Workshop Announcement BAER 2000
Please join PerkinElmer ORTEC® for two short presentations on exciting new developments in analysis software for alpha- and gamma-spectrometry.
Sunday November 12, 3:30-5:00
Session 1 (3:30 – 4:15 PM) The New Generation of True Coincidence Summing Corrections Using GammaVision 5.2.
Session 2 (4:15 – 5:00 PM)ORTEC® introduces AlphaVision 5.0 Introducing the State of the Art in Windows-Based Alpha-Spectrometry Analysis Software.
PerkinElmer ORTEC® offers a wide range of world-class training and educational experiences in alpha- and gamma-spectroscopy. Courses of study are offered as regularly scheduled events or customized sessions to meet the needs of our clients. Literally hundreds of counting-laboratory supervisors and operators have taken advantage of the expertise and knowledge of the ORTEC staff. In the field of radioactivity measurements, there is no substitute for the knowledge and skill of a well-trained radiochemist or spectroscopist. PerkinElmer ORTEC® is committed to creating a total solution for solving the radioanalytical problems of counting laboratories world-wide.
Please join us for these exciting workshops!
Day One, Sunday November 12, 3:30-5:00
Session 1
The New Generation in True Coincidence Corrections for Gamma Spectrometry
Doug Van Cleef, PerkinElmer Instruments, 801 S. Illinois Avenue, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-0895, Phone: (865) 843-2245, Email: .
Dan Upp, PerkinElmer Instruments, 801 S. Illinois Avenue, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-0895, Phone: (865) 843-2106, Email: .
As long as there have been multi-nuclide gamma ray measurements, scientist, researchers, and lab personnel have had to deal with some degree of inaccuracy in measurements due to the summing-in and summing-out effects of coincident gamma interactions. For specific nuclides, numerous empirical techniques have been employed, with varying levels of success, to correct for known or estimated inaccuracies. PerkinElmer Instruments has recently included real-time True Coincidence Correction in its GammaVision gamma spectroscopy software. This session will present an overview and real world examples of the dramatic improvements that can be realized with the True Coincidence Correction software.
Session 2
A New Generation in PC-Based Alpha-Spectrometry Analysis Software PerkinElmer ORTEC® Introduces AlphaVision 5.0
Michael Schultz, PerkinElmer Instruments, 801 S. Illinois Avenue, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-0895, Phone: (865) 481-2446, Email:
Doug Van Cleef, PerkinElmer Instruments, 801 S. Illinois Avenue, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-0895, Phone: (865) 843-2245, Email: .
PerkinElmer ORTEC® introduces a new generation in alpha-spectrometry spectral analysis and sample management software AlphaVision 5.0.
AlphaVision 5.0 represents a major advancement in PC-based alpha-spectrometry spectral analysis and data management. This new release in the ORTEC family of Vision products has been developed in concert with radioanalytical-production-laboratory managers and operators throughout the world. Key features that these professionals asked us to include are:
- Cost-effective, flexible, PC-based operating system.
- Efficient, flexible, Microsoft Windows user interface with familiar hot keys and tools and easy data storage and retrieval modes.
- Simple, easy-to-learn analysis routines and automation minimum training hours for routine tasks.
- Easy custom report generation for constantly changing client needs.
- Flexible QA features for retrieving customized control charts and data.
- Rapid mode sample set up and MCA operation with effective, time-saving “Quick Start, Stop, ROI data report” functions included.
AlphaVision 5.0 is a true-windows application the software includes all of the Microsoft Windows commands and hot key tools (e.g., file storage and recall) that you use routinely. Data are archived in simple Microsoft Access Database Tables for easy recall and custom report generation
AlphaVision 5.0 provides a complete solution for alpha-spectral collection and analysis with built-in capability for controlling the MCB hardware, collecting alpha spectra from solid state detectors, analyzing the results by one of several methods and generating reports (using Access or Crystal Reports Report Writer).