Task Overview

This assignment requires you and your group members to research and become experts on one of the five causes of the French Revolution. You will make use of a combination of research resources (teacher-created packet, textbook, selected websites)to do so. Your group will then create a video detailing the information you learned about your cause using the ShowMe App on you iPad. Finally, groups will present their ShowMe videos to the class in the form of a Gallery Walk. Be sure to make your video thorough, as your classmates will take notes on your topic using a graphic organizer!

Required Elements

  • A 2:00 – 3:00 minuteShowMe video that includes the following:
  • 3 or more slides with only the most important informationappearing on the screen
  • Details should be discussed aloud, recorded and inserted into the video to support the text shown
  • 3 or more relevant images
  • Each member of the group’s voice must be recorded at least one time during the video
  • Bibliography of sources used (at least 3)

Gallery Walk

Each group’s iPad will be placed at different points in the room and students will circulate to record information from each ShowMe video on a graphic organizer.

Topics/Focus Questions

  • Unfair Social Structure
  • See my ShowMe video. Use it as a model to guide the creation of your videos
  • Enlightenment Ideas
  • Which Enlightenment ideas caused the French people to want to change their government, an absolute monarchy? (Explain each idea, the philosopher who first put it forth, and why it was attractive to the French people)
  • Financial Difficulties
  • What financial problems caused the French people to be unhappy with the King?
  • The American Revolution
  • What did the French soldiers learn from their participation in the American Revolution and how did that information inspire them to want to change their government?
  • The Weak Leadership of Louis XVI
  • What about King Louis XVI made him a leader that people wanted

Sources to Use

  • “Causes of the French Revolution” Packet
  • Your textbook
  • (click on ABC-CLIO)


CATEGORY / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Required Elements / Project includes all 6 required elements / Project is missing 1 required element / Project is missing 2 required elements / Project is missing 3 or more required elements
Historical Relevancy/Accuracy / Information presentedanswers Focus Question and is historically accurate / Information presented somewhat answers Focus Question and is historically accurate / Information presented somewhat answers Focus Question and is mostly historically accurate / Information presented does not answer Focus Question and is not historically accurate
Communication of Ideas / Information is presented in an organized and logical way so that the overall message is clear and easy-to-understand / Information is somewhat organized and the overall message may be somewhat difficult to understand / Information is not organized in a logical way and the overall message is difficult to understand
Organization and Design / The project is exceptionally attractive in terms of design, layout and neatness / The project is acceptably attractive though it may be a bit messy / The project is distractingly messy or very poorly designed

Overall Mark:______/14 (x2 = ____/28)

Directions:View each of the ShowMe videos in the Gallery. Use the information from the videos to answer the focus questions for each cause in the circles below.