WoW wheat - grain fructans
1.Biesiekierski J, Rosella O, Rose R, Liels K, Barrett J, Shepherd S, et al. Quantification of fructans, galacto‐oligosacharides and other short‐chain carbohydrates in processed grains and cereals. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics. 2011;24(2):154-76.
2.Bovee-Oudenhoven I, Ten Bruggencate S, Lettink-Wissink M, Van der Meer R. Dietary fructo-oligosaccharides and lactulose inhibit intestinal colonisation but stimulate translocation of salmonella in rats. Gut. 2003;52(11):1572-8.
3.Cani P, Joly E, Horsmans Y, Delzenne NM. Oligofructose promotes satiety in healthy human: a pilot study. European journal of clinical nutrition. 2006;60(5):567-72.
4.Cani PD, Dewever C, Delzenne NM. Inulin-type fructans modulate gastrointestinal peptides involved in appetite regulation (glucagon-like peptide-1 and ghrelin) in rats. British Journal of Nutrition. 2004;92(3):521-6.
5.Cimini S, Locato V, Vergauwen R, Paradiso A, Cecchini C, Vandenpoel L, et al. Fructan biosynthesis and degradation as part of plant metabolism controlling sugar fluxes during durum wheat kernel maturation. Frontiers in plant science. 2015;6.
6.Haskå L, Nyman M, Andersson R. Distribution and characterisation of fructan in wheat milling fractions. Journal of Cereal Science. 2008;48(3):768-74.
7.Huynh B-L, Wallwork H, Stangoulis JC, Graham RD, Willsmore KL, Olson S, et al. Quantitative trait loci for grain fructan concentration in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 2008;117(5):701-9.
8.Kleessen B, Schwarz S, Boehm A, Fuhrmann H, Richter A, Henle T, et al. Jerusalem artichoke and chicory inulin in bakery products affect faecal microbiota of healthy volunteers. British Journal of Nutrition. 2007;98(3):540-9.
9.Longin C, Ziegler J, Schweiggert R, Koehler P, Carle R, Würschum T. Comparative study of hulled (einkorn, emmer, and spelt) and naked wheats (durum and bread wheat): Agronomic performance and quality traits. Crop Science. 2016;56(1):302-11.
10.Rivera-Huerta M, Lizárraga-Grimes VL, Castro-Torres IG, Tinoco-Méndez M, Macías-Rosales L, Sánchez-Bartéz F, et al. Functional Effects of Prebiotic Fructans in Colon Cancer and Calcium Metabolism in Animal Models. BioMed Research International. 2017;2017.
11.Scholtens PA, Alles MS, Willemsen LE, van den Braak C, Bindels JG, Boehm G, et al. Dietary fructo-oligosaccharides in healthy adults do not negatively affect faecal cytotoxicity: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover trial. British journal of nutrition. 2006;95(6):1143-9.
12.Struyf N, Laurent J, Verspreet J, Courtin C. A closer look at FODMAPs in cereal bread products. 2017.
13.Ten Bruggencate SJ, Bovee-Oudenhoven IM, Lettink-Wissink ML, Katan MB, van der Meer R. Dietary fructooligosaccharides affect intestinal barrier function in healthy men. The Journal of nutrition. 2006;136(1):70-4.
14.Verspreet J, Dornez E, Van den Ende W, Delcour JA, Courtin CM. Cereal grain fructans: structure, variability and potential health effects. Trends in Food Science & Technology. 2015;43(1):32-42.
15.Watanabe J, Sasajima N, Aramaki A, Sonoyama K. Consumption of fructo-oligosaccharide reduces 2, 4-dinitrofluorobenzene-induced contact hypersensitivity in mice. British journal of nutrition. 2008;100(2):339-46.
16.Wrigley C. The composition of food grains and grain-based products. 2016.
17.Ziegler JU, Schweiggert RM, Würschum T, Longin CFH, Carle R. Lipophilic antioxidants in wheat (Triticum spp.): A target for breeding new varieties for future functional cereal products. Journal of Functional Foods. 2016;20:594-605.
18.Ziegler JU, Steiner D, Longin CFH, Würschum T, Schweiggert RM, Carle R. Wheat and the irritable bowel syndrome–FODMAP levels of modern and ancient species and their retention during bread making. Journal of Functional Foods. 2016;25:257-66.
19.Zörb C, Betsche T, Langenkämper G, Zapp J, Seifert M. Free sugars in spelt wholemeal and flour. Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality. 2012;81(2):172-4.