surface was breaking up and the drain at the junction with Solomons Hill was sinking.

Councillor Steve Drury reported that the soakaway at Winter Drive had collapsed by the shops at the bottom of Morgans Lane which it was hoped to resolve by cutting away at the hump.

Councillor Lenard Spencer requested that the works with regard to the petition on the Junction of Common Road and the A404 in Chorleywood be added to the list.It was agreed that a copy of the petition be circulated to all Members.

The Chairman referred to the Green Lane Surface Inlay and sought clarification as to whether the project should be included in the Watford list as three quarters of the scheme was in Watford.


that the report be noted


The Panel was updated on the progress of the Integrated Works Programme (IWP) for 2007/09. The Assistant District Manager referred to the bids made by officers, this included a number of schemes that had been unsuccessful for which Members may wish to consider for discretionary funding in 2008/09.

Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst stated that none of the Highway Extra reserve schemes had been taken forward to future years and the District Manager undertook to ask questions as to why this was but did report that there had been tremendous pressure on the budget.

The Chairman stated that he had walked the length of Oaklands Avenue and had noted approximately 100 defects which should be brought to the correct standard in the stipulated time.

Councillor Ann Shaw reported that although the residents were delighted that Denham Way works had been completed, it had been done to a poor standard. The drain cover and water covers had been covered and neither the bollard or drain cover had been replaced. The Chairman stated that it was disappointing that problems that had not been rectified were still being reported.

Councillor Steve Drury stated that the work to the A412 through Croxley Green had been a success and asked that appreciation be passed on.

In response to a question regarding Moneyhill Road prepatching, it was noted that a patching scheme only was going ahead. Concern was expressed that prepatching did not last five years and the District Manager undertook to clarify the position with the highways and traffic panel.


That the report be noted.



A progress report on District Council schemes for 2007/8 was received.

The District Manager reported that, at its meeting on 29 October 2007, the Executive Committee agreed a modest extension to the Rickmansworth Parking Zone. He was in discussion with Morag Saunders regarding the possibility of County funding.