Welcome to


World Geography!

Teacher: Mr. Caleb Glueck

Email Address:

Parents and Guardians,

I am looking forward to working with you and your student this year! Please feel free to contact me at any time with questions or concerns. Email is the quickest way to get in touch with me, however, I hope that you will not hesitate to call the school and/or set up a conference with the office if that is your preference. Please return the signed portion of this syllabus to me, and have your student keep the rest of it in the back of the Social Studies section of your binder throughout the year for easy reference.

Course Description:

This World Geography course is designed to provide students with an in-depth study of the various physical and human geographies across the globe. We will begin the year by reviewing how to use and interpret geographical tools and resources. Next, the students will apply their knowledge to learning about the various regional differences of locations spanning from the United States and Canada to the Australia and Oceania region. Lastly, the students will be encouraged to adopt a worldly mindset in order to become multicultural learners.

Topics Covered in Curriculum:

Topic 1: Enhancing Geography Skills

Topic 2: The United States and Canada

Topic 3: Central America, South America, and the Caribbean

Topic 4: Europe

Topic 5: Russia and Northern Eurasia

Topic 6: Middle East and North Africa

Topic 7: Africa, South of the Sahara

Topic 8: South Asia

Topic 9: East and Southeast Asia

Topic 10: Australia and Oceania

Course Requirements:

In this course student performance will be assessed throughout the year using the following requirements:

1.  Classroom participation – All students are expected to contribute to the class discussions!

2.  Tests – Tests will be given at the end of each Region and/or Marking Periods. Students will always be given at least a 2-5 day notice of tests.

3.  Quizzes – Quizzes will be given periodically throughout the year.

4.  Group Work and Group Participation and Group Projects – Group work is vital in being a productive member of society. Students will work in groups every week in class.

5.  Class notes and Handouts – Class notes and handouts should be located in the students’ binder at all times in the order in which they were given out or completed.

6.  Go Geography! – Generally, every day will begin with a short Go Geography! topic, and these topics will be checked periodically for completion and/or accuracy.

7.  Scheduled Notebook Checks – Notebooks will be checked for organization and content periodically.

8.  Constructed Response – Writing prompts will be given to correspond with a class unit periodically and usually in connection with a test.

9.  Homework assignments – Homework is due at the beginning of the class period. It is crucial that students keep up with their homework assignments as they reinforce the material we learn in class.

10.  Honors Project – You will work on a multi-faceted project related to the countries of the world that will account for the honors portion of this class.

Classroom Rules:

While I expect that students follow all school rules and treat themselves and others with respect and courtesy at all times, I have the following rules for my classroom:

1.  Be in class when the tardy bell rings, and use the restroom before coming to class.

2.  Remain in your seat unless you have permission to be up.

3.  Respect others and their belongings.

4.  Cooperate, be kind, and courteous to all your classmates and teacher.

5.  Be responsible for your learning: come to class prepared and ready to learn.

If You Choose to Break a Rule:

The following consequences will be taken

1ST Infraction: Verbal Warning

2nd Infraction: Lunch Detention

3rd Infraction: Teacher/Student Conference

4th Infraction: Parent Conference

5th Infraction: Office Referral

**This syllabus is to stay IN THE BACK of your social studies section in your binder at all times!**

Please return the following sheet to Mr. Glueck

I have read, understand, and agree to all of the expectations for Mr. Glueck’s World Geography Honors Class.

Student’s Name (print) ______

Student Signature ______


Parent/Guardian’s Name (print) ______

Parent/Guardian Signature______


Preferred phone # ______

Preferred Email ______

Mr. Glueck’s Classroom Procedures

This guide to Mr. Glueck’s Classroom Procedures must be kept IN THE BACK of your binder with your syllabus for the WHOLE year!

Entering the Classroom- Always enter the classroom in a quiet and orderly manner. Go straight to your assigned seat, take out your materials, and begin your daily Bell Ringer, which will always be posted at the front of the room. This will not require talking!

Tardy Policies-

Class begins as soon as you enter the classroom. If the door is closed, you have arrived tardy. If you are tardy then you must have a pass from the office or the class you just came from.

Please note that the door locks from the outside. In such occasions, please follow the following procedure:

1.  Knock gently



Classroom Materials- You will need loose leaf paper and a writing utensil (blue or black ink pens or pencils) in class every day! You should bring your binder containing your Social Studies class notes and handouts to class every day. Make sure to keep class materials not being used under the tables and out of the aisles!

Paper Heading- Name and Date should be written in the upper right hand corner of all assignments handed in to me! Additionally, each assignment should have the proper title for the activity at the top/center.

When you are absent- All extra handouts are kept in the organizer by the turn in and return boxes. It is your responsibility to come and talk to me on the day you return to school to get your missed work. You will be required to turn in completed makeup work to me after one class/absence period for full credit. The cutoff for turning in late work is at the end of each marking period.

Making up a Test/Quiz- If you are absent on a test/quiz day, make-ups must be taken the day you return. The make-up assessment may be different from the original.

Visitors- When a visitor comes into the classroom, you will continue working without acknowledging the visitor. Disruptions will not be tolerated.

Group/Partner Work – All students are required to participate in group work and partner work—no exceptions. All grades will be individual; if it is clear one or more students did not participate, they may receive a different grade.

Individual Work- All individual class work should be completed without talking. If you have a question, raise your hand and wait for me to come to you. If I am helping another student, simply move on and raise your hand again when you see that I have finished.

Craft Table- There are materials available for you to use for group and individual work. The craft table must be kept clean and organized if you are to continue to use it!

Turn-In/Pick-Up Boxes- All work done in class must be put in the Turn-In Box in order to receive credit for the work. Homework may either be collected at your group table or in the Turn-In Boxes, Mr. Glueck will let you know. If there is graded work in the Pick-Up Boxes, the papers will be passed out at the beginning or end of class.

Getting your attention- When I need your attention I will do one of the following things:

1.  I will raise my hand and say, “hands up”! At that time, students should raise their hand and stop talking.

2.  I will simply say “all eyes on me”! At that time there should be no talking and all should be on me.

Early Finishers- If you finish all your class work or group work ahead of time, you should double check your work for accuracy or do your best to help the students around you.

Leaving class- It is strongly encouraged that you use the bathroom between classes, that way we can spend most of our class time doing class work. However, if you must leave the classroom you must ask my permission before leaving and you must have a valid excuse. You will not be excused from class unless you meet both of these requirements!

Dismissal- I will tell you when it is time to pack up your belongings. You should not do so before I tell you. You are not dismissed from class until I have given you permission to leave.

Grading- all classroom and homework assignments will receive a score of 1-4 based on your ability to adequately complete your assignment. Quizzes and tests will receive a grade based on the number of questions missed. Tests are worth twice as much as quizzes.

Mr. Glueck’s Do’s and Don’ts

A quick guide to Mr. Glueck’s Classroom Procedures must be kept AT THE BACK of your binder with your syllabus for the WHOLE year!

Do This…

·  Enter the classroom quietly, immediately checking the Do Now!

·  Be prepared for class and get ready to work as soon as you enter the room.

·  Keep your belongings under your desk.

·  Talk to your group members and check the absent binder for missed work when you are absent.

·  Make up tests and quizzes the day after you are absent.

·  Leave the Craft Table the way you find it.

·  Check the Pick Up Boxes daily.

·  Be helpful to your fellow students while doing classwork or if you finish an assignment early.

Do Not Do This…

·  Yell or scream in the classroom.

·  Make a scene if you enter the classroom after class has begun.

·  Talk while Mr. Glueck is addressing the class, or leave your seat while Mr. Glueck is addressing the class!

·  Be rude or disrespectful to Mr. Glueck or another classmate.

·  Throw items across the classroom.

·  Leave the classroom without permission.

·  Do nothing!

World Geography Supply List

What to bring to class at the beginning of the semester:

Marbled composition notebook (with your name on the front)

1 pack of Loose-leaf paper (Wide rule)

1 ream of printer paper

1 glue stick

1 pack of scotch tape

1 bag of candy (optional, for edible prizes)

What to bring to each class everyday:

1 ½ inch binder with a front window

10 dividers within binder (labeled with the Topics covered in the curriculum)

Loose-leaf paper

At least two pencils

At least two pens (blue or black ink preferred)


White out

·  All supplies need to be with the student by Monday, August 14, 2017 (you will receive a grade for your supplies!)

·  Supplies must be replenished throughout the year as needed.