- What did Sophie tell Geoff about her meeting with Danny Casey?On the news ‘Sophie met Danny Casey’ how did their father react?
- “Damn that Geoff, this was a Geoff thing not a Jansie thing” Why did Sophie say so?What thoughts came to Sophie’s mind as she sat by the canal?
- How did Sophie come to know that her dad was not at home? Why was she glad to know it?
- Sophie is a typical adolescent hero-worshipper who carries her fantasizing too far .Comment
- How is the title ‘Going Places’ most appropriate?
- Who was Sophie? What do you know about her family?
- Sophie flits from one dream to another. What trait of hers is brought out by this action?
- What made Sophie dissatisfied with her life?
- The unknown things are always a fascination for human beings. How is it true in the case of Sophie?
- Did Geof keep his promise? How do you know?
- What made her heave a sigh of relief when she knew that Geoff had not divulged all what she said?
- According to Sophie’s father, what dangers does Danny Casey face in his career as a football player
- Who is responsible for Sophie’s tears ? Why do you think so?
- Where was it most likely that the two girls would find work after school?
- What were the options that Sophie as dreaming of? Why does Jansie discourage her from having such dreams?
- Why did Sophie wriggle when Geoff told her father that she had met Danny Casey? (IMP)
- Does Geoff believe that Sophie says about her meeting with Danny Casey?
- Does her father believe her story?
- How does Sophie include her brother Geoff in her fantasy of her future?
- Why did not Sophie want Jansie to know about her story with Danny?
- Did Sophie really meet Danny Casey?
- Which was the only occasion she got to see Danny Casey in person?
- What was pictured to you in Sophie’s home?
- What did Sophie think about her brother Geoff?
- What were the special fascination for the teenager Sophie?
- On the news ‘Sophie met Danny Casey’ how did their father react?
- What did Geoff mean by saying, ‘Casey must have strings of girls?’
- What was the autograph riddle? Could it be solved?
- What was Jansie’s attitude towards Sophie on hearing about her meeting Danny Casey?
- At what stage Sophie uttered, ‘‘how can you believe what people?’’
- Did Sophie meet Danny Casey personally at the canal side?
- write a character sketch of Jensie.
- What did the two schools discuss while coming home?
- When back home, why did Sophie feel a tightening in her throat?
- Why was Sophie jealous of Geoff’s silence?
- What was going on in Sophie’s mind about people and places unknown to her?
- What were Sophie’s views about the vast world around?
- What did Sophie tell Geoff about Danny Casey?
- Why did Sophie liked Danny Casey?
- What did Sophie imagine about her meeting with Danny Casey?ORWrite Sophie’s description about his first meeting with Danny Casey
- What was the weekly pilgrimage in the story ‘Going places’?
- What did Sophie told Jansie about her meeting with Danny Casey?
- ‘It was a perfect place, she had always thought so.’ Which is the place described and what made it so perfect?
- Do you think the title of the by A.R.Barton ‘Going places appropriate? Discuss.
In the story ‘Going places’, the author A.R.Burton has successfully taken the readers to places. Elaborate.
- Why did Sophie walked by the canal after dark that evening? How did she conduct herself that time?
According to Sophie what was the perfect place for meeting of this kind? Describe the place and the meeting.
What was Sophie’s height of fantasizing as a teenager?
- How Did Sophie’s father react on hearing about Sophie meeting Danny Casey?
- How did Sophie detail her meeting with Danny Casey?
How did Sophie describe her meeting with Danny Casey?
- Write your views after your reading the story ‘Going places’.
- What were the two girls willing to do in the story ‘Going places’?
- Describe Sophie’s Fascination for ‘the places and the vast world’.
- Fantasy is a pleasant relief at times but at times it can take a serious turn, which may prove detrimental to mental growth. . Elucidate with reference to the text focusing on the negative impact of fantasizing?
- What in your opinion is the reason behind her weaving a fantasy, is it a crush for an ace footballer or is it the love for glamour of a celebrity, if not at least the glamour of a person associated with a celebrity. Elucidate
- Bring out various aspects of the brother-sister relationship with instances from the lesson ‘Going Places’.
- “Going Places” is a story that borders on fantasy and reality. Discuss.
- What was Geof’s reaction when Sophie told him about Danny Casey?
Contrast Sophie’s real world with her fantasies