State of Georgia Draft 2018-2022 Consolidated Plan
Per HUD requirements, the State of Georgia has published its draft 2018-2022 Consolidated Plan at This Plan presents DCA’s planned use of funds from HUD’s five consolidated formula programs, from federal fiscal year (FFY) 2018 through FFY 2022 (beginning July 1, 2018 and ending June 30, 2019):
- Community Development Block Grant (CDBG),
- HOME Investment Partnership (HOME),
- National Housing Trust Fund (NHTF),
- Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG),
- Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA).
Public Hearing: March 29, 2018; 12 pm
DCA will host a public hearing on the Draft 2018-2022 Consolidated Plan on March 29, at 12 pm, at DCA’s office in Conference Room 202 (60 Executive Park South NE, Atlanta, GA 30329-2231).
Public Comment Period: March 16 – April 16, 2018
The State of Georgia encourages all of its residents, sub-recipients and grantees, public agencies, and other interested parties to submit any written comments to the agency.
By mail / Georgia Department of Community AffairsATTN: CONSOLIDATED PLAN PUBLIC COMMENTS
60 Executive Park South, Atlanta, Georgia 30329
By email /
By TDD / 404-679-4915
Summary of the Plan:
The 2018-2022 Consolidated Plan is composed of three main components:
1)The five-year Strategic Plan, discussing FFY 2018-2022funds and objectives
2)The one-year Annual Action Plan, discussing FFY2018-2019 funds and objectives
3)The Citizen Participation Plan, summarizing the State of Georgia’s commitment to engaging with all Georgia stakeholders and residents.
Extensive stakeholder and resident engagement has identified several key priorities for the State of Georgia, as presented in the 2018-2022 Consolidated Plan:
- Housing Cost Burden Relief:The most common housing problem was moderate to severe cost burden, especially for households with incomes below 30% of the area median income. More than one-third of Georgia residents are cost burdened.
- Homelessness:Homelessness affects an array of communities in Georgia, both urban and rural. Persons living with HIV/AIDS are more vulnerable to becoming homeless. The Plan identifies priority needs as rental assistance, rapid rehousing, and homelessness prevention.
- Non-Homeless Supportive Services:Georgia needs increased services for persons with HIV/AIDS and non-homeless supportive services.
- Aging Infrastructure, Local Disinvestment:The assessment finds a large demand for community infrastructure, including water and wastewater systems as well as public facilities and services. The State is committed to engaging in increased efforts to provide for the viability of communities by creating and sustaining quality infrastructure and improving livability, health and safety, and economic development.
State of Georgia Draft 2018-2022 Consolidated Plan
Five-Year Goals Summary, 2018-2022 (SP-45, Table 57, p. 93)
Objective / Category / Program / Funding / Goal Outcome Indicator / Predicted OutcomeConstruction and rehabilitation of rental units / Affordable housing / HOME / 79,600,000 / Rental units constructed/rehabilitated / HOME: 1990; NHTF: 150
NHTF / 22,139,750
Homeownership assistance / Affordable housing / HOME / 6,250,000 / Homeowner Housing Added / 63
HOME / 18,750,000 / Homeowner Housing Rehabilitated / 375
CDBG / 9,500,000 / 100
Tenant-Based Rental Assistance / Affordable housing / HOME / 0 / Tenant-based rental assistance/rapid rehousing / 0
Emergency shelter & transitional housing / Homeless / ESG / 8,945,500 / Homeless Person Overnight Shelter / 35,200
Rapid re-housing assistance / Homeless / ESG / 8,857,000 / Tenant-based rental assistance/rapid rehousing / 12,500
Homeless outreach assistance / Homeless / ESG / 2,753,500 / Other / 2,150
Homeless prevention assistance / Non-Homeless Special Needs / ESG / 2,810,250 / Homelessness Prevention / 4,200
HOPWA Tenant-Based Rental Assistance / Non-Homeless Special Needs / HOPWA / 4,687,000 / Tenant-based rental assistance/rapid rehousing / 1,000
HOPWA Housing Assistance / Non-Homeless Special Needs / HOPWA / 9,217,165 / HIV/AIDS Housing Operations / 1,000
Buildings / Non-housing Community Development / CDBG / 20,000,000 / Public facility or infrastructure activities other than low/moderate income housing benefit / 10,000
Infrastructure / Non-housing Community Development / CDBG / 109,250,000 / Public facility or infrastructure activities other than low/moderate income housing benefit / 40,000
Economic Incentive Program / Non-housing Community Development / CDBG / 40,000,000 / Jobs created/retained / 2,000
Immediate Threat & Danger Program / Non-housing Community Development / CDBG / 2,500,000 / Jobs created/retained / 5,000
Redevelopment / Non-housing Community Development / CDBG / 7,500,000 / Jobs created/retained / 75
One-Year Goals Summary, 2018-2019 (AP-20, Table 60, p. 119)
Goal Name / Category / Needs Addressed / Program / Funding / Goal Outcome Indicator / Predicted OutcomeConstruction/Rehabilitation of rental units / Affordable housing / Affordable Rental Housing / HOME / 25,000,000 / Rental units constructed / HOME: 625; NHTF: 30
NHTF / 4,427,950 / Rental units rehabilitated
Homeownership assistance / Affordable housing / Homeownership
Housing Preservation & Development / HOME / 5,000,000 / Homeowner Housing Added / 87
CDBG / 1,900,000 / Homeowner Housing Rehabilitated / 20
Tenant-Based Rental Assistance / Affordable housing / Affordable Rental Housing / HOME / 0 / Tenant-based rental assistance/rapid rehousing / 0
Emergency shelter & transitional housing / Homeless / Emergency Shelter & Transitional Housing / ESG / 1,789,100 / Homeless Person Overnight Shelter: Persons Assisted / 7,040
Rapid re-housing assistance / Homeless / Rapid Re-housing / ESG / 1,771,400 / Tenant-based rental assistance/rapid rehousing: Households Assisted / 2,410
Homeless outreach assistance / Homeless / Homeless Outreach / ESG / 548,700 / Other / 430
Homeless prevention assistance / Non-Homeless Special Needs / Homelessness Prevention / ESG / 562,050 / Homelessness Prevention: Persons Assisted / 840
HOPWA Tenant-Based Rental Assistance / Non-Homeless Special Needs / Rapid Re-housing
Homelessness Prevention
Emergency Shelter & Transitional Housing / HOPWA / 937,400 / Tenant-based rental assistance/rapid rehousing (Persons Assisted) / 175
HOPWA Housing Assistance / Non-Homeless Special Needs / Rapid Re-housing
Homelessness Prevention
Emergency Shelter & Transitional Housing / HOPWA / 1,843,433 / HIV/AIDS Housing Operations (Persons Assisted) / 180
Buildings / Non-housing Community Development / Public Facilities / CDBG / 4,000,000 / Public facility or infrastructure activities other than low/moderate income housing benefit (Persons assisted) / 2,000
Infrastructure / Non-housing Community Development / Public Facilities / CDBG / 21,850,000 / Public facility or infrastructure activities other than low/moderate income housing benefit (Persons assisted) / 8,000
Employment Incentive Program / Non-housing Community Development / Job Creation / CDBG / 8,000,000 / Jobs created/retained / 400
Immediate Threat & Danger Program / Non-housing Community Development / Public Facilities / CDBG / 500,000 / Jobs created/retained / 1,000
Redevelopment / Non-housing Community Development / Public Facilities
Job Creation / CDBG / 1,500,000 / Jobs created/retained / 15