EIGE midterm work programme 2016-2018 meeting
For who? / Purpose / Benefits / OutcomesSociety through stakeholders / Capacity (internal and external) / To reach the full potential of citizens / Resources (e.g. experts, RDC, …)
(Ministries) of the EU Member States / Visibility / Greater freedom to choose your future / Networks (e.g. eurogender, working groups, thematic networks, …)
EU institutions / Confidence (internal) / Growth and sustainable development / Communication channels (e.g. social media, events, online discussions, website, newsletter, interviews, …)
EU citizens / Influence / More social justice / Gender equality index
EU policy makers / Providing/communicating knowledge on gender equality / More efficient use of available resources / Databases (e.g. gender training, stakeholders, …)
Progress and support / To improve life standards and life quality / Reports (e.g. on GBV, recommendations. Beijing, …)
Making EU citizens’ life better / Safer society
Consolidation / Ensuring a more democratic/inclusive society
(Positive) impact / To ensure progress
Added value / Equitable distribution of opportunities
Creating demand / Gender equal societies are more successful economically and socially
Gender-sensitive policies
Commitment to gender equality for accountable governance
Resources / Network / Communication / Gender equality index / Databases / Reports
Able to design better policies and able to compare different policies and practices / “Two-ways” engagement / Benefit from EIGE’s analyses and expertise on specific topics according to policy needs / Able to identify gender gaps and their magnitude / Reliable information in a nutshell / Coordination with EU political agenda
Understand better gender equality / Build up synergies and create political support / Get timely knowledge/information/data to ground decisions / Access to comparable data / More awareness of available databases and their applicability / To understand the relevance of a gender dimension and its cross-cutting nature
Access to diverse and broad expertise throughout EU on gender equality / Clear roles of members of the thematic networks which should be communicated to them / Access to EIGE’s information regularly to know what EIGE is doing / Able to identify where the policy makers should intervene / Receiving direct knowledge of gaps across the EU / Better understanding of the contents/necessary elements of gender equality policies
Access to reliable data / Better knowledge by sharing problems and solutions of gender equality / Able to get information in a short notice / Understand the importance of collecting normalised, comparable and reliable data / Easy and reliable access to experts / Access to evidence
Centralised access point / Critical in-depth analysis / Able to get reader friendly information on state of play and recommendations / Access to resources for academics, researchers and policy experts / Able to set gender equality related targets/objectives
Updated evidence to inform their policy area / Practical information on how to change/improve the current situation / Costs and benefits analyses
Proactive networking
Eurogender to bridge between different interests
Parties have framework for cooperation
How to better our outputs with outcomes
Resources / Network / Communication / Gender equality index / Databases / Reports
Communicate to the right target groups / Using their experience in intersectionality / Targeting content and audience / Hosting a summer school / Strategic approach to the management of the databases / Agreeing on procedure to review and validate the contractor’s report
Transform outputs into key targeted messages to disseminate very regularly / Deeper knowledge of key stakeholders’ activities to align our work / Produce a video for Euro News on a specific focal area for EIGE / Setting learning seminars for key stakeholders to understand gender gaps and to promote gender equality as a policy tool / Develop user-friendly interfaces for stakeholders / Effective and clear writing
Regularly update resources / Cooperating with most relevant existing ones / Present more benefits of gender equality to broader audiences / Populating all the empty domains / Connect databases / Develop infographics
User-friendly resources / Invite key stakeholders to use eurogender as a communication channel to disseminate information / Interactive campaigns / Stimulate Member States to calculate their own index and cooperating with the national level / Online publication elsewhere (e.g. partners’ websites) / Intersectionality
Designing and implementing a communication strategy for EIGE’s RDC / Stakeholder strategy / Simple online gender equality training for awareness raising / Increasing Member States’ ownership with regard to the index / Constant updating the databases (and mentioning the date of the latest update) / Planning of all reports strategically
Workshops / Bridging different audiences and stakeholders / Use “the Guardian” style campaigning / Reflecting on causes and analysis of trends / Communication/dissemination / Publish different types of articles using the findings of the reports
Consolidate research and writing competences / More involvement of EIGE’s staff in relevant external networks / Use EIGE’s newsletter in a more practical way / Critical papers on and in-depth analysis of the index (+ in scientific journals) / Improve functionality (e.g. search engin) / Print less, disseminate electronically or via EU bookshop
Deeper analysis of existing data, resources and information / Frequent events with structured agenda / EIGE’s products available in an “open cloud” or app / Disseminate the index together with other EIGE projects / Assessing their relevance to stakeholders’ expectations / Having a strategy for follow-up
Ensure gender training and gender audit in-house / Consider missions as networking opportunities, and therefore balance them between different teams/employees / Coordinated plan with EIGE’s partners and stakeholders / Correlate the index with other indicators / Connecting the information to the work of a specific thematic network / Devote time and resources for dissemination outside of the contract timeline
Present these resources in the presentations we are making / Have less networks with more actual cooperation and communication / Use effective and constructive writing methods for press releases / To have the index as the monitoring tool for the pact on gender equality / Include metadata / Presenting results within most relevant specific networks
Work together with universities to use RDC resources / Select the best experts on the topic / Put all mission reports on intranet/eurogender / Training (for policy makers and NSOs) / Agreement on the best methodologies / Peer-reviews to assess quality and relevance of results
Timely react to new developments and needs / Clearly assess, state and communicate the benefit of thematic networks / New technologies and innovative campaigns / Organising a specific study visit to show stakeholders how the index works / “Did you know?” based on the databases’ information / Responding to emerging changes
Use EIGE’s RDC partners to disseminate information / Network members as ambassadors for EIGE / EIGE’s everyday life on social media to present ourselves / Communication (+ strategy on expectations to raise interest in the index 2015) / More structured cooperation with other institutions’ information centres / Updating and re-dissemination
Have a specialised dissemination campaign / Networking and synergies-oriented working and effectiveness have to become a priority / User-friendly language / Info about the countries and country-specific recommendations / Organising exchange seminars connected to specific topics / Develop “tips” on the basis of EIGE’s reports (e.g. “5 ways to take gender into account in your environmental policy”)
Develop an app for easy search of the RDC resources / Training on clear and effective writing in English / Collecting good practices to present them a possible solution to reduce gaps / Open comments on the reports (eurogender?)
Relevant links in relevant webpages / Gender equality YouTube channel / Put it on other websites (EU, partners, NGOs, universities, …) / Assess the impact of EIGE’s reports and their usefulness
Partnerships with media / Q&A (and explaining what the index measures)
Monitoring tools and strategy / Present real life examples of how the index was used to create better policies and discuss the index’s usefulness
Involve national stakeholders in dissemination
Set clear goals and planning
Always follow up on conclusions from online discussions
Advertisements on gender equality
Involving real people and stories in campaigns
Gender equality stamps and euro coins
System for colleagues to communicate on the events they are attending
Online discussions for the benefit of the team/project
2018 year of gender equality
Gender-sensitive communication training/strategy
Use the outputs more – communicate more frequent, more in-depth and more focused
Institute’s Outputs
Outputs / How to better our outputs with outcomes
Admin output (archive) / Timely execution
Annual work programme / Bright management
Midterm work programme / Quality assurance process in-house involving third party expertise
Annual report / Keep the balance between report delivery and report quality
Annual activity report / To be more realistic in timing of projects to dedicate enough time for a high quality report
Reports to the budgetary authority / Translation?
Procurement results / Evaluation
ICT infrastructure / Larger teams