Automotive Brakes
Prior Knowledge Assessment test
Workshop and Personal Safety:
Instructions: Answer all questions.
1. Identify and list five personal safety rules which must be observed when working in an Automotive Workshop?
2. Identify and describe the three types of fire extinguishers which are available for use in the Automotive Workshop?
3. Situation: Your friend has been using an electric drill which has a damaged cord. He/she has been electrocuted and is lying unconscious on the shop floor. Describe in detail what you should do to assist him/her?______
4. Oil has been spilt on the shop floor and is causing a safety hazard. What should you do? (circle or underline your answer).
a. Leave it for the cleaner to deal with.
b. Wipe it up using shop towels.
c. Use the approved floor dry and leave it for a time to soak up the oil.
d. Tell the shop manager who did it and insist on them cleaning it up.
e. Use some gasoline to dissolve the oil and then sweep the residue down the drain.
5. A bench grinder is a useful piece of workshop equipment and can be used for many different applications. Describe in your own words the personal safety which you must observe when using this piece of equipment?______
Parts Identification- Name the following components
6. What component is a brake booster? a. b.c.
7. What component is a master cylinder? a. b.c.
8. What component is a brake drum? a. b. c.
9. What component is the brake shoes? a. b. c.
10. What component is a brake caliper? a. b. c.
11. What component is a wheel cylinder? a. b. c.
12. What component is part of drum brakes? a. b. c.
13. What component is part of the disk brakes? a. b. c.
14. What component is a brake rotor? a. b. c.
15. What component adjusts the brakes? a. c.
Parts Application:
Answer the following questions by selecting the best possible answer for each question.
16 What brake component converts mechanical force to hydraulic pressure?
a. Caliper
b. Booster
c. Master cylinder
17. What type of service brakes has brake pads that press against a rotor?
a. Drum brakes
b. Disk brakes
c. Air brakes
18. What type of service brakes uses brake shoes?
a. Drum brakes
b. Disk brakes
c. Master cylinder
19. What types of brake fluid cannot be mixed together?
a. Dot 3 and any other type
b. Dot 4 and any other type
c. Dot 5 and any other type
20. When installing a brake hose on a caliper, what pieces must be in place to prevent leakage?
a. Cotter pin
b. Brass rings
c. Caliper guides
21. What are the three types of bleeding methods?
a. Manual, vacuum, and pressure
b. Mechanical, pressure, air
c. Suction, vacuum, and pressure
22. What brake component presses the brake pads against the brake rotor?
a. Caliper
b. Wheel cylinder
c. Master cylinder
23. What brake component presses the brake shoes against the brake drum?
a. Caliper
b. Wheel Cylinder
c. Master Cylinder
24. What brake component increased brake pressure?
a. Master cylinder
b. Caliper
c. Brake booster
25. What carries brake fluid from the master cylinder to the wheels?
26. What is DOT 5 brake fluid made of and what is the benefit?
27. What is the best thing to do with brake fluid that has been open for a long period of time?
28. What are the three different brake booster types?
29. What must be done to a master cylinder before installing it?
30. When removing a brake caliper, what must be done to prevent damage to the brake hose?
Repair Procedures:
My Car Will Not Stop?
Instructions: Attempt this question.
One morning I jumped into my car to drive to school, I started the car and press the brake to put the car in to drive, but the brake pedal went all the way to the floor. Describe in your own words what you are going to do to analyze and rectify this situation?