Foundations of Technology: Bio-related, Manufacturing and Communication Technology

Course and Behavior Syllabus

Instructor: Mr. McKaig


Course Description

This course provides the “foundation” for students to understand and apply technological concepts and processes that are the cornerstone for the high school technology program. Group and individual activities engage students in creating ideas, developing innovations, and engineering practical solutions. This course will focus on the three dimensions of technological literacy: 1) knowledge, 2) ways of thinking and acting, and 3) technological capabilities. The goal being that students develop the characteristics of a technologically literate citizen. The course will employ teaching/learning strategies that enable students to build their understanding of new ideas. It is designed to engage students in exploring and deepening their understanding of “big ideas” regarding technology. Topics in this course may include, but are not limited to, Inventions and innovations, Design and the Design process, Bio-related tech, Manufacturing Tech, and Communication tech.



Grade Level

9 -12 (recommended for 9th grade)

Course Materials

·  Folder/Notebook w/paper

·  Pen/pencil

·  Computers

·  Software, operation system

·  tools

Grading Policy

A = 90-100

B = 80 - 89

C = 70 – 79

D = 65 – 69

F = Below 65

*Refer to the school policy on Academic Honesty and Integrity in the student handbook for additional information.


All daily assignments will be handed out, written on the board or projected on the screen. For previous assignments please see the instructor or other students.

Missed Assignments

Students will be responsible for getting their assignments from the teacher or classmates after an absence. If assignments are posted in the classroom, students may get them from this source as well.

Late/Missing Assignments

·  Excused Absence - The school policy of three days to make up assignments will be followed. Each additional late day will result in a 20% deduction of the grade until no credit will be given.

·  Unexcused Absence – Assignments may not be made up and a grade of zero will be given (with the exception of tests and long term projects).


The school tardiness policy will be followed.

Entering the classroom

Students are to get their materials, sit down, and begin working on the activity written or projected on the board. When they have finished the activity, they may work on the assignment from the previous day until class begins.

Ending class

Students will stop work at an appropriate time, usually 5-10 minutes before class ends to clean up their work area, put away materials and equipment, clean equipment, etc..


During demonstrations or lectures, students will remain attentive and in their seat or in the appropriate location to be observing the demonstration. Talking or distracting others is not considered appropriate and this will be addressed accordingly. Students should bring their notebook with them and take notes during the demonstration. Notes will be randomly checked by the instructor at his discretion.

During group work, all students must participate and stay on task*. THIS IS NOT OPTIONAL. Thank you for your cooperation.

*Grades for group work are normally given to the group. However, individual grades may be given depending on observed participation.

Electronic and Social Networking Policies

·  Personally Owned Devices

o  Our district has provided a network that allows students to use personally owned devices at school. A POD is defined as a cell phone, laptop or tablet type of device. The expectations for use of these will be clear in this room.

§  The device must be IN VIEW.

§  The use of these devices will be allowed ONLY for bell work.

§  PODs will not be used at ANY time, unless express teacher permission is given, and they will ONLY be used for approved purposes.

·  Consequences

o  Any student caught using a device under any of the following circumstances listed below will face consequences:

§  Under the desk, out of view, not on the desk or table top

§  At a time in which permission has not been granted

§  For any purpose other than what is allowed

o  Consequences will be as follows:

§  The first offense will result in the instructor confiscating the device for the remainder of the class period.

§  The second offense will result in confiscation of the device, parental/guardian contact and a referral. The device will be given to the appropriate principal according to the school’s electronic device policy.

·  Social Networking Websites

o  No student is allowed on ANY social networking site, on ANY device for ANY reason, without express permission from the instructor. Any student caught on any such site will receive an immediate referral.

General Discipline

All school policies and discipline actions will be followed. Additional consequences for student actions are listed below:

·  1st offense: verbal warning

·  2nd

·  3rd offense: After school detention for 20 minutes, or referral depending on the teacher’s assessment of the seriousness of the situation. Parents will also be notified.

·  4th offense: Sent to office. Parent will be notified again and the student will receive a referral.

*The discipline plan may be modified as needed. Students will be notified when changes are made.

¨  My child has permission to have his/her picture taken and/or be recorded on video during my class.

¨  My child does not have permission to have his/her picture taken and/or be recorded on video or audio during my class.

I have read, understand and agree to the preceding Bio-Related, Manufacturing and Communication Technology class and behavior syllabus presented to me by Mr. McKaig.

Student Signature Date

Parent/Guardian Signature Date

Parent/Guardian contact information;

e-mail: ______


cell phone: ______

*This form is not complete without at least one piece of contact information