PLEASE NOTE that this is a guide and not everything is included on the study guide. Any handouts or assigned readings are fair game.

Items to study:

·  Gunpowder Empires (Mughal, Ottoman, Safavid) /   11.4, 11.5
·  Kingdoms and Trading States of Africa /   Ch. 12.1-3; webquest
·  The Fall of Rome /   Ch. 6.5
·  The Byzantine Empire /   Ch. 10.1
·  The Early Middle Ages /   Ch. 8.1-4
·  The Late Middle Ages /   Ch. 9.1-3;5
·  The Renaissance, Reformation and Scientific Revolution /   Ch. 14.1-5
·  The Age of Exploration /   Ch. 15.1
·  The First Global Age /   Ch. 16.1-2, 5
·  The Age of Absolutism /   Ch. 17
·  The Enlightenment /   Ch. 18.1
·  All notes, readings, homework, quizzes, and tests.
·  Maps (know bodies of water, major countries, and cities.)

Format of the Final:

1.  Matching

2.  Multiple Choice

3.  Mapping

4.  Short Answers (1 - 2 paragraph each)

Things to know from first semester:

  The Economics Model


  Cultural Diffusion

  5 Functions of Religion

  Ethnocentrism

General questions to consider:

1.  How can one historical event impact subsequent historical periods (causes and effects)?

2.  How did monarchs build the foundations for strong national governments?

3.  How did the revival of trade and the growth of towns influence medieval culture?

4.  Are there recognizable patterns in history?

5.  How do civilizations construct major trading networks?

6.  How do factors such as geography and trade shape the development of culture?

Specific Unit Questions to consider:


1.  How did Islam adopt/adapt to the cultures to which it spread?

2.  What modern day legacies are a result of the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empires?

3.  How did Europe view Muslim empires from 700 to 1683?


1.  How did geographical features impact the development of Africa (both positive and negative?)

2.  What impact did the gold and salt trade have on African societies?

3.  What was the impact of Islam on Africa?


1.  What were the major causes for the fall of Rome?

2.  In what ways did the Byzantine Empire preserve the cultural, political, and religious greatness of ancient Rome?

3.  What factors led to the split between Eastern and Western Christianity? What were the implications of this split?


1.  How did feudalism impact the political, economic, and social order?

2.  How did the Catholic Church establish its authority and spr Christianity during the Middle Ages?

3.  How did the economy grow and change during the Middle Ages?

4.  In the Late Middle Ages what are the ways in which people gain a greater say over their own government?

5.  How did the Middle Ages represent a time of conflict between the powers of kings and popes?

6.  What were the impacts of the plague on Europe?


1.  What ideas influenced Renaissance scholars, artists and writers?

2.  How did the Renaissance create a new emphasis on individual achievement?

3.  How did discontent with the Church lead to the Protestant Reformation?

4.  How did the Scientific Revolution transform the way people viewed their world, especially in terms of the Enlightenment?


1.  Why did European nations send explorers across the ocean and how did technology aid them?

2.  What role did "Guns, Germs and Steel" play in the conquest of the Aztecs and Incas?

3.  Why did the Spanish bring enslaved Africans to the Americas?

4.  How did cultural blending reshape the Americas after 1492?

5.  How did European explorations lead to a global exchange?

6.  What economic and social changes occurred in Europe in the 1500s & 1600s?


1.  How did absolute monarchs in Europe centralize their power and use it to shape their nations?

2.  How did the English monarchy differ from other nations in terms of absolute rule?

3.  How did the Enlightenment challenge the traditional social and political order?

4.  Why did some European rulers embrace Enlightenment ideas?