OXVT3 2014


Date of Application / TYPE First approval / Re-approval*
(*delete as appropriate)
Date of Birth

GMC Number

Contact Details
Practice Name and Address


Primary Care Trust
Practice Computer system
How many years have you been a GP?
How many years have you been a GP in your current practice?
Are you a partner / salaried / other (please clarify)?
Do you hold MRCGP?
Do you have a Certificate of Medical Education?
How many sessions do you actually work in your practice each week (please attach a typical weekly timetable)
How much protected and uninterrupted time for teaching each week?
What was the date of your last appraisal?
Please attach your PDP as an educator
What courses have you attended relating to your role as an educator since your last approval?
How are you developing your skills as an educator?
When did you last take part in an approval visit to another practice?
Name of Practice Manager & Senior Practice Nurse / Email addresses
Doctors Working in the Practice
Name / Age / Qualifications / Status
e.g. Partner / Non-Prin / F/T
equiv / Trainer
Names of Doctors in Training /


GPR,F2, Retainer
How many learners do you need approval for? Please state the type of learner e.g F2 /
Practice Description
Practice size, demography, location, and character of practice. Brief summary of recent practice history and strategic direction.
Please also include the consultation rate of doctors/practice nurses broken down by face to face and telephone (if appropriate)
NHS Choices: % of patients who would recommend the surgery:

Practice outside commitments

(please comment on any impact that this may have on training)

Trainers outside commitments

(please comment on any impact that this may have on training)
Recommendations from last Practice visit and Action taken


1  I have at least 2 years experience as a qualified general practitioner o o

2  I have at least 4 sessions per week minimum regular commitment to the

Practice (at least 3 clinical working alongside the trainee) o o

3  I hold MRCGP o o

4  I have completed a recognised New Trainers Course o o

5  I hold a Certificate in Medical Education o o

I confirm that all the information given in this application form is correct.

Signed:………………………………………………………………………………… Date:………………………………………………

Criteria and application form
Please describe how you meet the following criteria
Domain 1: Patient Safety
Standards: The responsibilities, related duties, working hours and supervision of trainees must be consistent with high delivery of high quality safe patient care. There must be clear procedures to address immediately any concerns about patient safety arising from the training of doctors
1.1 / GPStRs are supported in making the highest quality care of patients their first concern
Evidence: Clarity of clinical management plans and entries on to patient medical record; knowledge of child protection procedures; high attainment in QoF; practice registered with national regulators as required e.g. CQC
Self assessment
Assessor comments
1.2 / There is continuity of patient care from one team member to another
Evidence: Statement of practice policy computer notes, gold standard patients team meetings, messaging systems, PHC meetings to discuss patients
Self assessment
Assessor comments
1.3 / GPStRs are adequately supervised according to their competence and experience with a named clinical and educational supervisor for each placement. They should undertake only those procedures for which they have been trained and are deemed competent to perform
Evidence: E-portfolio entries, GPStR feedback, rotas to show who is supervising / available for backup
Self assessment
Assessor comments
1.4 / Have appropriate policies and protocols to ensure patient safety
Evidence: Sample of practice policies, this must include a policy for local procedures for reporting patient safety concerns. Registration of training practice with National Regulators
Self assessment
Assessor comments
1.5 / Have procedures for obtaining patient consent when appropriate
Evidence: Patient consent forms, audits showing use of consent forms for minor surgery, video consent procedures
Self assessment
Assessor comments
1.6 / Have adequate arrangements for supervision in the absence (for whatever reason) of the named supervisor
Evidence: Practice policy to deal with trainers absence and means by which this is notified to the learner and other members of the practice team
Self assessment
Assessor comments
1.7 / Have a system for recognising and addressing a significant event in the practice which (when appropriate) demonstrates an improvement in patient safety
Evidence: Reports from Significant Event reviews and demonstration of action taken (completion of the audit cycle)
Self assessment
Assessor comments
Assessor Overall comments on Domain 1
Domain 2: Quality Assurance, Review and Evaluation
Standards: GP specialty training must be quality managed, monitored, reviewed, evaluated and improved
2.1 / Encourage feedback from the GPStR on your teaching and the practice as a learning environment as a whole
Evidence: Pro-forma that are used to capture the feedback, details of anything that has changed as a result of that feedback, Trainers MSF
Self assessment
Assessor comments
2.2 / Your GPStRs timetable is Working Time Regulations compliant
Evidence: GPStR timetable
Self assessment
Assessor comments
2.3 / Ensure there are effective systems in place to enable GPStRs to raise concerns about their training and to feedback their views.
Evidence: Complaints protocol, practice and programme level, Trainers MSF
Self assessment
Assessor comments
Assessor Overall comments on Domain 2
Domain 3: Equality, Diversity and Opportunity
Standards: GP specialty training must be fair and based on principles of equality
3.1 / Demonstrate that you have been trained in equality, diversity and human rights best practice in the last 3 years. When did you last undertake equality and diversity training?
Evidence: Certificate of completion
Self assessment
Assessor comments
3.2 / How would you provide for GPStRs with disabilities, special educational needs or other needs and those working less than full time without compromising training standards?
Evidence: Description of what would be or has been done demonstrating knowledge of legal requirements, CDU, occupational health, counselling
Self assessment
Assessor comments
3.3 / Ensure that the practice team (including trainees) understand that they must treat patients and colleagues fairly and not exhibit prejudice on the basis of gender, race, age, religion, sexual orientation or disability
Evidence: Staff training session, Practice protocols, E&D certificates
Self assessment
Assessor comments
Assessor Overall comments on Domain 3
Domain 4: Recruitment, Selection and Appointment (not a practice responsibility)
Domain 5: Delivery of Curriculum including Assessment
Standards: The requirements set out in the approved curriculum and assessment system must be delivered and assessed.
5.1 / GPStRs can access learning opportunities and exposure to a range of patients, clinical problems, and learning environments (including a variety of community settings) that will enable them to complete the GP curriculum
Evidence: timetable to show release for central teaching, 2 hour protected tutorial, other teaching time, exposure to other members of PHCT (induction & other opportunities), practice demographics showing patient distribution, methods of allocating patients in personalised list practices & others to show continuing care for chronic disease patients e.g. EOL care; evidence of ST1s and ST2s undertaking 3 sessions of educational activity per week
Self assessment
Assessor comments
5.2 / You are familiar and up to date with administrative and technical aspects of MRCGP including the ePortfolio. You are actively involved in using the ePortfolio for the benefit of the GPStR and monitor trainee progress
Evidence: e-portfolio entries – Deanery to review ESRs comments in logs
Self assessment
Assessor comments
5.3 / You understand the assessment tools and can use them proficiently
Evidence: e.g. usage of CBD or COT to be reviewed during the visit
Self assessment
Assessor comments
5.4 / The GPStR gains suitable supervised experience of General Practice Out of Hours work
Evidence: E-portfolio
Self assessment
Assessor comments
5.5 / Trainees are reminded about the need to be up-to date with the principles of Good Medical Practice and the requirements of revalidation
Evidence: timely submission by trainee of ‘Form R’
Self assessment
Assessor comments
Assessor Overall comments on Domain 5
Domain 6: Support and Development of GPStRs, Educational Supervisors and Local Faculty Standard: Trainees must be supported to acquire the necessary skills and experience through induction, effective educational supervision, an appropriate workload, relevant learning opportunities, personal support and time to learn
6.1 / Describe your induction programme(attach timetable) and what it sets out to achieve
Evidence: Induction timetable, GPStR feedback, signed educational contracts
Self assessment
Assessor comments
6.2 / You encourage your GPStR to direct their own learning and to develop self-awareness and critical thought evidenced by their full engagement with the ePortfolio in a timely way
Evidence: Log responses
Self assessment
Assessor comments
6.3 / Undertake regular and frequent learning needs assessment of the GPStR and use this for both planning and modifying planning of teaching
Evidence: Review of educational plans at regular intervals and feedback in the learning log
Self assessment
Assessor comments
6.4 / Ensure adequate time for teaching and learning in a ratio of 7 (clinical): 3 (educational) sessions per week (pro rata for LTFT trainees). This should include 4 hours of facilitated learning time of which 2 hours must be designated tutorial time
Evidence: Weekly Timetable
Self assessment
Assessor comments
6.5 / Ensure that there are adequate opportunities to learn from other health professionals and practice team members
Evidence: Teaching timetable, e-Portfolio, GPStR feedback
Self assessment
Assessor comments
6.6 / Ensure GPStRs are not asked to undertake activities of no educational value or relevance to the GP curriculum
Evidence: GPStRs views
Self assessment
Assessor comments
6.7 / Ensure trainees are supported to acquire generic professional skills at all stages of training. This will include training in the use of audit or quality improvement tools as learning, and in the use of significant event analysis
Evidence: e-Portfolio contains reflections on SEAs as well as an audit
Self assessment
Assessor comments
6.8 / How you use a variety of appropriate and effective teaching methods and practise learner centred teaching
Evidence: Video of consultation (to be viewed during the visit)
Self assessment
Assessor comments
6.9 / Ensure that you, as a trainer, have at least 4 hours protected time per week for training and participate in a range of activities relevant to GP training e.g. Practice visits, recruitment, trainers groups
Evidence: Trainer’s timetable
Self assessment
Assessor comments
Assessor Overall comments on Domain 6
Domain 7: Management of Education and Training
Standard: Education and training must be planned and maintained through transparent processes which show who is responsible at each stage.
7.1 / You have a system for notifying the Programme Director as soon as it is clear that a trainee is in difficulty, there are concerns about performance.
Evidence: Statement of policy and method/pro-forma used, feedback from PDs
Self assessment
Assessor comments
7.2 / Your have a system for notifying the Deanery office of any unscheduled absence from the practice e.g. sick leave
Evidence: Statement of policy and method/pro-forma used, feedback from BG
Self assessment
Assessor comments
7.3 / You have a system for notifying the Deanery office of any significant change to the practice structure that would affect the training experience. e.g change in premises, partnership, practice structure, number of patients
Evidence: Statement of policy, feedback from deanery office
Self assessment
Assessor comments
Assessor Overall comments on Domain 7
Domain 8: Educational Resources and Capacity
Standard: The educational facilities, infrastructure and leadership must be adequate to deliver the curriculum.
8.1 / Ensure that the overall educational capacity of the practice is adequate to accommodate the practical experience required by the GP curriculum along with the requirements of other learners and of all the staff
Evidence: Ratio of learners to patients and other doctors/nurses, description of practice population, case load, tutorials
Self assessment
Assessor comments
8.2 / Ensure that the primary healthcare team is committed to, and involved in (including the provision of feedback) the training of GPStRs
Evidence: Timetables, feedback from GPStRs, feedback from staff
Self assessment
Assessor comments
8.3 / Ensure that you have at least 80% of patient records computerised with problems clearly summarised and clearly prioritised. (please attach protocol for summarising and updating medical records)
Evidence: Computer records, record summarising protocol
Self assessment
Assessor comments
8.4 / Ensure there is an accurate record of all prescribing which should be easily available and ideally all repeat prescriptions should be linked to morbidities
Evidence: Computer records
Self assessment
Assessor comments
8.5 / Ensure that GPStRs are consulting in well equipped room(s) and are practising in safe working environments where their personal safety is not compromised
Self assessment
Assessor comments
8.6 / Ensure trainees and staff have their own space and facilities in the practice to secure personal items safely
Evidence: Policy statement, feedback from GPStR and staff
Self assessment
Assessor comments
8.7 / Ensure the practice informs patients that it is a training practice, particularly with reference to the recording of consultations and the inspection of medical records for the purpose of educational supervisor selection and accreditation and quality assurance activities
Evidence: Copy of practice leaflet and notice in waiting room
Self assessment
Assessor comments
8.8 / Ensure the practice complies with health and safety legislation
Evidence: Practice policies and procedures
Self assessment
Assessor comments
8.9 / Ensure that IT support is available in the practice, including access to a computer with appropriate search facilities, internet and electronic reference and induction to the medical system
Evidence: Induction programme, GPStR feedback
Self assessment
Assessor comments
8.10 / Ensure there is an active programme of audit that demonstrates the full audit cycle, and the application of both standards and criteria or quality improvement processes.
Evidence: Practice audit file
Self assessment
Assessor comments
8.11 / Ensure that the practice team has regular reviews of both organisational and clinical aspects of its practice and holds regular meetings which the trainee is expected to attend
Evidence: Schedule of practice meetings and who attends
Self assessment
Assessor comments
8.12 / Ensure that you have an appointments system that meets current national access standards or at least have an awareness of and are working towards
Evidence: Appointments system and availability
Self assessment
Assessor comments
8.13 / Able to show evidence that patients are satisfied with your services and physical environment, that you have a well thought through and publicised complaints procedure and carry out and act upon the results of patient satisfaction surveys
Evidence: Patient satisfaction surveys, complaints procedure
Self assessment
Assessor comments
8.14 / The practice can normally cope with its patient load effectively with or without a GPStR
Evidence: Annual leave arrangements, appointment system and availability to patients, ratio of GPs/PNs to patients
Self assessment
Assessor comments
Assessor Overall comments on Domain 8

Oxford Deanery