November 23, 2008
Worship Center: Holy Spirit Catholic Church 201 44th St. South Holy Family Chapel, 2800 Central Ave.
Parish Offices – 201 44th St. South Great Falls, MT 59405 Phone: 452-6491
Fax: 452-6495 Email: web:
Parish Office hours: Monday – Thursday 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Friday 8:30 a.m. – Noon
School Office – 2820 Central Avenue Phone: 761-5775
Email: web:
“Gospel realities can penetrate you through simple chants, sung over and over again: ‘Jesus, your light is shining within us; let my heart always welcome your love.’ When you work, when you rest, these realities keep echoing within you. Sometimes prayer is an inner struggle, and sometimes it means surrendering one’s whole being. At a given moment, it becomes simply resting in God in silence. That is perhaps one of the high points of prayer.” Brother Roger of Taiz’
Dedication of Liturgical Art
Sunday, December 7th
11:00 Mass – Bishop Warfel presiding
Reception following
Conversation with the artists – 12:45 PM
Our Lord Christ the King – November 23, 2008
Holy Spirit Parish Weekend Mass Schedule
Saturday – 4:30 p.m.
Sunday – 8:30 & 11:00 a.m.
Daily Mass Schedule
Holy Spirit Day Chapel:
Tues. – 5:15 p.m. & Thurs. – 8:30 a.m.
Park Place: Wed. – 2:30 p.m. – 3200 15th Ave. S
Holy Family Chapel: Fri.: 8:30 a.m. – 2800 Central Avenue
Mass Intentions:
Tuesday, November 25th – Whitaker Family (sp int)
Wednesday, November 26th – +Alice Mae Wilson
Thursday, November 27th – +Bea Conry
Friday, November 28th – Holy Family Chapel
+Jim Hamers
Saturday, November 29th – +Brian McCabe
Sunday, November 30th
8:30 a.m. – +Jeffrey Osterman
11:00 a.m. – Kenny Kleiner (sp int)
Reconciliation: Sat. at 4 p.m. at Holy Spirit
Readings for next week – First Sunday of Advent
· Isaiah 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2b-7
· 1 Corinthians 1:3-9
· Mark 13:33-37
Coffee & Rolls Schedule:
November 23rd Knights of Columbus
November 30th 8:30 – Clark/Hannula ReNew Group
11:00 – Hudspeth Family
December 7th 8:30 – Jonasens
11:00 – J. Martin Family
December 14th Religious Formation Program
Bus Schedule:
November 29th – O’Connell
November 30th – McCarter
What’s Happening This Week….
Everything is at Holy Spirit unless noted.
Christian Service – 7:00 p.m.
Catholic Bible Study – 6:00 p.m. – Sts. P&P
No Religious Formation
Choir Rehearsal – 7:00 p.m.
Rosary 8:00 a.m.
Remember to notify the Parish Office of any changes of address, phone number or e-mail.
Our mailing address is 201 44th St South
The Parish Offices will be closed on Thursday, November 27th and Friday, November 28th
WE, the people of Holy Spirit Catholic Parish of Great Falls, Montana, created by God, centered in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, are sharing our journey of faith,
WE are committed to upholding our faith, strengthening our families, and being a joyful people of prayer.
WE strive to be the Lord’s presence on earth by ministering to all people with compassion and hope. Rev. January 5, 1999
Fr. Dick Schlosser Pastor
Chuck Paul Parish Administrator
Mary Dupuis Worship
Larry Guilbault RCIA/Adult Formation
Sr. Catherine Kinsella, O. P. Pastoral Associate
Colleen Biehl Elementary Program
Mary Jolley Youth Coordinator
Karyn Jenkins Secretary
Chuck Osterman Maintenance
Liturgical Ministers for November 29,30
Bread Bakers: L&W Milos and A Trunkle
4:30 p.m. / 8:30 a.m. / 11:00 a.m.Music / M Hale
M Dupuis / MA Kostelnik
M Steffes / 11:00 Group
M Steffes
Sacristan / J A O’Connell / J Gort / J Witham and L Romanchuk
Greeters / George Family
S Gray / G+V Drake
Lewis Family / Hilgendorfs
Usher / S Beaumont
B Thomas, Jr. / B Chafin
J Pierce / M Sitzmann
M Stimac
Servers / M George +
C Mendenhall
M Strom / M Matteson +
J Lewis
L Morrison / R Morris +
N Donisthorpe
T Nicholson
C. L. W. / B Munsterteiger
M Munsterteiger / P Nicholson
P Webb
S, B Secord
Lector / D Maronick
T Gilligan / T Rooney
G Matsko / C Ingman
D Walczak
Gifts / Wienholz Family / Erickson / Wilkins Family / Dirkes Family
E. M. / A Cereck
J Cereck
B Hogan
B Eayrs
J. Eayrs
K Reed
K Walters
B Maronick
D Stukey
S Pedro
S Edwin / N Rooney
S Donnelly
I Kelley
I Kelley
K Matteson
L Matteson
K Tenpenny
B Duke
G Drake
C Biehl
R Biehl / D Nicholson
E Smithson
K Dixon
L Donisthorpe
S Donisthorpe
C Paul
K Morris
M Morris
C Christiaens
M Hilgendorf
Stitch Niche: Anyone interested in getting together to do knitting, crocheting, sewing or any other kind of stitching for charitable donations. We will meet on the 2nd & 4th Mondays of the month at 10:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. in the Social Hall. For more information call Karen Corda at 452-0907.
Religious Formation
200 44th St. South
Family Night is Wednesday, December 17
The Christian Practice of Hospitality – Celebrating Las Pasada from 6:00-8:00 pm
at Sts. Peter & Paul Center. Dinner is provided.
Elementary and Jr. High Religious Formation Programs meet every Wednesday 7 PM, 9th & 10th Grades meet every other Wednesday at 7 PM at Sts P & P Center and for Special Events. 11th & 12th Events monthly. See Youth Formation below. Program Registration Forms are available in the rack between church front doors, parish office, Sts. Peter & Paul Center or download forms from parish website. Programs are always open for you to join in at anytime.
For latest info:
Adult Formation – RCIA
Larry Guilbault 452-6491
Are you interested in becoming Catholic? Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults meets every Thursday throughout the year at 7PM in the RCIA Room at Sts. Peter and Paul Center. Call Larry for information.
Youth Formation
Mary Jolley 452-6491
Youth Ministry: Come join us!!
Junior High 7th & 8th meets every Wednesday 7:00 in the Youth Room next meeting Dec. 3rd
All High School Teens City Wide Nov. 26th 4:30 P&P Topic – Plans for your Youth Group, casual planning for your future with Mentor Mary Jolley
High School 9th&10th Next session Dec 3rd
High School 9th- 12th Dec 7th Fr. Tom Haffey &
Fr. Dick Sun. after 11 Mass Special Event. Pizza too
Elementary Formation
Colleen Biehl 452-6491
Advent Project: New or extremely good used items to donate for the Children’s Receiving Home will begin now through Dec. 17. Boxes available in Church entry and at St. Peter & Paul Center. Items needed for boys and girls 0-18 years *clothing: including underwear and socks * diapers: especially larger sizes and pull ups *toiletries: tooth brushes, paste, deodorant, feminine hygiene products * toys * books,* puzzles * stuffed animals * backpacks * school supplies *
Confirmation and First Eucharist: Next session is Dec.7 from 12:30 – 2:30 pm at Sts. Peter & Paul
Center. Light Lunch served.
Confirmation – only: Next session is Sunday Dec. 14
at 12:30 pm in conference room at Holy Spirit Church.
For toddlers only – Books available for use during Mass see outside of sacristy door
Please continue praying for the Children who are now preparing for Confirmation and First Eucharist.
Mass for Completion of Initiation is February 8, 2009
Holy Spirit School
Roger Robbins – Principal
Helen Boysun/Anna Beckman, Secretaries 761-5775
Come and celebrate Mass with us at Holy Family Chapel at 8:30 a.m., November 28th.
Upcoming Dates:
Nov 26: Noon Dismissal for Thanksgiving Day
Christian Service
Sr. Catherine Kinsella, O.P. 452-6491
Justice Notes:
“Come you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom.” (Matthew 25:31-46)
On this feast of Christ the King, we are invited to pledge our loyalty to Jesus, the image of our all compassionate God. He is our King, this “image of the invisible God” who ended His life enthroned on a cross.
We are called to build “The Kingdom of God” here on earth, a Kingdom which is judged by how the least among us are treated. The Gospel is about our responsibility to help change social structures to make them more compassionate. What can I do?
1. Read this Sunday’s Gospel from the perspective of the poor.
2. Get involved in advocating for “The Kingdom of God”.
3. Pray that “God’s kingdom come” for all the children of God.
Christmas Grocery Bag Program:
The St. Vincent de Paul Society gave out around 400 Christmas food boxes last year to families in need. If you would like to help, pick up a grocery bag here at church, purchase the items on the attached list and return it to church by next Sunday, November 30th. If you would like to buy a turkey, it should be brought to the SVDP food bank at 426 Central Ave. West. Thank you for making this program possible.
Parish Nurses: We have begun a Blanket of Hope Ministry for those recently diagnosed with cancer and presenting experiencing cancer treatment. Prayer Shawls are also available for those experiencing a difficult time in their lives. If you know of someone who would appreciate receiving either one, please call the Parish Office and we would be happy to send one. There is no charge.
St. Vincent de Paul’s Food Pantry: Your contributions for the month of November are greatly appreciated by all who visit the Food Pantry for assistance in feeding their families. Our parish delivered 38 bags of food for a total of 195 lbs. Thanks for your thoughtfulness.
Catholic Campaign for Human Development: Of the 37 million people considered to be living below the poverty line, 45% work full time but still do not make enough money to feed their families, keep roofs over their heads, and pay for health care. The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) supports community based projects – founded and managed by the poor themselves – that work toward building a better and more just community where poverty does not exist. You can make a difference. Please donate prayerfully and generously in today’s CCHD Collection.
Mary Dupuis 452-6491
Holy Wash: Nov 22-S McKittrick / Nov 30- R Nelson
Liturgical Tidbits: Baptismal Font: With Vatican II we once again began to look at baptism as a Sacrament to be celebrated in the midst of the assembly, that is, in the context of the whole community. For practical purposes the baptism font was placed up front so the assembly could see the action. However, newer church buildings are being constructed with the font near the entrance, and within sight of the assembly, so that the symbolism of coming into the Church through the waters of baptism is once again evident.
At the same time, with the font at the entrance to the church, it makes the many small fonts unnecessary, and allows us to bless ourselves with the water from the font, a closer connection to our own baptism. Each time we bless ourselves this way, it can be a conscious renewal of our baptismal commitment and an affirmation of our right and duty to worship as part of the Body of Christ called by God into an assembled people.
Ministry Training Sessions:
· Lectors – Nov. 23rd after all Masses
Parish Relief Fund: Holy
As we approach Thanksgiving Day, let us take a moment to consider all the blessings we receive from God and how we in turn thank God for His blessings.
Care and Share 2008:
2008 Diocese Assessment: $78,350
Amount Contributed: 58,554
Amount Due: 19,796
Courtesy Announcements
Donations of new Religious Cards for the Jail to be distributed to the inmates to send to family members may be dropped off at the parish office or put in the collection basket.
Recycle-Reuse-Reduce: The first drop off weekend provided over 1,200 lbs of newspaper/44 lbs of aluminum cans. Don’t forget to use the Holy Spirit Parish account at Pacific Recycling, 1624 12th Avenue North. The first tip is to have newspaper in a paper bag or in a grocery plastic bag tied. The big white newspaper bin (Sts Peter and Paul) is now available for your use again. Please do not overfill or leave papers outside of the container.Mark your calendars for Dec 6 and 7 for the next collection before and after each Mass.We need many volunteers with trucks for disposal.We would like to schedule three months in advance.For more information call Cindy at 761-6438.
GIRL SCOUT MITTEN DRIVE: Girl Scout Troop #3180 is holding a mitten drive during the month of November. We are looking for gently used or new mittens and gloves. Deposit them in the provided drop box located in the front entrance of the church. All the mittens collected will be donated to youth in Great Falls. Any further questions, please contact Jen at 452-0894
Best Breakfasts in town! Knights of Columbus, Council #1493, Sunday Monthly Breakfasts will be held on Sunday, November, 23rd & November 30th from 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. at the K of C Hall, 906 Central Ave West. Same great menu, free will offering