WPA Annual Conference

How to Set Goals

(Adapted from “Here Today, There Tomorrow:

Unleashing Your Church’s Potential” by Gary L. McIntosh)


Excellent comprehensive plans consist of four strategic statements that serve to define a church’s direction:

  • Mission: What we do
  • Vision: What we see
  • Values: What we believe
  • Goals: What we achieve

What We Do: Mission

Sometimes referred to as purpose, mission is the reason the church exists. Mission is also the most strategic of the church’s statements serving as the foundation from which the other three statements ascend.

A mission statement must have at least three attributes:

  • Biblical: Must be founded on the Word of God.
  • Thematic: Must state the big ideas or themes of Scripture not what programs a church offers.
  • Memorable: Must be short and easy to remember.

Sample Mission Statement:


  • Short Version: “The mission of ______Church is to prepare people to be followers of Jesus Christ.”
  • Standard Version: “The mission of ______Church is to present Christ to all people and prepare them to be followers of Jesus Christ.”
  • Expanded Version: “The mission of ______Church is to present Christ to people in a creative (using new, innovative methods), compelling (in the power of the Holy Spirit), caring (within sensitive, compassionate relationships) way and to prepare them to be followers of Jesus Christ who are committed to the Word (growing in maturity), committed to serve (giving in time, talent, and treasure), and committed to others (caring for one another).

What We See: Vision

Vision inspires, not mission. Visionary leadership inspires others to envision a better future and lead others in that direction. Mission tells the beginning of things – what we are to do. Vision tells the end of things – where we are going. Mission tells us “why”. Vision tells us “what” and “where”. Mission is saving money to pay bills. Paying bill is something we need to do. Vision is saving money for a dream vacation. Going on vacation is something we find exciting to do. Vision keeps in mind that nothing becomes dynamic until it becomes specific. People commit to vision not mission.

Sample Vision Statement:

Our Vision

To build a loving church family in the midst of broken relationships we will …

  • Relocate to a new campus in five years
  • Build anew multipurpose facility
  • Have 50 percent of people using their gifts
  • Get 80 percent of our people in small groups
  • Place a Bible in every home in our city

What We Believe: Values

Values are an anchor in a constant sea of change. Methods by which we do ministry change over time, but the values remain the ties to the past and to the future.

The values of a church are what holds the vision of the church together. Values keep us tied to our roots.

Core values are what a church stands for and holds dear. Values are the heart and soul of a church and the basis upon which a church makes decisions.

Values are not former programs or ministries. Values are not methods of carrying out the church’s mission. Never get values and methods confused.

Sample Core Values:


Our Mission: To prepare people to be followers of Jesus Christ

Our Values:

  • Genuine Christian Living
  • Reaching the Lost
  • Authentic Worship
  • Continuous Growth
  • Excellence in Ministry

Goals: What We Achieve

Mission is what we do. Vision is what we see. Values are what we believe. Goals are what we achieve.

Goals are “steps” to be taken to accomplish your vision.

There are two types of goals: survival and missional.

Survival goals:

  • Focus on what has not happened
  • Produce remedial solutions
  • Based on the past
  • Are filled with doubt
  • Identify problems
  • Lower congregational morale
  • Demand low levels of faith

Missional goals:

  • Focus on what can happen
  • Produce innovative solutions
  • Based on the future
  • Dream based
  • Identify potential
  • Raise congregational morale
  • Demand high level of fait

Missional goals:

  • Sustain the mission of the church
  • Move the church toward its vision.
  • Uphold the church’s core values.

Missional goals are prioritized:

  • Short-range (may be accomplished in 1-2 years)
  • Medium-range (may be accomplished in 3-5 years)
  • Long-range (may be accomplished in 6-10 years)

Thoughts on Goal Setting

  • When it comes to goals, think big but start small.
  • Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss it, you will end up somewhere in the stars.
  • Goals are dreams with deadlines.
  • “If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.” (Yogi Berra)
  • Without clear goals, you will end up somewhere; it just may not be where you desired to be.
  • The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps. - Proverbs 16:9