World Geography B
Course Syllabus
Teacher- Angela Pair
Conference Times- 1:45- 2:55
TEKS for Course
Southwest Asia and North Africa
Unit Understandings:
- Southwest Asia’s location places it at an important crossroads in the world.
- The physical geography of Southwest Asia limits economic opportunities in the region.
- By playing a major role in fueling the world economy, Southwest Asia’s oil reserves have greatly increased its economic and geopolitical influence.
- Religious diversity and the legacy of a colonial past have fueled conflict in the region of Southwest Asia.
- Political and economic changes have resulted in the relocation of populations in Southwest Asia
Unit Questions:
- Southwest Asia predetermined the nature of its economies?
- What difference has oil made in the economics and politics of Southwest Asia?
- Is peace among the religious and ethnic groups of Southwest Asia a realistic goal?
- To what extent is peace in Southwest Asia a key to peace in the world?
TEKS/TAKS Questions:
- How have physical processes shaped the unique features and regions of Southwest Asia? (WG3B, 4B, 4C, 9A)
- What differences are there between how the people of Southwest Asia adapted to its physical environment in the past and how they adapt to it today? (WG8A, 8B*, 8D)
- What impact has the physical geography of the nations in Southwest Asia had on their economies, both in the past and the present? (WG5B*, 10C*, 11A, 11B, 12B)
- How did the growth and spread of Islam change Southwest Asia and other parts of the world? (WG1A*, 1B*, 14B, and 18A*; WH1B*, 11B*, and 12B*)
- To what extent are the institutions of societies in Southwest Asia a reflection of their religious heritage? (WG5A, 17A, 18A*, 18C)
- How was the creation of the state of Israel a turning point in the History of Southwest Asia? (WH1B*)
East and South Asia
Unit Understandings:
- Physical forces have a significant impact on human activities in South and East Asia.
- Ancient cultures, religions, and traditions have shaped the societies of South and East Asia.
- Imperialism from outside the regions affected both South and East Asia.
- South and East Asia have faced the problem of overpopulation with varying degrees of success.
- The economies of East and South Asia vary from the traditional to the highly developed
Unit Questions:
- To what extent have the nations South and East Asia been able to adapt to the harsh effects of their climate and geology?
- Have the religions of South and East Asia had as important an impact on their cultures as those of Southwest Asia?
- Is the “legacy of colonialism” the same or different in South and East Asia than it is in Africa or Latin America?
- Have South and East Asia effectively addressed their problems of overpopulation?
- What accounts for the vast differences in economic development among the countries of South and East Asia?
TEKS/TAKS Questions:
- How have the physical processes of South and East Asia shaped the lives of people in those regions? (WG1A*, 3B, 4A, 4B, 8B*, 8C)
- Have the societies of East and South Asia been able to adapt to the physical processes that create natural disasters? (WG19B)
- How has religion helped to shape the character and institutions of South and East Asia? (WG1A*, 5A, 17A,)
- What impact has imperialism had on the societies of East and South Asia? (WG1A*, 5A, 18A*, 18B, 18D)
- Why is overpopulation a problem in East and South Asia and what are the nations of the region doing to address it? (WG1A*, 7A, 8D, 15A)
- Why is there such variety in the economic systems and economic development of the nations of East and South Asia? (WG5B*, 8D, 10A, 10B, 10C, 11A, 11B, 11C)
Unit Understandings:
- Geographic, economic, and historical factors made it possible for the nations of Eurasia to accumulate enough power and reach to colonize much of the world
- Despite centuries of political conflict and war, the nations of Europe have entered the 21st century with relative peace and generally high standards of living.
- Global economic forces have led the nations of Europe to engage in broad economic cooperation.
- After 60 years of communist rule, the nations of the former Soviet Union have embraced democracy and capitalism
Unit Questions:
- Was it Europe’s geography or culture that made possible its domination of much of the world for most of the last five centuries?
- How has Europe thrived despite centuries of conflict and war?
- Will there be a “United States of Europe”?
- Was communism a disaster for Russia and has its fall been Russia’s salvation?
TEKS/TAKS Questions:
- How has Europe’s geography and culture promoted trade, growth, expansion, and diffusion? (WG1A*, 1B*, 4C, 6B, 9A, 10C* 12A, 12B, 14B, 14C, 18A, 18D)
- What are the roots of Europe’s prosperity? (WG5B*, 6B, 8A, 8D, 10B, 10C*, 11C, 19A)
- What factors have led to the creation of the European Union and will those factors continue to promote economic unification in the future? (WG2B, 12A, 14B)
- What was economic, cultural, and political life like in the Soviet Union? (WG5B, 10A, 10B, 10C, 18B)
South East Asia and Australia
Unit Understandings
- Geographic, economic, and historical factors made it possible for the Colonialism had a major impact on the native peoples of Southeast Asia, Australia, and Oceania.
- While many nations in the region have highly developed economies and large cities, others are still poor and have traditional economies.
- As in other regions of the world, economic development has brought urbanization as well as environmental problems.
Unit Questions
- How are Southeast Asia, Australia, and Oceania different because of European Colonization?
- What accounts for the poverty of some nations and the wealth of others in the region?
- Has progress been worth the cost in Southeast Asia?
TEKS/TAKS Questions
- What are the major reasons for significant patterns of migration in Southeast Asia, Australia, and Oceania? (WG1A*, 2A, 7B, 18A)
- How did colonialism change the economies and human geography of Southeast Asia, Australia, and Oceania? (WG12A, 12B, 18A*)
- What effects has war had on Southeast Asia? (WG18A8)
- How has economic development affected standards of living, distribution of population and the environment in the region? (WG1A, 5B* 6A*, 6B8, 8A, 8B*, 8D)
Grading Determination
50% Daily- These grades usually consist of classroom activities, assignments, and homework.
50% Test/Major- These grades are traditional tests, projects, and other long term assignments.
Late Work Procedure
The key to success in Social Studies is turning in every assignment on time. However, we will accept late work with penalties determined by the teacher. After the unit is completed the highest grade will be a “50.” All assignments must be completed.
Reteach/Retest Procedure
If you receive a failing grade on a test, you may schedule a time with the teacher to retake the test. If you pass the test, you will receive a “70” in the grade book for the test grade. These tests must be taken within one week of the notification of your failing grade.
Southwest Asia and North Africa Matchbook
Southwest Asia Poster
East Asia Inspiration
Europe Scrapbook
Southwest Asia and North Africa- 2 weeks
East and South Asia- 2 weeks
Eurasia- 2 ½ weeks
South East Asia and Australia- 2 weeks
Student Absence Procedure
You must come to school everyday and be on time. If you have an absence, your make up work should be completed outside of class. You cannot work on missed work during the regular class period! Please make arrangements to come before/after school or during your reading class to work on make up work. This policy includes missed tests. For your benefit, all missed tests must be taken within a week of your return. Make up tests cannot be taken during regular class time. Please check the LMS system to retrieve any missing assignment.
Test Days
Tuesdays and Fridays are the district Social Studies testing days. However, because of the accelerated nature of our program tests can be given on any day.