Practice Name: Nailsea Family Practice
Report completed by: Carole Brooke, Practice Manager
Date: March 2014

Patient Participation Report 2013/14 – year 3

Our Patient Groups:
We have continued to build on our two distinct but related groups:
PPG – established 5 years ago, we meet monthly and have been involved in a variety of activities including:
  • Assisting with the ‘flu clinics;
  • Organising and running an open meeting for patients in May 2013, where the Chair delivered her Annual PPG Activity Report, Georgie Bigg from Healthwatch gave a talk and a local pharmacist gave a presentation on medicines management. Attendance was small but there was much positive involvement in the question and answer section.
  • The production of a survey to measure levels of satisfaction with the types and content of patient information available. (details below)
  • Continuing to develop a scheme to develop involvement of young persons with the PRG via the local secondary school and other organisations.
  • A PPG/PRG recruitment drive at the local school’s “Community Showcase” event which was held alongside the annual Skate Festival in NailseaPark.
  • Attending workshops and meetings organised by the CCG and Healthwatch.
  • Discussion on how the impending CQC Inspection will work in relation to the PPG
  • Hosting and supporting a Carers’ Tea afternoon held in Tower House in conjunction with Crossroad for Carers
  • Continuing to work on the action plan formulated from 2011/12 and updating at each stage as tasks are achieved.
  • Organising a Health Awareness Day in October 2013 for the local community at which over 300 people attended.
  • We are currently in contact with Tim Evans, Chair of a Clevedon Practice PPG who is establishing a North Somerset wide PPG network. We are most supportive of this approach and feel we can learn a lot from each other.
We currently have 13 members (plus Practice Manager and attending GP) although this number fluctuates throughout the year. The PPG Chair has changed during 2013 although the previous Chair remains an active member of the group. The group is made up of:
4 males 1 x 25 – 49 (8%); 3 x over 64 (23%)
8 females 1 x 25 – 49 (8%); 3 x 50 – 64 (23%); 4 x over 65 (30%)
1 trans-gender over 64 group (8%)
One of our members is a wheelchair user and is able to advise us on matters of disability equality and access. Although none of our members is an ethnic minority, this correlates closely with the practice population profile but we would warmly welcome any who wishes to join. Our trans-gender member is a great help with equality and diversity issues.
PRG – this was established in 2011, and consists of 324 members using email. The Practice Manager sends out regular emails giving updates on Practice development, information about local public meetings and involving them in the latest survey. We also have a database of patients who are willing to be consulted but who do not use email. Due to the high cost of sending letters and the staff time involved in this, we have not consulted with this group this year and so have not included their profile details. They can be provided on request. Our survey this year, however, was intended partly to be inclusive of those patients who do not have internet access.
Size of the PRG A total group of 324 patients
Age and Gender Profile of the PRG as at February 2014
Practice profile / PRG profile / Describe difference between population and PRG, and the efforts made to reach any groups not represented
We are aware that we arestill under-represented in the younger age groups, although the 50 – 64 groups correlate fairly closely with the Practice population.
Proportionally, we are still over-represented in the over 64 age group.
We have collaborated with the other practice in Nailsea and Backwell and used a joint sign up form. We have taken steps to recruit more PRG members, particularly in the younger age groups by:
  • Attending a “Community Showcase for Nailsea” and skateboard festival in June 2013 organised by NailseaSchool and held for the whole community.
  • Having a stall at our Health Awareness Day in October 2013
  • Putting articles in our Practice newsletter specifically asking for younger people
  • PPG members attended the local secondary school, did a presentation to the students and encouraged interest in joining.
  • A PRG “advert” on our waiting room media screens
  • The one to one interviews to complete the survey this year highlighted the PRG and we had a flurry of sign up forms following this work.
Our gender distribution is spot on.
16% Under 16 / 0% Under 16
9% 16– 24 / 1.5% 16– 24
28% 25 – 49 / 12% 25 – 49
21% 50 – 64 / 17.5% 50 – 64
25% Over 64 / 69% Over 64
49% Male
51% Female / 49% Male
51% Female
Ethnicity of the PRG as at February 2014 (% of those recorded)
Practice Profile:
White / PRG Profile:
White / Describe difference between population and PRG, and the efforts made to reach any groups not represented
96% British Group / 90% British Group / The Practice has not collected ethnicity data on every patient and in fact, only 47% of its total Practice population has a recorded ethnicity. Of these, only 234 patients have ethnicity other than “White British and other”. ThePRG membership reflects fairly accurately the Practice population. However, it is important that every patient’s needs are met and we would welcome more ethnic minorities on the PPG and the PRG.
Of the 324 patients in the PRG, 12 declined to answer.
Again, at the same time as our efforts to recruit younger patients on to the PRG, we have also mentioned a need for ethnic minorities. See list above.
0.6% Irish / 4% Irish
Mixed / Mixed
0.9% White & Black Caribbean / 0% White & Black Caribbean
0.07% White & Black African / 0% White & Black African
0.11% White & Asian / 0% White & Asian
Asian or Asian British / Asian or Asian British
0.3% Indian / 0.3% Indian
0.8% Pakistani / 0% Pakistani
0% Bangladeshi / 0% Bangladeshi
Black or Black British / Black or Black British
0.9% Caribbean / 0% Caribbean
0% African / 0% African
Chinese or other ethnic Group / Chinese or other ethnic Group
0.24% Chinese / 1.2% Chinese
0.2% Any Other / 0.3% Any Other
Survey for 2013/14:
How were the areas of priority for the survey set?
The PPG felt that, with more use of the media screens in the waiting rooms and the creation of the Patient Resource Room a couple of years ago, this was a good time to consult patients about the way they prefer to access health information. With the emphasis on more self-care, it is important that patients have easy access to information relating to living a healthy lifestyle and how to identify and/or prevent poor health or health problems.
The Resource Room was created as a private space for patients to do their blood pressure using the self check machine. We developed the room to also have a set of weighing scales and a large array of patient leaflets. This room, however, whilst being very well used for blood pressures, is not often accessed for patient information, as the survey results will show. In addition, patients using the room to take their blood pressure essentially “block” the room for other users to access it to look at the information therein.
The survey was widened to encompass other forms of patient information to include the media screens, Practice website, Practice newsletter, the PRG emails, and use of the internet.
How were the questions drawn up?
The PPG produced a draft survey based on their own perceptions and experiences plus any informal feedback they received from patients. Much discussion within PPG meetings resulted in undertaking the survey in two different ways. A link was sent out to the PRG so that the survey could be completed electronically. In addition, and thought to be more powerful, the PPG members undertook face to face interviews with patients in the waiting rooms over a period of around 2 weeks using the same survey questions. We have therefore analysed the two methods separately but also merged the data to get an overall result.
PPG members piloted the face to face survey using colleagues, friends and staff members to see how well it worked. Changes were made and the questions adapted to ensure it gave the most useful and effective responses but that would not take too long to complete.
How was the survey conducted?
The link to the survey was sent out to all PRG members by email (Survey Monkey was used) and we had 118 responses which is a 36% response rate.
Over the course of 2 weeks, PPG members, wearing identification badges and with the full authority of the Practice Management Team, approached patients in the waiting rooms and engaged them in the survey questions. Successful recruitment of 113 face to face interviews - only 6 patients were not willing to undertake the survey.
See appendix to the survey report for a copy of the survey used.
What were the results of the survey?
A copy of the survey analysis is attached
Action plan – How the action plan was agreed:
How was the PPG consulted on the proposed action plan?
The PPG sub-group met to discuss the answers to the survey and what actions may be needed as a response to those answers. Patients’ comments in particular, were considered carefully. An action plan was formulated. This was emailed around to the PPG members for their approval and feedback. Appropriate changes, centred mainly on timescales and wording, were made and finally approved by email.
Are there any aspects that were not agreed?
What was the agreed action plan? Seeseparate action plan
Are there any contractual considerations to the agreed actions?
Please provide an update of progress on all actions to date
Most of the actions listed will be done over time during 2014.
Local patient participation report
What is the URL of the website where the report was published?

How else has the report been advertised and circulated?
It will be sent electronically to all members of the email PRG. We plan to have a display during PPG Awareness Week in June 2014 which is supported by the National Association for Patient Participation (NAPP). Copies of the survey analysis and the action place will be available to see and collect from reception at the Health Centre by any patient. Reference will also be made to it on our media screen andin the Practice newsletter. Of course, it will also be on our website.
Opening times
Tower House Medical Centre is open from 8am to 6.30pm every week day.
We are also open from 7.30am on Mondays and Fridays; until 7pm on Wednesdays and Thursdays plus on the second Saturday of every month from 9am – 12 noon.

Patient Participation DES 2012/13 – Patient Participation Report checklist for practices

Created by PCC | Amended by NHS Bristol | Adapted by NHS N Somerset