Northwestern Local Schools

Grade PreK - Course of Study

Reviewed and Revised School Year 2012 – 2013

For use beginning school year 2013-2014

Northwestern LocalSchool District

5610 Troy Road

Springfield, Ohio

Core Beliefs and Values

We Believe:

  • All individuals have worth and are entitled to be treated with respect.
  • Responsible use of resources aids success.
  • Collaboration and communication are essential to success.
  • High expectations are the foundation of high achievement.
  • Safety is essential.


Valuing one another, working with one another, succeeding together.


NorthwesternLocalSchools and its community provide the best educational foundation to help individuals develop to their fullest potential.

Northwestern Local School District

Grade PreK

Comprehensive Course of Study

Board of Education

President—Russ Steele

Vice President—Gene Pencil

Member—Richard Birt

Member—Keith Baldwin

Member—Donna Myers

Statement of Approval

The Northwestern Local School Board of Education adopted the course of study for K-12 Health Education.


School Board President SignatureSchool District Superintendent Signature



Ohio’s Early Learning and Development Standards in All Essential Domains of School

The Northwestern preschool course of study aligns with Ohio’s Early Learning and Development Standards. These standards during the preschool years describe those developmental skills and concepts children should know and be able to do at the end of their preschool experience.

The standards promote the understanding of early learning and development, provide a comprehensive and coherent set of expectations for children’s development and learning, and guide the design and implementation of curriculum, assessment and instructional practices with young children.

Organization of the Standards

The standards within each domain are organized according to strands, the developmental or conceptual components within each domain. Each strand contains one or more topics, the area of focus within each strand, and the standard statements, those concepts and skills children should know and be able to do for the different age-groups

Creative Curriculum for Preschool

Northwestern’s preschool teachers use theCreative Curriculum for Preschool,a written research-based curriculum created by Teaching Strategies as the primary instructional framework. The course of study aligns the Ohio’s Early Learning and Development Standards with the Creative Curriculum objectives.

Creative Curriculum for Preschool
Northwestern usesThe Creative Curriculum for Preschool, aligned to the Ohio Department of Education Early Learning Content Standards, as the educational framework for Preschool. Information provided by Teaching Strategies, creators ofThe Creative Curriculum for Preschooldescribes this framework as follows:
It is based on five fundamental principles:

  1. Positive interactions and relationships with adults provide a critical foundation for successful learning.
  2. Social-emotional competence is a significant factor in school success.
  3. Constructive, purposeful play supports essential learning.
  4. The physical environment affects the type and quality of learning interactions.
  5. Teacher-family partnerships promote development and learning.

Curriculum Objectives for Development & Learning

Creative Curriculum is Northwestern Preschool’s primary instructional framework. There are 38 objectives.

Northwestern Local School DistrictPreSchool Course of Study Adopted Spring 2013Page 1


1. Regulates own emotions and behaviors
a. Manages feelings
b. Follows limits and expectations
c. Takes care of own needs appropriately

2. Establishes and sustains positive relationships
a. Forms relationships with adults
b. Responds to emotional cues
c. Interacts with peers
d. Makes friends

3. Participates cooperatively and constructively in group situations
a. Balances needs and rights of self and others
b. Solves social problems


4. Demonstrates traveling skills
5. Demonstrates balancing skills
6.Demonstrates gross-motor manipulative skills
7. Demonstrates fine-motor strength and coordination
a. Uses fingers and hands
b. Uses writing and drawing tools


8. Listens to and understands increasingly complex language
a. Comprehends language
b. Follows directions
9. Uses language to express thoughts and needs
a. Uses an expanding expressive vocabulary
b. Speaks clearly
c. Uses conventional grammar
d. Tells about another time or place
10. Uses appropriate conversational and other communication skills
a. Engages in conversations
b. Uses social rules of language


11. Demonstrates positive approaches to learning
a. Attends and engages
b. Persists
c. Solves problems
d. Shows curiosity and motivation
e. Shows flexibility and inventiveness in thinking

12. Remembers and connects experiences
a. Recognizes and recalls
b. Makes connections

13. Uses classification skills

14. Uses symbols and images to represent something not present
a. Thinks symbolically
b. Engages in sociodramatic play


15. Demonstrates phonological awareness
a. Notices and discriminates rhyme
b. Notices and discriminates alliteration
c. Notices and discriminates smaller and smaller units of sound

16. Demonstrates knowledge of the alphabet
a. Identifies and names letters
b. Uses letter–sound knowledge
17. Demonstrates knowledge of print and its uses
a. Uses and appreciates books
b. Uses print concepts
18. Comprehends and responds to books and other texts
a. Interacts during read-alouds and book conversations
b. Uses emergent reading skills
c. Retells stories
19. Demonstrates emergent writing skills
a. Writes name
b. Writes to convey meaning


20. Uses number concepts and operations
a. Counts
b. Quantifies
c. Connects numerals with their quantities

21. Explores and describes spatial relationships and shapes
a. Understands spatial relationships
b. Understands shapes

22. Compares and measures

23. Demonstrates knowledge of patterns

Science and Technology

24. Uses scientific inquiry skills

25. Demonstrates knowledge of the characteristics of living things

26. Demonstrates knowledge of the physical properties of objects and materials

27. Demonstrates knowledge of Earth’s environment

28. Uses tools and other technology to perform tasks

Social Studies

29. Demonstrates knowledge about self

30. Shows basic understanding of people and how they live

31. Explores change related to familiar people or places

32. Demonstrates simple geographic knowledge

The Arts

33. Explores the visual arts

34. Explores musical concepts and expression

35. Explores dance and movement concepts

36. Explores drama through actions and language

English Language Acquisition

37. Demonstrates progress in listening to and understanding English

38. Demonstrates progress in speaking English

Northwestern Local School DistrictPreSchool Course of Study Adopted Spring 2013Page 1

Teaching Strategies GOLD Assessment System

The preschool program has adopted the teaching strategies GOLD assessment system that aligns with Creative Curriculum.

  • Ongoing, observation-based assessment that supports continual and deliberate documentation of what children do and say throughout each and every day.
  • Developmentally appropriate assessment system that it takes into consideration widely held expectations for children, focusing on the strengths of each individual child, and takes into account the social and cultural context in which each child is assessed.
  • To identify the knowledge, skills, and behaviors that are predictive of future school success,
  • Aligns with Ohio’s Early Learning standards

Ohio Early Learning and Development Standards Pre-Kindergarten (3-5 years) Domain: Social and Emotional Development / Creative Curriculum Objectives for Development and Learning
Strand: Self / Creative Curriculum Socio-Emotional, Language, Science, and Social Studies Objectives
Topic: Awareness and Expression of Emotion
Recognize and identify own emotions and the emotions of others.
Communicate a range of emotions in socially accepted ways / 1. Regulates own emotions and behaviors
a. Manages feelings
10. Uses appropriate conversational and other communication skills b. Uses social rules of language
Topic: Self-Concept
Identify the diversity in human characteristics and how people are similar and different.
Compare own characteristics to those of others. / 25. Demonstrates knowledge of the characteristics of living things
29. Demonstrates knowledge about self
30. Shows basic understanding of people and how they live
Topic: Self-Regulation
Manage the expression of feelings, thoughts, impulses and behaviors with minimal guidance from adults.
Demonstrate the ability to delay gratification for short periods of Title.
With modeling and support, show awareness of the consequences for his/her actions. / 1. Regulates own emotions and behaviors
a. Manages feelings
b. Follows limits and expectations
Topic: Sense of Competence
Show confidence in own abilities and accomplish routine and familiar tasks independently. / 1. Regulates own emotions and behaviors
b. Follows limits and expectations
c. Takes care of own needs appropriately
Strand: Relationships / Creative Curriculum Socio-Emotional Objectives
Topic: Attachment
Express affection for familiar adults.
Seek security and support from familiar adults in anticipation of challenging situations.
Separate from familiar adults in a familiar setting with minimal distress. / 2. Establishes and sustains positive relationships
a. Forms relationships with adults
Topic: Interactions with Adults
Engage in extended, reciprocal conversations with familiar adults.
Request and accept guidance fromfamiliar adults. / 2. Establishes and sustains positive relationships
a. Forms relationships with adults
Topic: Peer Interactions and Relationships
Ohio Early Learning and Development Standards Pre-Kindergarten (3-5 years) Domain: Social and Emotional Development / Creative Curriculum Objectives for Development and Learning
Interact with peers in more complex pretend play including planning, coordination of roles and cooperation.
Demonstrate socially competent behavior with peers.
With modeling and support, negotiate to resolve social conflicts with peers. / 2. Establishes and sustains positive relationships
b. Responds to emotional cues
c. Interacts with peers
Topic: Empathy
Express concern for the needs of others and people in distress.
Show regard for the feelings of other living things.
Primary Instructional Resources
The Creative Curriculum for Preschool Teaching Guide: Beginning of the Year
Nursery Rhymes: Humpty Dumpty, Mary Had a Little Lamb
"The Best Me I Can Be"picture books(e.g. I Am Confident!, I Have Manners)
Ohio Early Learning and Development Standards Pre-Kindergarten (3-5 years)
Domain: Approaches Toward Learning / Creative Curriculum Objectives for Development and Learning
Strand: Initiative / Creative Curriculum Cognitive Objectives
Topic: Initiative and Curiosity
Seek new and varied experiences and challenges (take risks).
Demonstrate self-direction while participating in a range of activities and routines.
Ask questions to seek explanations about phenomena of interest. / 11. Demonstrates positive approaches to learning
a. Attends and engages
b. Persists
d. Shows curiosity and motivation
Topic: Planning, Action and Reflection
Develop, initiate and carry out simple plans to obtain a goal.
Use prior knowledge and information to assess, inform, and plan for future actions and learning. / 11. Demonstrates positive approaches to learning
a. Attends and engages
b. Persists
c. Solves problems
d. Shows curiosity and motivation
e. Shows flexibility and inventiveness in thinking
Strand: Engagement and Persistence / Creative Curriculum Cognitive Objectives
Topic: Attention
Focus on an activity with deliberate concentration despite distractions. / 11. Demonstrates positive approaches to learning
a. Attends and engages
Topic: Persistence
Carry out tasks, activities, projects or experiences from beginning to end.
Focus on the task at hand even when frustrated or challenged. / 11. Demonstrates positive approaches to learning
a. Attends and engages
b. Persists
Strand: Creativity / Creative Curriculum Cognitive Objectives
Topic: Innovation and Invention
Use imagination and creativity to interact with objects and materials.
Use creative and flexible thinking to solve problems.
Engage in inventive social play. / 11. Demonstrates positive approaches to learning
c. Solves problems
d. Shows curiosity and motivation
Topic: Expression of Ideas and Feelings through the Arts
Express individuality, life experiences, and what he/she knows and is able to do through a variety of media.
Express interest in and show appreciation for the creative work of others. / 14. Uses symbols and images to represent something not present
a. Thinks symbolically
b. Engages in socio-dramatic play
2. Establishes and sustains positive relationships
c. Interacts with peers
Primary Instructional Resources
Creative Curriculum Intentional Teaching Cards: SE08, SE25, SE14, SE20
Creative Curriculum Mighty Minutes 02, 80, 81, 63
Ohio Early Learning and Development Standards (3-5 years)
Domain: Physical Well-Being and Motor Development / Creative Curriculum Objectives for Development and Learning
Strand: Motor Development / Creative Curriculum Physical Objectives
Topic: Large Muscle, Balance and Coordination
Demonstrate locomotor skills with control, coordination and balance during active play (e.g., running, hopping, skipping).
Demonstrate coordination in using objects during active play (e.g., throwing, catching, kicking balls, riding tricycle).
Use non-locomotor skills with control, balance and coordination during active play (e.g., bending, stretching and twisting).
Demonstrate spatial awareness in physical activity or movement. / 4. Demonstrates traveling skills
5. Demonstrates balancing skills
6. Demonstrates gross-motor manipulative skills
Strand: Motor Development / Creative Curriculum Physical Objectives
Topic: Small Muscle: Touch Grasp, Reach, Manipulate
Coordinate the use of hands, fingers and wrists to manipulate objects and perform tasks requiring precise movements.
Use classroom and household tools independently with eye-hand coordination to carry out activities.
/ 7. Demonstrates fine-motor strength and coordination
a. Uses fingers and hands
b. Uses writing and drawing tools
Topic: Oral-Motor
Demonstrate increasingly complex oral-motor skills such as drinking through a straw, blowing bubbles or repeating a tongue-twister.
Topic: Sensory Motor
Regulate reactions to external sensory stimuli in order to focus on complex tasks or activities. / 11. Demonstrates positive approaches to learning
a. Attends and engages
Strand: Physical Well-Being / Creative Curriculum Physical, Social Studies, Science and Technology Objectives
Topic: Body Awareness
Identify and describe the function of body parts. / 29. Demonstrates knowledge about self
Topic: Physical Activity
Participate in structured and unstructured active physical play exhibiting strength and stamina.
Demonstrate basic understanding that physical activity helps the body grow and be healthy. / 4. Demonstrates traveling skills
5. Demonstrates balancing skills
6. Demonstrates gross-motor manipulative skills
25. Demonstrates knowledge of the characteristics of living things
Ohio Early Learning and Development Standards (3-5 years)
Domain: Physical Well-Being and Motor Development / Creative Curriculum Objectives for Development and Learning
Topic: Nutrition
Demonstrate basic understanding that eating a variety of foods helps the body grow and be healthy.
Distinguish nutritious from non-nutritious foods. / 25. Demonstrates knowledge of the characteristics of living things
13. Uses classification skills
1. Regulates own emotions and behaviors
c. Takes care of own needs appropriately
Topic: Self-Help
Independently complete personal care tasks (e.g., toileting, teeth-brushing, hand-washing, dressing etc.).
Follow basic health practices. / 1. Regulates own emotions and behaviors
b. Follows limits and expectations
Topic: Safety Practices
With modeling and support, identify and follow basic safety rules.
Identify ways adults help to keep us safe.
With modeling and support, identify the consequences of unsafe behavior.
With modeling and support, demonstrate ability to follow emergency routines (e.g., fire or tornado drill).
With modeling and support, demonstrate ability to follow transportation and pedestrian safety rules. / 1. Regulates own emotions and behaviors
b. Follows limits and expectations
Primary Instructional Resources
Creative Curriculum Mighty Minutes 25, 30, 44, 72
Creative Curriculum Intentional Teaching Cards P08, P23, P30, P33, LL16
Picture Books:
Eating the Alphabet by Lois Ehlert
Gregory, the Terrible Eater by Mitchell Sharmat
Yummy Yucky by Leslie Patricelli
Ohio Early Learning and Development Standards
Domain: Cognition and General Knowledge (Grades 3-5)
Includes SubDomains in Math, Social Studies, and Science / Creative Curriculum Objectives for Development and Learning
Strand: Cognitive Skills / Creative CurriculumCognitive Objectives
Topic: Memory
Communicate about past events and anticipate what comes next during familiar routines and experiences.
With modeling and support remember and use information for a variety of purposes.
Recreate complex ideas, events/situations with personal adaptations. / 12. Remembers and connects experiences
a. Recognizes and recalls
b. Makes connections
Topic: Symbolic Thought / Creative CurriculumCognitive Objectives
Demonstrate understanding that symbols carry meaning and use symbols to represent thinking (e.g., drawings, construction or movement).
Participate cooperatively in complex pretend play, involving assigned roles and an overall plan. / 14. Uses symbols and images to represent something not present
a. Thinks symbolically
b. Engages in socio-dramatic play
Topic: Reasoning and Problem-Solving / Creative CurriculumCognitive Objectives
Demonstrate ability to solve everyday problems based upon past experience.
Solve problems by planning and carrying out a sequence of actions. / 11. Demonstrates positive approaches to learning
c. Solves problems
Seek more than one solution to a question, problem or task.
Explain reasoning for the solution selected. / 11. Demonstrates positive approaches to learning
c. Solves problems
Sub-Domain: Mathematics
Strand: Number Sense / Creative CurriculumMathematics Objectives
Topic: Number Sense and Counting
Count to 20 by ones with increasing accuracy.
Identify and name numerals 1-9.
Identify without counting small quantities of up to 3 items. (Subitize)
Demonstrate one-to-one correspondence when counting objects up to 10.
Understand that the last number spoken tells the number of objects counted.
Identify whether the number of objects in one group is greater than, less than or equal to the number of objects in another group up to 10. / 20. Uses number concepts and operations
a. Counts
b. Quantifies
c. Connects numerals with their quantities
Ohio Early Learning and Development Standards
Domain: Cognition and General Knowledge (Grades 3-5)
Includes SubDomains in Math, Social Studies, and Science / Creative Curriculum Objectives for Development and Learning
Strand: Number Relationships and Operations / Creative Curriculum Mathematics Objectives