SATURDAY, JULY 24, 10:15-11:45 AM / SATURDAY, JULY 24, 4:30-6:00 PM / SUNDAY, JULY 25, 11:30 AM–1:00 PM
1 / Resistance to Israeli Apartheid in Palestine: Gaza, BDS, Nonviolent Resistance in the W. Bank & E. Jerusalem
Fadi Kanaan - Palestinian leader Palestine student support group at SUNY Albany
Nada Khader - Exec. Dir. WESPAC Foundation, Westchester peace and justice organization
Col. Ann Wright - Veterans for Peace; Code Pink, just returned from Free Gaza Flotilla
Representative - Al-Awda NY / 1 / Israel & the Palestinian Struggle: Is a Two-State Solution Possible or Desirable?
Noura Erakat - Palestinian American human rights attorney and adjunct professor of international human rights law in the Middle East at Georgetown University, former Congressional Committee staffer, and served as Legal Advocate, U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation
Joel Kovel - author “Overcoming Zionism: Creating a Single Democratic State in Israel/Palestine
Representative - Al-Awda NY / 1 / The Human Costs of Targeting Iraq
Zaineb Alani - Iraqi writer, poet, activist living in US has large extended family in Iraq
Elaine Hills - epidemiologist/lecturer Dept of Anthropology SUNY Albany, writer on impact of war on Iraqi health, Coordinating Committee Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace
Ali Hossaini, M.D. - Iranian-Iraqi-American physician recently returned from Baghdad working with Health Dept. to establish health care facilities to train personnel in latest blood transfusion and blood banking techniques, led several humanitarian efforts to assist peoples of Iraq, Palestine, & Jordan
Dahlia Wasfi, M.D. - Iraqi American activist, speaker, writer on effects of occupation on Iraqis, visited Iraq twice since invasion
2 / Climate, War and Planetary Survival - How Bad, How Soon, and the Empire's Coming Response
Joel Kovel - academic, writer, eco-socialist, Editor-in-Chief journal “Capitalism Nature Socialism”
Maggie Zhou, Ph.D. - MA Coalition for Healthy Communities & Committee for a Secure Green Future / 2 / Women Against War
Maria Butler - Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Peacewomen Project Associate
Connie Frisbee Houde - Albany Women Against War group
Col. Ann Wright – Veterans for Peace; Code Pink, just returned from Free Gaza Flotilla / 2 / Managed News: Inside The US/NATO Military Industrial Media Empire
Peter Phillips - Professor Sociology, Sonoma State University, President Media Freedom Foundation/Project Censored
Robin Andersen - Professor Communications, Fordham University, International Evaluator for Project Censored/Media Freedom Foundation
Mickey Huff - Professor History, Diablo Valley College, Director Project Censored/Media Freedom Foundation
Brian Murphy - Professor Communications, Niagara University, International Evaluator for Project Censored/Media Freedom Foundation
3 / Spiritual Approaches to Creating Peace
Blase Bonpane, Ph.D. – Director, Office of the Americas
Kathy Kelly - Co-Coordinator Voices for Creative Nonviolence, Co-Founder Voices in the Wilderness defied sanctions to carry medicine to Iraq, served time in jail for non-violent actions, visited Iraq, Pakistan, Gaza & recently returned from Afghanistan
Agga Nya - All Burma Monks' Alliance
Paki Wieland, D.Min. – Lifelong peace activist; Organizer, Bring Our War Dollars Home campaign in Northampton, MA / 3 / The Faith Community & the Antiwar Movement
Shamshad Ahmad, Ph.D. – President, Masjid As-Salam of Albany; Professor of Physics, The University at Albany, author of "Rounded Up: Artificial Terrorists and Muslim Entrapment After 9/11”
Mark Johnson, Ph.D. - Executive Director Fellowship of Reconciliation
Sybil Stock, MD – Elected member, Social Responsibilities Council of the First Unitarian Universalist Society of Albany; Member, Women Against War Afghanistan Project / 3 / The Rise of Right Wing Populism & the Tea Party: Do We Need a Right-Left Coalition?
Medea Benjamin - Code Pink
Chris Gauvreau - CT United Against the War, Administrative Body National Assembly to End U.S. Wars and Occupations
Glen Ford - Black Agenda
Kevin Zeese - Co-Founder Voters for Peace
4 / Closing Guantanamo
Pardiss Kebriaei - Staff Attorney Guantanamo Global Justice Initiative at Center for Constitutional Rights
Nancy Talanian - Founder and director of No More Guantánamos, founder and former director Bill of Rights Defense Committee / 4 / The Social Impact of US Military Intervention in Afghanistan & Pakistan
Kathy Kelly - Co-Coordinator Voices for Creative Nonviolence, Co-Founder Voices in the Wilderness defied sanctions to carry medicine to Iraq, served time in jail for non-violent actions, visited Iraq, Pakistan, Gaza & recently returned from Afghanistan
Attiq Siddiqui - Pakistan USA Freedom Forum
Fahima Vorgetts - Women for Afghan Women
Representative – Action for a Progressive / 4 / Afghanistan/Pakistan: What Is the Strategy Behind US Intervention?
Charlotte Dennett - public interest attorney, investigative journalist on role of Big Oil in US policy in Mideast and Latin America, author “The People v. Bush: One Lawyer's Campaign to Bring the President to Justice and the Nationwide Grassroots Movement She's Encountered Along the Way”
Fahima Vorgetts - Women for Afghan Women
5 / Health is a Human Right
Oliver Fein, MD – President, Physicians for a National Health Program; member, Brooklyn For Peace
Margaret Flowers, MD – Congressional Fellow, Physicians for a National Health Program; member, Chesapeake Citizens
Mary Nichols-Rhodes, LPN - State Coordinator and Congressional District Organizer - Ohio, Progressive Democrats of America; State Council, SPAN Ohio (Single Payer Action Network)
Victor W. Sidel, MD – Professor, Montefiore Medical Center and Albert Einstein College of Medicine; Past President, American Public Health Assoc.; Past President & current Member, Board of Directors, Physicians for Social Responsibility; Past Co-President, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War
Andrew D. Coates, MD – Coordinator, Hudson-Mohawk Physicians for Social Responsibility; Chair, Capital District Chapter Physicians for a National Health Program; Secretary-Treasurer for Division 231, Public Employees Federation (AFL-CIO); founding member, Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace / 5 / Poor People’s Movements & the Triple Evils of Racism, Economic Exploitation & Militarism
Ana Edwards - Founding Member (Virginia) Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality; Chair Sacred Ground Historical Reclamation Project; host radio program DefendersLIVE!
Cheri Honkala - Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign/March to US Social Forum / 5 / Iran Under Threat from the US and Israel
Gareth Porter - historian, investigative journalist, policy analyst on US foreign & military policy
Manijeh Saba - retired Rutgers University professor and now peace actiivist (Code Pink, Gaza campaigns, CD actions in D.C.)
Phil Wilayto - Editor, The Virginia Defender, author “In Defense of Iran: Notes from a U.S. Peace Delegation's Journey through the Islamic Republic”
Leila Zand - Fellowship of Reconciliation
6 / Student Organizing: Budget Cuts & U.S. Wars
Ross Caputi - Iraq War Veteran, participated in the Second Battle of Fallujah, President Boston University Anti-War Coalition
Fernando Figueroa -Students for a Democratic Society
Jackie Hayes/Colin Donnaruma - SUNY Albany Students Against the War
Pat Korte – student at the New School, organizer with International Solidarity Initiative
Blanca Misse - Berkeley student leader March 4 demos, shop steward, UAW Local 2865 / 6 / Immigration Reform & the Militarization of the US/Mexico Border
Lynda Cruz - Derechos Humanos, Tucson, AZ
Theresa Gutierrez - Co-director, May 1 Coalition NYC
Monami Maulik Executive DirectorDRUM- Desis Rising Up & Moving
Rafael Sananez -Vamos Unidos, NYC
David Wilson - co-author of “The Politics of Immigration”, produces Weekly News update on the Americas published by Nicaragua Solidarity Network of Greater New York / 6 / Organizing Active Duty GI’s & GI Resistance
Christine Beckermann or Michelle Roubidoux - members Toronto War Resisters Support Campaign
GI resisters living in Canada
Tod Ensign - Director Citizen Soldier GI/veterans rights advocacy group
Jimmy Massey - founding member of IVAW, founder Peace It Together
7 / War, Militarization, & the Assault on Civil Liberties & Communities of Color
Pam Africa - Chair, International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal
Abayomi Azikiwe - Editor Pan-African News Wire, Co-Founder Detroit Coalition Against Police Brutality, Michigan Emergency Committee Against War & Injustice, Moratorium NOW! Coalition to Stop Foreclosures, Evictions and Utility Shut-offs
Lillie "Ms K" Branch-Kennedy - Virginia prisoner advocacy group R.I.H.D. - Resource Information Help for the Disadvantaged
Shahid Buttar - Executive Director National Bill of Rights Defense Committee
Representative - New York State Prisoner Justice Network / 7 / Muslim Voices Protest Profiling, Preemptive Prosecution, and Political Imprisonment
Mongi Dhaoudi - Executive Director, CT Chapter, CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations)
Faisal Hashmi, brother of Syed Fahad Hashmi, prisoner
Magda Bayoumi, member of Dr. Dhafir Support Committee, prisoner
Marlene Jenkins, mother of Tarek Shah, prisoner
Laila Yaghi, mother of Ziyad Yaghi, prisoner
Lynne Jackson - president of Project Salam
Steve Downs - treasurer Project Salam
Jeanne Finley - co-chair Muslim Solidarity Committee / 7 / Building Solidarity with Unions & Workers in Countries Targeted by US Imperialism
Amjad Ali - North American representative Iraq Freedom Congress and General Federation of Workers Councils and Unions in Iraq (GFWCUI)
Michael Eisenscher - National Coordinator U.S. Labor Against the War
8 / Organizing Veterans & Military Families
Chantelle Bateman - NE Regional Field Organizer Iraq Veterans Against the War
Ryan Henowitz - Iraq vet
Patrick McCann - Board of Directors/DC-Area Chapter (016) President Veterans For Peace, Board of Directors, Montgomery County (MD) Education Association
Cynthia Benjamin – Military Families Speak Out, Code Pink / 8 / Counter-Recruitment in High Schools
Jim Murphy - Coordinator NY Vets Speak Out & International Veterans Fellowship of Reconciliation
Dayl S. Wise Vietnam/Cambodia veteran, member Vietnam Veterans Against the War & Veterans for Peace Presentation Fellowship of Reconciliation Youth and Militarism program / 8 / End US Support for the Honduran Coup Government
Joe Callahan - Honduras Solidarity Network
Alexy Lanza - Honduran, La Voz de los de Abajo & Casa Morazan in Chicago
9 / The Truth of US Occupation of Haiti
Nellie Bailey - Harlem Tenants Council, just returned from Haiti
Marty Goodman - active in Haiti solidarity for 20 years
Ray Laforest - Haitian American labor leader (AFSCME) and Haitian community organizer, elected member of Pacifica National Board
Tony Savino - Award-winning photographer will present an eye-opening and critical slideshow on earthquake relief
David Wilson - US-based immigrant rights activist who was in Haiti during the earthquake / 9 / Colombia: No U.S. Military Bases
Meredith Aby – Colombia Action Network, Minneapolis Anti-War Committee
Luis Fernandez Castro – Colombia Polo Democratico-Boston
Antoine Castro del Rio - Colombia Polo Democratico
Natalia Fajardo – Colombian-American social/environmental activist from VT, former intern with Fellowship of Reconciliation, volunteer for Mingas-FTA working to promote sovereignty, democracy, improved labor conditions, and nonviolence in Colombia / 9 / US Economic & Military Expansion into Africa
Abayomi Azikiwe - Editor, Pan-African News Wire
10 / US Foreign Policy & the Economic Crisis: A Vital Labor Concern
Kathy Black - Co-Convenor U.S. Labor Against the War, President Philadelphia Coalition of Labor Union Women, AFSCME District Council 47
Doug Bullock - 1st VP Albany Central Labor Council, Albany County Legislator
Michael Eisenscher - National Coordinator U.S. Labor Against the War
Barry Weisleder - long-time Canadian anti-war and union activist, Chair of the Socialist Caucus New Democratic Party, convener of the Workers' Solidarity and Union Democracy Coalition caucus in the Ontario Federation of Labour and the Canadian Labour Congress, organizer of the Toronto Substitute Teachers' Action Caucus / 10 / Bring Our War Dollars Home: City Council, Town & State Legislature Meeting Resolutions & Voter Referendum Campaigns
Cole Harrison –Member, Eastern Massachusetss 25% solution campaign, Fund Our Communities - Cut Military Spending 25%, Co-convenor UFPJ's Afghanistan Working Group, convenor Boston United for Justice with Peace Afghanistan/Pakistan task force, co-convenor of its Legislative Action task force
Chris Hellman - Communications Liaison National Priorities Project, former military policy analyst for the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, frequent media commentator on military planning, policy, and budgetary issues
Mark Roman - Vietnam war resister, founding member Waterville Area Bridges For Peace And Justice, one of the organizers of the Bring Our War Dollars Home campaign in Maine
Paki Wieland – Lifelong peace activist, organizer Bring Our War Dollars Home campaign in Northampton, MA / 10 / Electoral & Legislative Strategies against Militarism, War and Empire
Cole Harrison - Co-convenor UFPJ's Afghanistan Working Group, convenor Boston United for Justice with Peace Afghanistan/Pakistan task force, co-convenor of its Legislative Action task force
Howie Hawkins - NY Green Party candidate for Governor
Christopher Hutchinson - Socialist Action candidate for US Congress in CT
Kevin Martin - Executive Director Peace Action
Mary-Nichols Rhodes - State Coordinator and Congressional District Organizer - Ohio, Progressive Democrats of America; State Council, SPAN Ohio (Single Payer Action Network)
11 / Deepening the Base & Building Bridges between the Climate Change, Peace & Economic Justice Movements
Suren Moodliar - Majority Agenda Project organizing team, coordinator Mass. Global Action and Encuentro 5
Weimin Tchen - Majority Agenda Project organizing team, member Boston United for Justice with Peace / 11 / Nonviolent Resistance in the 21st Century: Local to Global Challenges to Empire
Ruth Benn - Coordinator National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee , longtime pacifist, active with NYC War Resisters League
Frances Crowe – Long time non-violent activist and founder of the Northampton, MA Committee to Stop the Wars in Iraq & Afghanistan, 28 years Western Mass. AFSC Coordinator, active in Northampton Bring the War Dollars Home Resolution campaign and shutting down Vermont Yankee
Agga Nya - All Burma Monks' Alliance / 11 / Silent Casualities: Depleted Uranium and the Environmental Costs of War
Beth Adams - Non-violent activist; weekly radio programmer "The Singing Wilderness & Eco News" and produces monthly series “We Are the Ones” in W. Mass., active in Stop Spewing Carbon Campaign, MACUCC Eco Ministries Task Group, MA Save the Forest Walks, Pioneer Valley Alliance for Justice and Peace, PV Nuclear-free Future Committee, PV Chapter-No More Guantanamos, WILPF Disarm Committee and Witness Against Torture
Tom Ellis – Long time social and environmental activist; member Community Concerned about NL Industries (armaments factory, where DU munitions were manufactured), Albany, NY; active in coalition to implement "zero-waste" policy bylocal governments
Gretel Munroe - Grassroots Actions for Peace and the International Coalition to Ban Uranium Weapons, Science Team and Steering Committee member
Herbert Reed – Iraq war veteran, Steering Committee member of the International Coalition to Ban Uranium Weapons
