May 11 2015 Wilson Town Board Meeting

The regular monthly meeting of the Wilson Town Board held on May 112015 at the town hall was called to order by Chairman Leon Bowman at 7:00 p.m.

Present were Chairman Leon Bowman, Supervisors,Tony Chelmowski,David DeLano, Ernie Culp and Marvin Hunger. Clerk Robin Jandt, Treasurer Karen Haedtke, Zoning Administrator Paul Siebenaler and Fire Chief Paul Douglas.

Others Present: List is attached.

The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

The amended agenda adding Asphalt Armor bidwas approved by T.Chelmowski and seconded by E.Culp. All approved.

The bills totaling $13,128.29 were approved by T.Chelmowski and seconded by E.Culp. All approved.

The minutes from April 13 2015 were moved by M.Hunger and seconded by T.Chelmowski. All approved.

The minutes from April 202015 were moved by M. Hunger and seconded by D.DeLano. All approved.

We started out with the bids from Asphalt Armor and Sealcoating. The bid for Wilson View Road came in at $468.00. A small discussion took place. We also had a bid for Meadowbrook which came in at $3,360.72 which would be a little more extensive. Dean explained what his plan was to do, after a small discussion E.Culp made a motion to approve the 2 bids and D.DeLano seconded. All approved.

We also had Fred Brown from Fahrner Asphalt Sealers out of Eau Claire WI Fred presented a bid for Sealing Roads. Fred would do 4 roads. They would be Northwood, Meadowbrook, Lower Blackberry and Springbrook. Fred had brought along 2 different samples of sealers the first one was limestone which would run $41,158.00 and also granite which would run $43,266.00. The limestone we would get about 4-5 years out of and granite would last at least 8 years. Granite does work better on hilly areas. Fred does all of Winona and Wabasha counties. After a small discussion D.DeLano made a motion to approve the 4 roads going with the granite and E.Culp seconded. All approved. L.Bowman thanked Fred for coming down.

L.Bowman commented that our special meeting had gone well and we are now waiting to hear back from the attorney. The residents at the meeting recommended an attorney look the document over. So we did go ahead and get an attorney.

Eric Johnson from WinonaCountywas in attendance to discuss a little bit about the document that we have now. Eric recommended if we were to move forward and renew the agreement he would definitely change some of the wording. We would need to eliminate the Phillips development, Sweetwater, bluffs. The advantage of keeping a document would be the residents down on County Road 17 that have failing septic’s would have a better chance of getting City water and sewer with an agreement otherwise it would be difficult to get City water and sewer. The County updated their Comprehensive Plan last year and it does benefit areas out towards the I-90. Eric Johnson did comment that the County would support Wilson’s choices. Eric had talked to Mark Moeller and Mark commented that they had no plans for doing anything other then renewing the plan as it is. Marcia Ward commented that she would support the township no matter what the decision is. Eric Johnson also talked on the changes that were made to the zoning. There would be a feedlot review committee uncertain as to who would sit on it; animal unit cap changes, these were just a few of the changes. A person was hired for the feedlot position and she will start in a few weeks. L.Bowman thanked Eric for coming.

Tim Sherman was present to talk on the Firefighters pension. Right now the pension is set at $700.00 a year per person. Everyone on the Fire Dept is volunteer. With the new laws changing the accountant from Russell & Associates who audits the books on a yearly basis recommends the pension be raised. The recommendation is to raise it to $700-$900. Tim commented if you have a minimum of 10 years invested you would get 60%. Fireman invested as of today for 34 years there is 4, 1 at 24 years, 18 with less then 6 years. The pension is audited every year and then is filed with the state. It is always kept in the locked file cabinet for review. L.Bowman suggested raising it to $800.00 and if we need to change it we can always make another change next year. T.Chelmowski madea motion to that affect and D.DeLano seconded. All approved. L.Bowman thanked Tim for all he doesand for coming.

T.Chelmowski talked on the Peterbilt bill from last month. Tony met with Peterbilt and the misc. charge that shows up on the bills is more or less the computer telling us what’s wrong with the vehicle and then it tells how to fix and what supplies you will need to fix the problem. Tony has checked with a few other companies and no one will work on big vehicles. Your only other options are to take it to Rochester or across the river into WI. Which the cost of getting it there would probably be more then what we pay now. The truck will be going back to Peterbilt on Thurs. E.Culp made a motion to pay the bill and D.DeLano seconded. All approved.

T.Chelmowski has not gotten the black topping bids yet.

L.Bowman checked into the land around the Echodale Water Tower and it belongs to Phillips. The plan is to put in a 240,000 gallon reservoir.

D.DeLano spoke on the budget, everything is looking good and we will keep an eye on it as more bills come in for some of our bigger projects.

The file cabinets there are no updates still need to be worked on.

The pop machine is fixed old one has been hauled away M.Hunger commented.

R.Jandt commented that the life insurance has been changed to $15,000 per person. The Fire Truck windshield has been fixed will turn it in to the insurance company to be reimbursed.

L.Bowman commented that the parking lot has been painted its done did not realize it was being done but it’s done. Road tour went well.

T.Chelmowski commented brushing has started. Down on Mohan Road a resident hauled away the wood which saved a few hours of the board having to get rid of it. Glende has provided a document for roadside mowing for the 2015 year same price as last year. T.Chelmowski made a motion to use Glende again this year and E.Culp seconded. All approved. Barth Construction has provided a document for spraying of brush and weeds $90.00 an hour, T.Chelmowski commented that it has helped and would like to keep up with it. E.Culp made a motion to use Barth and M.Hunger seconded. All approved.

L.Bowman commented that R.Jandt needs to let Judy Bodway from the City of Winona know tomorrow as to what the board has decided to do with the OAA, Since we have not heard back from the attorney, Robin will email her tomorrow and let her know no decision has been made yet. D.DeLano made a comment that there have been a lot of people looking at the website.

P.Douglas commented that the Fire Dept received a 7 out of 10 ISO rating from an insurance company.

P.Siebenaler commented that some permits have been issued. We will have a conditional use in June for extending the quarry. T.Chelmowski brought up a comment on a culvert over on Smith’s that needs looking at. P.Siebenaler will go take a look at it and talk to Smith’s.

T.Chelmowski had received a call from Kuehns on money that they owe us for water.

Summer short course will be June 18th, 4 of us will go, Robin Jandt, David DeLano, Ernie Culp and Marvin Hunger. Garbage has been started back up for the summer. The L&R is June 1st and 2nd if anyone is interested.

There is some dumping going on down in Valley View Estates by the creek, we need to find out who’s doing it and what is going on. P.Siebenaler will look in to it.

After no other business T.Chelmowski made a motion to adjourn at 9:25 and E.Culp seconded. All approved.