/ 2010 Newboro Lake Event Tournament Procedures
Renegade Bass would like to take this opportunity to welcome all competitors to the second event of the 2010 Renegade Bass Tournament series. Renegade Bass would like to also take this opportunity to thank the Town of Newboro and the lockmaster for being our gracious hosts for our second qualifying event of the 2010 season.

Boat Check & Parking:

The morning access to the boat launch as described by the purple arrows is relatively straightforward. Congestion at the ramp directly may be the only concern so please be patient and follow the traffic control directions. Please ensure your vessel is ready for launch before you approach the ramp to launch. We ask that competitors arrive early and launch their boat as quickly as possible. Please ensure that when parking your tow vehicle that you park as close as possible so that we can easily fit all vehicles. Also keep in mind that Newboro is a public launch so other vehicles may want to use the launch.

Important Notice:

The docks where we will be launching are off-limits for fishing and cannot be used in the morning by competitors. Please launch your boats and proceed out into the staging area.


We ask that competitors after launching their partner please park in the designated parking area. Please make sure you park tow vehicles close together to ensure we fit all competitors. The front parking area is reserved for the general public.

Blast Off:

The Tournament Director will initiate the start by asking the competitors to line up their boats in sequential order and then will proceed to lead the line up past the first dock, where he will call out the numbers in order. Please get in line up order immediately, the Tournament Director will not wait for competitors who are unorganized. The boaters as required will drive past the tournament director before they begin to accelerate. Anglers are not allowed to commence fishing until their number has been called and they have driven past the Tournament Director. Patience will help ensure a safe beginning to our tournament.


The 4 pm check-in will be conducted from the location described in the diagram. Once you have "checked-in" please proceed to the staging area, which will be immediately downwind (if any) from the "On-Deck" zone delineated by the purple marker buoys. A shore staff member will be positioned at the end of the dock to call out the blocks in sequence. The order will beA, E, B, C, D.

The access point on shore to weigh your fish will be at the Lockmaster Docks. The shore staff will provide the weigh-in bags as you approach the dock. Please do not bag your fish until instructed. The continuous freshwater flow in your livewell is still the best environment for your fish. Only use fresh lake water when filling the weigh-in bags. The chemicals that some of you may be adding to your livewells though a good practice will interfere with the Oxygenators at the weigh-in stations. After you have bagged your fish proceed to the fish check station and follow instructions. Following the successful weighing of your fish, retrieve your tow vehicle and return to the ramp to remove your boat.

Once you have dropped off your fish and your co-angler please proceed to the ramp staging area and await your tow vehicle and trailer. Again please do not crowd the ramp. Other boaters including the other Renegade members will require sufficient space to launch and remove their boats. As posted at the launch, Renegade Bass is asking to respect the posted signs and not to power trailer their boats. Renegade members will be at the launch to assist fellow members in trailering their boat.

The “On Deck” area was intentionally positioned such that access into the lake would be maintained. Please yield to boaters navigating in the lake. Given the shelter provided by the lake, wind influence should minimal and as such the positioning of the boats, staging area and the on-deck circle should be as described in the diagrams. In the event of severe environmental conditions the various staging areas may be changed so please follow directions.

This process though seemingly complex will assist us all in ensuring a smooth flow of traffic while minimizing confusion and potential stress. We will employ as many shore staff and volunteers as possible to help direct and answer questions. Please offer your assistance as a volunteer for at least one of the tournaments, your efforts will be greatly appreciated and more importantly you can be satisfied that you have participated in strengthening your association.

Have a safe day on the water!

Newboro Lake Diagram