document 1curriculum vitae


Born in Verona,18/08/1955



Alessandro Arcangeli, former Chair of the International Society for Cultural History (2013-2017),is the author of one of the main reference books on the methodology and historiography of cultural history. He is also author and editor of many other academic publications in the same field with focus on the early modern period, whose topics include dance, leisure and medical thought. For his work on the subject he was invited by the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions to be one of its 2016 Distinguished International Research Visiting Fellows. In a national competition, he was awarded the title of Full Professor (Professore Ordinario) of Early Modern History, with excellent evaluation of his overall academic profile (July 2017).


1992 PhD awarded, Rome

1988-1991 PhD History, Universities of Pisa and Florence (1989-1990 at The Warburg Institute, London)

1979-1983 BA Music studies, University of Bologna

1974-1979 BA History, University of Bologna


2005- Associate Professor in Early modern history, Department of Cultures and Civilizations, University of Verona (with the title to be upgraded to the rank of Full Professor, as stated above)


2002-2005 Lecturer (ricercatore) in Early modern history, Faculty of Humanities, University of Verona

2000-2001 Fixed-term lectureship in Renaissance Studies, Dept of Italian, University College London

1985-2002 High school teacher of philosophy and history (Liceo Ginnasio ‘S. Maffei’, Verona)

teaching activities

Currently: BA modules in Early modern history and Renaissance history (the latter taught in English); MA modules in Cultural history/Cultural and social history of medicine (on alternate years) and Further linguistic knowledge (shared). Tutor of one of the highest number of BA and MA theses at the University of Verona.

Subjects also taught between 2002-2016: Historical anthropology; History of health and medicine; Introduction to the study of history; Europa ludens: Play and leisure in the pre-industrial city.

At UCL 2000-2001: Renaissance authors: Machiavelli and Castiglione.


Responsible for Erasmus exchanges between the Universities of Verona and Johannes Gutenberg Universität, Mainz; Universidad del Pais Vasco, Bilbao; Málaga; Salamanca; Cantabria, Santander; Valladolid; Nantes; Helsinki.

MA in Historical Sciences (University of Trento and University of Verona): member of the steering group since its institution (2012); responsible for the yearly compilation of its official evaluation reports (referente).

PhD in Historical, Geographical and Anthropological Studies (University of Padua, University of Venice ‘Ca’ Foscari’ and University of Verona): member of the Committee since its institution (2014). President of the selecting committee for 2016 admissions (188 applications and 36 interviews for 15 placements). President of the committee organizing lectures and seminars for PhD candidates in 2016-2017 (and continuing member for 2017-2018).Supervision of doctoral research, also as external supervisor (University of Bologna); membership of committees examining doctoral theses (Universitiesof Pisa and Milan).

University of Verona: member of one of the three committees selecting the academics in the humanities to be awarded a one-off salary bonus for merits in teachings, research and administration (una tantum 2014).

Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research: member of the current national committee confirming Associate Professors of Early Modern History in their role after the 3-year probation period (2014-).

Department of Cultures and Civilizations, University of Verona: member of the committee supervising research contracts (assegni di ricerca), 2015-.


For international journals and publishers, the Council for the Humanities of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and the Italian ANVUR (VQR 2004-2010; FARE 2016).



Participant into the Verona units of funded research projects of national interest in the PRIN 2005, PRIN 2003 and COFIN 1994 calls.

Associazione St Moderna (web portal Treasurer 2009-2015, President 2015-.

Research Group in Early Modern Religious Dissents & Radicalism (EMoDiR), and committee member 2011-.

Centro Interuniversitario di Storia Culturale and Committee member.

Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sulla Danza Vice-President 2013-2016, Committee member 2017-.

International Society for Cultural History ( Co-founder, elected Committee member(2012-2013, resumed 2017-), Chair (2013-2017). Office included responsibilities in the ISCH publications (the peer-reviewed journal Cultural History and the book series ‘Studies in Cultural History for the International Society of Cultural History’ as well as in the organization of the Society’s yearly conferences held inJohannesburg 2014, Bucharest 2015, Trieste 2016 andUmeå 2017 Chair of the Essay Prize Award Committee (2017-).

Organisation of other international conferences, beside the ISCH’s, include the international conference on Girolamo Mercuriale (see below, publication 65).

Membership of editorial boards

Co-editor of book series ‘S/C storie/culture’, Verona: QuiEdit, 2008-

Member of Scientific board of journal Medicina & Storia, 2012-

Member of Scientific board of journal Ludica. Annali di storia e civiltà del gioco, 2012- (subsequently also of the jury for the connected Gaetano Cozzi award for essays in the history of games, 2016-)

Member of Scientific board of book series ‘em–Early Modern: studi di storia europea protomoderna’, Milan: Unicopli, 2012-

Member of Scientific board of book series ‘Quaderni. Società Italiana Storia Sport’, Rome: Lancillotto e Nausica, 2013-

Co-editor of book series ‘Ludic Cultures, 1100-1700’, Kalamazoo: Medieval Institute Publications, 2016-

Member of Scientific board of online journal Olimpia. Rivista di ricerche interdisciplinari sullo sport femminile, 2017-



2016 (October) Distinguished International Research Visiting Fellow, ARC Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions, Europe 1100-1800, Universities of Melbourne and Sydney

2016 (May) Visiting Professor, Istituto Storico Italiano per l’Età Moderna e Contemporanea, Rome

2015 (April-May) Visiting Professor, Universities of Helsinki and Turku

2009-2010 Visiting Fellow, Wolfson College, Cambridge (winner of mobility grant, University of Verona)

2001-2003 Research contract (assegno di ricerca), University of Verona

2001-2002 Lila Wallace-Reader’s Digest Special Project Grant

2001 Premio Finale Ligure Storia (Premio speciale della giuria, opera prima), prize for first monograph Davide o Salomè? Il dibattito europeo sulla danza nella prima età moderna (Treviso-Rome, 2000)

1998-1999 Villa I Tatti Fellow, The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies (Florence)

1996 and 2005 Visiting scholar, Wolfson College, Cambridge

1995-1997 Post-doctoral fellow, University of Verona

1993 ‘Stefano Benetton’ grant (Fondazione Benetton, Treviso), prize for PhD diss.

Invited presentations to research seminars and workshops

Beside several Italian universities, inviting institutions include: the Centre d’Études Superieures de la Renaissance in Tours, the Centre André Chastel and the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Socialesin Paris (Histoire culturelle de la danse; Atelier des médiévistes), the European University Institute in Florence, the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, the Istituto di Studi Rinascimentali in Ferrara, and the Universities of Cambridge (Emmanuel; Trinity Hall; Wolfson College), Cantabria, Geneva (Département d’histoire de l’art et de musicologie; InstitutL.Jeantet d’Histoire de la Médecine et de la santé; Swiss Center for Affective Sciences), and London (The Warburg Institute).

For invited participation into international conferences, see the list of publications below.

During the spring of 2019 I have been invited to participate into seminars and workshops held at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales and the Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art in Paris, as well as at the Centre d’Études Superieures de la Renaissance in Tours.


Publications in peer-reviewed academic journals and invited conference proceedings, 1991-

1.‘Early Modern Rhythms’, in D. Bryant and L. Collarile (eds), The Soundscape of Early Modern Venice, Turnhout: Brepols(Venetian Music Studies,forthcoming).

2. ‘“Danzare per fantasmata”, or the embodiment of the immaterial in fifteenth-century Italian dance discourse’, Revista de poética medieval, 31 (2017): 109-116.

3. ‘The savage, the peasant and the witch’, European Studies in Drama and Theatre, 8 (2016), ‘Danse et morale: une approche généalogique’, eds M. Glon and J.I. Vallejos: 71-91.

4. ‘Reading Time: The Act of Reading and Early Modern Time Perceptions’, Journal of Early Modern Studies, 6(2017): 17-37.

5.‘Storia culturale e storia della vita affettiva’, Rivista storica italiana, 2016 (special issue on emotions and feelings, co-organized together with T. Plebani and G. Ricuperati): 667-676.

6. ‘Exercise for Women’, in R. von Mallinckrodt and A. Schattner (eds), Sports and Physical Exercise in Early Modern Culture, London: Routledge 2016, pp. 147-163.

7. ‘Dance in the Sixteenth Century’, Ludica, 19-20, 2013-2014: 173-181.

8. ‘Medicine, gymnastics and the Renaissance sense of the body’s limits’ in M.M. Palandri and A. Teja (eds), Corpo e senso del limite/Sport and a sense of the Body’s limits, Atti del 14° Congresso del CESH – European Committee for Sports History e del 1° Congresso Nazionale della SISS (Pisa, 17-20 settembre 2009), Hannover: NISH, pp. 357-362.

9. ‘Sixteenth-Century Classifications of Passions and Their Historical Contexts’, in J. Rogge (ed.), Making Sense as Cultural Practice – Historical Perspectives (1000-1700), Bielefeld: transcript, 2013, pp. 181-190.

10. ‘Écrits sur la colère et système des passions au xvie siècle’, L’Atelier du Centre de recherches historiques, 11. ‘La querelle des corps. Acceptions et pratiques dans la formation des societiés européennes’, G. Calvi and S. Sebastiani eds, 2013, online

11. ‘Il volto bifronte della storia culturale’, Memoria e ricerca, 40, 2012: 11-22.

12. ‘L’indigeno che balla: la circolazione transatlantica di una rappresentazione culturale’, in J.R. Díaz de Durana and J.A. Munita (eds), La apertura de Europa al Mundo Atlántico. Espacios de poder, economía marítima y circulación cultural, Actas de las XII Jornadas de Estudios Históricos, Vitoria-Gasteiz: Universidad del País Vasco-Servicio Editorial, 2012, pp. 189-202.

13. ‘Cultural History in Italy’, in J. Rogge (ed.), Cultural History in Europe. Institutions – Themes – Perspectives, Bielefeld: transcript, 2011, pp. 239-255.

14. ‘La Chiesa e la danza tra tardo medioevo e prima età moderna’, Ludica, 13-14 (2007-2008): 201-210.

15. ‘Dancing Savages: Stereotypes and Cultural Encounters across the Atlantic in the Age of European Expansion’, in M. Calaresu, F. De Vivo and J.-P. Rubiés (eds), Exploring Cultural History: Essays in Honour of Peter Burke, Farnham: Ashgate, 2010, pp. 289-308.

16. ‘Gioia e tristezza nella tradizione galenica (circa 1275-1525)’, in C. Casagrande and S. Vecchio (eds), Piacere e dolore. Materiali per una storia delle passioni nel Medioevo, Florence: SISMEL-Edizioni del Galluzzo (Micrologus Library), 2009, pp. 171-185.

17. ‘El carnaval, la risa y la cultura festiva en el Renacimiento’, in T.A. Mantecón Movellán (ed.), Bajtín y la historia de la cultura popular: cuarenta años de debate, Santander: PUbliCan - Ediciones de la Universidad de Cantabria, 2008, pp. 131-144.

18. ‘L’enchantement du corps dansant à la Renaissance’, in C. Fintz (ed.), Les Imaginaires du corps en mutation. Du corps enchanté au corps en chantier, Paris: L’Harmattan, 2008, pp. 107-117.

19. ‘Canto, danza e memoria: gli europei alla scoperta dell’areito’, Itineraria, 6 (2007): 159-173.

20. ‘Danza e spettacolo nel diritto comune’, in F. Mosetti Casaretto (ed.), La scena assente. Realtà e leggenda sul teatro nel Medioevo, Alessandria: Ed. dell’Orso, 2006, pp. 175-192.

21. ‘Les Second Fruits de John Florio ou la vie comme un jeu’, in P. Kapitaniak and Y. Peyré (eds), Shakespeare et le jeu, Paris: Société Française Shakespeare, 2006, pp. 11-24.

22. ‘Del moto e della quiete. Esercizio e igiene nella prima età moderna’, Medicina & Storia, 8 (2004): 35-55.

23. ‘The ballroom and the stage: The dance repertoire of the Society of Jesus’, in M. Hinz, R. Righi and D. Zardin (eds), I gesuiti e la Ratio studiorum, Rome: Bulzoni, 2004, pp. 67-73.

24. ‘Danza e censura nella prima età moderna’, in A. Goldoni and C. Martinez (eds),Teatro e censura, Liguori, Napoli2004, pp. 33-42.

25. ‘Dance between disease and cure: the tarantella and the physician’, Ludica, 5-6, 2000: 88-102.

26. ‘Dance and health: the Renaissance physicians’ view’, Dance Research, 18.1, 2000: 3-30.

27. ‘Mestieri e professioni nella letteratura medica (secoli XV-XVII)’, in M. Meriggi and A. Pastore (eds), Le regole dei mestieri e delle professioni, Milan: Angeli, 2000, pp. 256-267.

28. ‘Dance and law’, in B. Ravelhofer (ed.), Terpsichore 1450-1900. International Dance Conference, Ghent, Belgium, 11-18 April 2000. Proceedings, Ghent: The Institute for Historical Dance Practice, 2000, pp. 51-64.

29. ‘Play and health in medical literature’, De zeventiende eeuw, 15, 1999: 3-11.

30. ‘Per un’archeologia della storiografia della danza: il racconto delle origini’, Ludica, 4, 1998: 97-99.

31. ‘Danse et sociabilité dans le miroir du discours théologique’, in A. Montandon (ed.), Sociopoétique de la danse, Paris: Anthropos, 1998, pp. 55-63.

32. Carnival in medieval sermons, European Medieval Drama, 1, 1997: 109-117.

33. ‘The confessor and the theatre’, in F. Massip (ed.), Formes teatrals de la tradició medieval. Actes del VII Colloqui de la ‘Societé Internationale pour l’Étude du Théatre Médiéval’, Barcelona: Institut del Teatre, 1996, pp. 19-25

34. ‘La disciplina del corpo e la danza’, in P. Prodi (ed.), Disciplina dell’anima, disciplina del corpo e disciplina della società tra Medio evo ed età moderna, Bologna: Il Mulino, 1994, pp. 417-436.

35. ‘Dance under trial: the moral debate 1200-1600’, Dance Research, 12.2, 1994: 127-155.

36. ‘Tempo dissipato e tempo redento’, Annali dell'Istituto storico italo-germanico in Trento, 17, 1991: 121-134.

Research monographs

37. L’altro che danza. Il villano, il selvaggio, la strega nell’immaginario della prima età moderna, Milan: Unicopli, 2018 (forthcoming).

38. Cultural History: A Concise Introduction, London: Routledge, 2012 (adapted and enlarged English translation of following item, translated by the author).

39. Che cos’è la storia culturale, Rome:Carocci, 2007.

40. Passatempi rinascimentali: storia culturale del divertimento in Europa (secoli XV-XVII), with an essay by P. Burke, Rome:Carocci, 2004 (adapted Italian translation of following item, translated by the author; to the volume are added his translation of an essay by P. Burke, and a preface by P. Burke).

41. Recreation in the Renaissance: Attitudes towards Leisure and Pastimes in European Culture, 1425-1675, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.

42. Davide o Salomè? Il dibattito europeo sulla danza nella prima età moderna, Treviso-Rome: Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche-Viella, 2000 (English translation in progress).

Chapters in collective volumes, 1996-

43. Work and Leisure, in B. De Munck and T. Safley (eds), A Cultural History of Work: The Early Modern Age (1450-1650), London: Bloomsbury, forthcoming 2018, pp. 159-173.

44. ‘Artemidoro di Daldi (Artemidorus Daldianus) - Sinesio di Cirene (Synesius Cyrenaeus), [Onirocritica], Venezia 1518’, in B. Aikema (ed.), Jheronimus Bosch e Venezia, catalogo della mostra, Venezia, Palazzo Ducale, 18 febbraio-4 giugno 2017, Venice: Marsilio, 2017, pp. 147-149.

45. Exercise and Leisure: Sport, dance and games, in William Caferro (ed.), The Routledge History of the Renaissance, Routledge, London-New York2017, pp. 287-301.

46.‘Games and Leisure Activities’, in M. Azzolini and I. Lazzarini (eds), Italian Renaissance Diplomacy. Texts in Translation, Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies (Durham Mediaeval and Renaissance Texts), 2017, pp. 255-269.

47. ‘Girolamo Donzellini on Anger: managing Emotions between Inquisition Trials’, in F. Barbierato and A. Veronese (eds), Late Medieval and Early Modern Religious Dissents: Conflicts and Plurality in Renaissance Europe, Pisa: Edizioni Il Campano Arnus University Books, 2012, pp. 58-77.

48. ‘Discorrere sopra il ballo e le buone creanze (Italia centrale, 1620)’, in A. Pontremoli and P. Veroli (eds),Passi, tracce, percorsi. Scritti sulla danza italiana in omaggio a José Sasportes, Rome: Aracne, 2012, pp. 45-57.

49. ‘The Trouble with Odours in Petrarch’s De Remediis’, in A.E. Sanger and S.T. Kulbrandstad Walker (eds), Sense and the Senses in Early Modern Art and Cultural Practice, Farnham: Ashgate, 2012, pp. 19-29.

50. ‘Il ritratto e i miti dell’individualismo nel Rinascimento’, in L. Olivato and A. Zamperini (eds), Il ritratto e l’élite: il volto del potere a Verona dal xv al xviii secolo, Rovereto: Osiride, 2012, pp. 11-20.

51. ‘Fonti europee e cultura arabo-islamica di fronte ai balli africani: missionari, viaggiatori, trattatisti’, in M. Donattini, G. Marcocci and S. Pastore (eds), L’Europa divisa e i Nuovi Mondi. Per Adriano Prosperi vol. II, Pisa: Edizioni della SNS, 2011, pp. 241-252.

52. ‘Fare storia di rappresentazioni’, in D. Carpi and S. Fiorato (eds), Iconologia del potere. Rappresentazione della sovranità nel Rinascimento, Verona: Ombre Corte, 2011, pp. 33-44.

53. ‘Renaissance Dance and Writing: the Case of Arcangelo Tuccaro’, in A. Potremoli (ed.), «Virtute et arte del danzare»: contributi di storia della danza in onore di Barbara Sparti, Rome: Aracne, 2011, pp. 39-48.

54. ‘Danza e scrittura nel Rinascimento: l’enigma dei trattati italiani di ballo’, in L. Colombo and S. Genetti (eds),Figure e intersezioni: tra danza e letteratura, Verona: Fiorini, 2010, pp. 49-59.

55. ‘Sports’, in A. Grafton, G. Most and S. Settis (eds), The Classical Tradition, Cambridge, ma: Harvard University Press, 2010, pp. 905-906.

56. ‘Gioco e festa tra Rinascimento e Barocco’, in L.L. Cavalli Sforza (dir.), La cultura italiana, VI. Cibo, gioco, festa, moda, ed. by C. Petrini and U. Volli, Turin: UTET, 2009, pp. 284-315, 670-672.

57. ‘Ludicità e potere nello spazio della corte rinascimentale’, in A. Rigon (ed.), Festa e politica della festa nel Medioevo, Rome: Istituto Italiano per il Medioevo, 2008, pp. 137-150.

58. ‘L’histoire culturelle en Italie’, in P. Poirrier (ed.), L’Histoire culturelle: un “tournant mondial” dans l’historiographie?, postscript by R. Chartier, Dijon: Editions Universitaires de Dijon, 2008, pp. 41-50; revised Italian version: ‘La storia culturale in Italia’, in P. Poirrier and A. Arcangeli (eds), La storia culturale: una svolta nella storiografia mondiale?, Verona: QuiEdit, 2010, pp. 161-182. Also in Spanish.

59. ‘Moral views on dance’, in J. Nevile (ed.), Dance, Spectacle, and the Body Politick, 1250-1750, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2008, pp. 282-294.

60. ‘La danza nell’antiquaria rinascimentale’, in E. Casini Ropa and F. Bortoletti (eds), Danza, cultura e società nel Rinascimento italiano, Macerata: Ephemeria, 2007, pp. 65-74.

61. ‘Freizeit’, in F. Jaeger (ed.), Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit, vol. 3, Stuttgart-Weimar: Metzler, 2006, pp. 1215-1221 (English translation in progress).

62. ‘Una controversia veronese su ginnastica e medicina’, in A. Pastore and E. Peruzzi (eds), Girolamo Fracastoro fra medicina, filosofia e scienze della natura. Florence: Olschki, 2006, pp. 163-171.

63. ‘Society’, in J. Woolfson (ed.),Palgrave Advances in Renaissance Historiography, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004, pp. 156-176.

64. ‘De fugiendis coreis: l’organizzazione duecentesca di una serie di racconti edificanti’, in P. Dalla Vecchia and D. Restani (eds), Trent’anni di ricerche musicologiche. Studi in onore di Franco Alberto Gallo, Rome: Torre d'Orfeo, 1996, pp. 271-282.

Editorial work, 2008-

65. The Cultural History of Leisure in the Renaissance 1450-1650, London: Bloomsbury(forthcoming 2021).

66. The Cultural History of Sport 1450-1650, London: Bloomsbury(forthcoming).

67. (with J. Rogge and H. Salmi) The Routledge Companion to Cultural History in the Western World, 1250-2000, London: Routledge(forthcoming 2019).

68. (with M. Tamm) The Cultural History of Memory 1450-1650, London: Bloomsbury(forthcoming).

69. guest editor (with A. Korhonen) of the 2017 special issue (‘A Time of Their Own. Experiencing Time and Temporality in the Early Modern World’) of the on-line, open access peer-reviewed Journal of Early Modern Studies (

70. (with A. Carlino), ‘Focus: “Storia e memoria del tarantismo”’, Medicina & Storia, XIII.3, 2013: 67-166 (‘Storia e memoria del tarantismo’: 69-73).

71. (with P. Poirrier), La storia culturale: una svolta nella storiografia mondiale?, afterward by R. Chartier, Verona: QuiEdit, 2010. Italian edition of Philippe Poirrier (a cura di), L’Histoire culturelle: un “tournant mondial” dans l’historiographie?, Dijon: Editions Universitaires de Dijon, 2008.

72. (with Vivian Nutton), Girolamo Mercuriale: medicina e cultura nell’Europa del Cinquecento, Proceedings of the conference ‘Girolamo Mercuriale e lo spazio scientifico e culturale del ’500’ (Forlì, 8-11 November 2006), Florence: Olschki, 2008. Includes preface and contribution: ‘A proposito delle fonti del De arte gymnastica’, pp. 115-125.

Blog entry, 2017

73. ‘Dance and Feelings in Early Modern European Discourses’, <posted 28 July 2017>.

In addition to the publications listed above, reviews and further contributions have appeared in the following periodicals: Cultural History, Dance Chronicle, Dance Research, La danza italiana, European Studies in Sports History, History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, I.D. Educazione fisica, Imago Musicae, Ludica, Medicina & Storia, Medioevo, Music and Letters, Primo Maggio, Prometeo, Quaderni Storici, Renaissance Quarterly, Revue belge de musicologie, Il Saggiatore Musicale, Società e Storia, Speculum, I Viaggi di Erodoto, as well as on various websites.

Also responsible for translations (from English into Italian or viceversa) of books and essays by F. Barbierato, P. Burke and F. Naerebout (among others).