Apologies: Mary Barlow, Sue Blessett, Linda Brookes, Margaret Dair, Audrey Duerden, Maggie Edgington, Yas Fairbairn, Bridget Hempstead, Linda I’Anson, Sue Lester, Sarah Milne, Janet Trestrail.

Minutes of the last meeting were signed as correct.

Matters arising from last meeting:

JOINT MEETING with Witham-on-the-Hill next July. Alan Gray, ex-Wimbledon Umpire has been booked as speaker, his talk entitled “You Can’t be Serious!”

RAF WITTERING VISIT either April 29th or June 24th at 11 a.m. Date to be confirmed. Spouses and friends eligible up a total 25 in the group.

IN-HOUSE CHRISTMAS PARTY Tuesday 8th December. 7 for 7.30p.m. £15 Menu

selection board sent round for last time. If you haven’t yet signed up and wish to go please notify Maureen and pay her a.s.a.p. 01778 560559.

ANNUAL CAROL SERVICE AT DEEPING ST JAMES Monday 7th December 2.15 p.m. Last outing for sign-up board.

HEREWARD GROUP MEETING 28TH SEPTEMBER. Carlby was congratulated on their provision of refreshments. Grateful thanks due to those who baked. Next year Carlby’s duty is to create the flower arrangements and an added bonus that a draw will be made from the tickets sold for

a Denman Bursary for a course of their choice. New Denman Course Brochure available.

WI DIARIES – new supplies are now available.


Newsletter Issue 24 November 2015 should have been received by email. A valuable source to knowing what is currently happening. If you are having difficulty receiving it please contact Heather 01778 305070.

MOSQUE VISIT – The Public Affairs Committee are hoping to arrange another visit on

Tuesday 26th April 2016, 1-2.30 p.m. cost £6, as the last one was so successful.

BOURNE HOME ECONOMICS MEETING Monday 21st March. Speaker: Steve Brookes – Gardening Presenter & Author. £3.50 to be signed up and paid for tonight.

SPRING COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY 8TH MARCH 10.30 a.m. -3.30 p.m. £13/£14. To be held as usual, at the Springfields Exhibition Centre. Sign-up board circulated.

‘SUMMER IN THE COTSWOLDS’ 17-20th July 2016. Accommodation at Totworth Court

Member Price £289. Read and tabled.

BBC Radio Lincolnshire ‘Knitivity’. Knit or crochet a star and dedicate it to someone you will

be thinking about this Christmas, to be sent to BBC Radio Lincs for display at Boston Stump Carol Service on December 13th. (More info. and patterns in the Newsletter).

WI subscription due at February meeting or before. £37.50.



Newark Amateur Operatic Society – ‘South Pacific’ 15th-19th March at the Palace Theatre, Newark. £14. Box Office 01636 655755. Info. tabled.

Santa Run 13th December – for Dementia Support South Lincs. Sue Blessett and husband are entering and would appreciate sponsors. Also Christmas Fayre Wed, 18th Nov.


Birthdays: Sarah Milne 13th November, Rhoda Mee 4th December.

Boston Women’s Refuge. Margaret still collecting any items for this.

Bras for the ladies of Zimbabwe – any size shape or condition. Rhoda is collecting these items to pass on.


Book Stall - please support this as it brings in needed revenue.


Rosie Nelson wished to thank all those who supported her produce stall – which had generated £180 for her chosen charity Junior Diabetes Research Fund – Type 1.

Braceborough Choir Fish & Chip Supper November 20th proceeds to go to Syrian refugees

And Greatford V. Hall.

Speaker: Jackie Rawden – Christmas Flower Arranging - demonstration and hands on.

Jackie is a master at making beautiful arrangements out of practically nothing at all whilst entertaining us with family anecdotes. The result was a delightful display of members’ creations

for which some found they had hidden talent! Vote of Thanks given by Judie Pope.

Competition: 1. Heather Shead 2. Cheryl Buckley 3. Bridget Everitt

Raffle winners: 1. Kath Pollitt 3. Rhoda Mee 3. Judie Pope.

Thanks to: Pauline Crampin and Betty Grindey for Teas.

Pauline Crampin for Table Flowers

Sue Blessett & Linda Brookes for Raffle Prizes