/ ScHARR Risk Assessment (Attending Conferences)
Hazards / Comment I Detail
Identify describe the nature of all significant hazards associated with the fieldwork how harm could occur I harmful effect of the hazard identified. / Measures to prevent or minimize risk
Identify the key control measures,
proportionate to level of risk (i.e. likelihood + seriousness of harm occurring), needed to reduce risks to a low & acceptable level. / Residual Risk
See Appendix 1
Risk Rating
S / L / RR
Accidents, incidents and injuries including sudden illness / ·  Be aware of first aid facilities and trained first aiders
·  If you have a medical condition that may require assistance advise someone on arrival.
Transport / ·  Individuals should refrain from driving immediately following any long haul flight.
·  Ensure that the driving license is valid and insurance is arranged. The driver will need to become familiar with local driving regulations.
·  Verify that the driver is actually licensed to drive a vehicle in the country to be visited
Bomb or Terrorist threat / ·  Be aware of bags, cases or any packages being left, notify security staff immediately if that is the case.
Fire / ·  Comply with in house fire procedures
·  Aware of evacuation procedures and assembly points.
·  Equipment switched off when not in use for long periods
Standing for long periods / ·  Chair or sitting points should be available
·  Staff rotation
·  Wear sensible footwear
Other identified risks:
Additional References, Tasks Etc
Undertaken By: / Signature:
Revision Date:
Other Persons Consulted: / Revision Date:
Revision Date:
Date: / Revision Date:

Appendix 1: Guide to Risk Level Rating

Field / Rating / Score / Description
of Harm / High (H) / 3 / Hazard capable of resulting in death, severe injury or illness, or major loss to equipment or buildings.
Moderate (M) / 2 / Hazard capable of resulting in injury or illness requiring absence work, or equipment damage.
Low (L) / 1 / Hazard capable of resulting in minor injury requiring first aid, or inconsequential loss.
Likelihood / High (H) / 3 / Likely to occur imminently-hazard exists permanently
Moderate (M) / 2 / Likely to occur in time-hazards exists intermittently and there is a low expectation of occurrence
Low (L) / 1 / May occur in time-hazards exists infrequently and there is a low expectation of occurrence
None (N) / 0 / Hazard removed completely or effect of possible hazard made impossible by design (applies only to residual risk).
Final Risk
Rating / High (H) / 6,9 / Priority risk. Must be reduced to a level that is acceptable through practical and effective control measures.
Moderate (M) / 3,4 / Lesser priority risk. Should be assessed to see if further control measures can be applied to reduce to low risk.
Low (L) / 0,1,2 / No further action is required.