James O’
ENC 1101: Writing and Rhetoric I
Florida International University
Instructor:Semester: Section:
Time/Room:Office Hours:
Office and Tel:Email:
The ability to write well is one of the most important skills you will acquire at FIU. Whatever your academic major or career path may be, writing will be an integral part of your life. ENC 1101 will provide you with a set of tools to improve your writing and to help you write rhetorically. Learning to write rhetorically is, in essence, learning how to communicate effectively. But there is more to writing than just getting your message across. This course will help you practice writing as a process of discovery.
This course will also emphasize intelligent reading. You will be reading the work of your peers and critically assessing it to help them revise. By looking at the work of your classmates and contributing your own writing, you will be taking part in the academic conversation.
Course Objectives
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Generate relevant and timely writing topics that are appropriate for your chosen audience and the assignment;
- Develop your ideas through an effective and recursive process of writing, revision, and editing;
- Indicate your ability to write in various genres, including peer review, pre-writing, narrative, thesis-driven essays, and researched writing;
- Respond to various rhetorical purposes and address the needs of various audiences;
- Display genre-appropriate format, structure and stylistic choices, understanding differences in open and closed form prose;
- Develop an effective thesis and support it with reasons and evidence;
- Exhibit appropriate diction, punctuation, and spelling;
- Produce documents that incorporate primary and secondary resources which are documented using MLA format;
- Develop a rhetorical vocabulary for talking about writing.
Course Materials
- Lunsford, Andrea A. The Everyday Writer with Exercises. 4th ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin, 2010. Print. Customized for Florida International University.
- Companion Website:
- Ramage, John D., John C. Bean, and June Johnson. The Allyn and Bacon Guide to Writing. 4th ed. New York: Learning Solutions, 2010. Print.Customized for Florida International University.
- Companion Website:
Technological Components
This course requires basic computer skills. If you have any doubts about your abilities in these areas, please speak to me right away. We will use Moodle for our online work.
To log in to Moodle:
- Go to
- Click the Moodle Login button
- User ID and password
- User ID = Your My Accounts user ID
- Password = Your My Accounts password
- For login help, call 305-348-2284.
- If you need to look up your My Accounts user ID or reset your My Accounts password, go to and follow the instructions.
We will also use for peer-editing, grading, and plagiarism checking.
If at any point during the semester, you become confused about assignments, and how and when they should be done, please contact me immediately.
Writing Projects
There will be three major writing projects this semester. Each project will go through several stages: pre-writing, drafting, revision (i.e., peer review, self-revisions, and draft conferences) and editing. At the end of each assignment you will turn in a portfolio that will include all invention work, drafts, notes, and peer reviews involved in the creation of the final product. Your final grade for each project will reflect all your process work. I will allow you to revise one graded essay, due the last day of class. If the revision shows significant improvement, you will receive a higher grade, which will replace the original grade. We will discuss revision throughout the semester.
Format: All assignments must be typed, double-spaced in Times New Roman 12-point font, and use MLA format.
You must receive a “C” grade or higher to pass ENC 1101. Grading weights are shown below.
- Writing Project 1—Literacy Narrative15%
- Writing Project 2—Informative Essay20%
- Writing Project 3—Argument Essay 25%
- Timed Writing Project10%
- Participation/Homework Assignments30%
FIU defines PLAGIARISM as "the deliberate use and appropriation of another's work without any indication of the source and the representation of such work as the student's own."This means that "any student who fails to give credit for ideas, expressions or materials taken from another source, including internet sources, is guilty of plagiarism", and "[a]ny student helping another to plagiarize may be found guilty of academic misconduct", a serious offence punishable by expulsion.
It is your responsibility to review FIU’s plagiarism policy and to make yourself aware of the disciplinary sanctions resulting from academic misconduct. I expect you to become familiar with and abide by FIU's Code of Academic Integrity:
As your acknowledgment of understanding of these policies, please print out and sign the “Student Acknowledgement of Syllabus and Academic Integrity Pledge” at the end of this syllabus, and return it to me by the end of the week.
Late Writing Project Submissions
All assignments are due at the beginning of class on the due date. The letter grade will be reduced ½ grade for every day the writing project is late, and the reduced grade will carry over to revisions. For example, if you turn in an A paper a day late, it will be reduced to a B+, and cannot be revised to an A. If you turn in the paper on the due date, but after class has ended, it will be considered a day late. If you do not hand in all three major writing projects, you will fail the course.
Reading and Participation
I expect you to complete the assigned readings for each class. Coming to class having read the material will allow you to participate in class discussions and group work. The readings are directly connected to the pre-writing and drafting process of the writing projects, so your writing will be strengthened by critically thinking about the rhetoric discussed in the text. If something you read is unclear, ask and we can discuss it in class.In addition, you will earn points for participation based on your contribution to discussion.
Writing is a process, and I will guide you through the writing of each essay by working with you every step of the way. If you complete all the homework, you will most likely do well in the class. If you do not complete the homework, you will not do well, and you may fail the course. Late homework is not accepted, and missed class work cannot be made up.
Attendance is crucial, and will be a significant part of your participation grade. More than five absences will put you in danger of failing the course. Coming late to class twice is equal to one absence.
If at any point in the semester you have any questions or concerns about your grade or your standing in the class, please come see me.Addressing your questions and concerns is part of my job.If you have further questions, you may also contactDr. Kimberly Harrison (), Director of FIU's Writing and Rhetoric Program.
I [print name], ______,
have read and understood the terms of this syllabus, and agree to follow the policies and rules established herein.
In addition, I hereby pledge to follow FIU's Code of Academic Integrity as outlined below:
This Code of Academic Integrity was adopted by the Student Government Association on November 28, 2001 and reflects the values articulated in the Student Code of Standards. Florida International University is a community dedicated to generating and imparting knowledge through excellent teaching and research, the rigorous and respectful exchange of ideas, and community service. All students should respect the right of others to have an equitable opportunity to learn and honestly to demonstrate the quality of their learning. Therefore, all students are expected to adhere to a standard of academic conduct, which demonstrates respect for themselves, their fellow students, and the educational mission of Florida International University.
As a student of this university:
I will be honest in my academic endeavors.
I will not represent someone else’s work as my own.
I will not cheat, nor will I aid in another’s cheating.
All students are deemed by the University to understand that if they are found responsible for academic misconduct, they will be subject to the Academic Misconduct procedures and sanctions, as outlined in the Student Handbook.
Student Signature Date
Classical Argument Unit
Unit Goals
Florida International University
ENC 1101: Writing and Rhetoric I
Unit Goals:
By the end of the unit, students should be able to:
- Generate an arguable and timely topic that poses a PSI question.
- Write a thesis-driven classical argument essay.
- Create a focused argument that includes reasons supported by evidence, incorporates opposing views, and addresses underlying assumptions.
- Research, incorporate, and document secondary sources.
- Make appropriate rhetorical appeals (logos, ethos, pathos) to a skeptical or neutral audience.
- Arrange ideas in a logical and purposeful order that is easy for the reader to navigate.
- Produce a final draft that shows an understanding of argument as an evidence-seeking process and a product of persuasion, as well as an indication of revision and attention to conferences and peer reviews.
- Correctly use diction, punctuation, and spelling for a college-level audience.
Essay 3: Classical Argument
Assignment Sheet
Florida International University
ENC 1101: Writing and Rhetoric I
For your final essay, you will write a researched classical argument on a debatable issue in a community to which you belong. A classical argument, as defined in the text, takes a stand on an issue, offers reasons and evidence in support of the writer’s point, and summarizes and addresses alternative views to the issue at hand.
The goal of academic argument is not to debate pros and cons, rehash old arguments, or to ridicule those who disagree with you. Instead, academic argument combines evidence-seeking and persuasion. Academic argument considers all available information and views, realizing that the truth may lie somewhere between two established positions or within a third undiscovered position.
In this essay, you will use everything you have learned this semester: invention, research pre-writing and drafting, peer editing, and revision. Your argument should do at least one of the following:
- Change the current opinion of an audience that holds a different view.
- Persuade an uninformed audience to adopt your view.
You should construct a persuasive argument using the three basic rhetorical appeals. Your introduction should get your audience’s attention (appealing to pathos), provide background that identifies the conversation you are joining, and clearly state the claim you intend to support. The body of your argument should appeal to logos by presenting reasons and evidence in support of your position, as well as appeal to ethos by using language appropriate to your audience. You may also appeal to pathos by appealing to the values and beliefs of your audience.
You must back up your argument with researched evidence to establish your credibility. You should begin the research and writing process with a clear research question, and should use critical thinking to create a convincing view based on this research and your experiences. At the end of your essay, include a works cited page which provides at least 5 sources. You may use up to 3 internet sources, excluding sources like Wikipedia or Encarta.
Essay Format:
Your essay should be 5-6 pages (or 2,000 words, whichever comes first), typed in 12-point Times New Roman, double-spaced, and include a Works Cited page that uses MLA formatting and citation guidelines.
Summary of Grading Criteria:
1. Does the writing revolve around a single, arguable claim (thesis)?
a. Does that claim answer a PSI question?
b. Does the writing acknowledge and refute potential counterclaims/objections?
2. Is the central claim argued by a line of reasoning?
a. Does that reasoning exhibit a clear, logical organization?
b. Is the reasoning aware of and appropriate to its audience and writing genre?
c. Does the reasoning make appeals to ethos, pathos, and logos to persuade its audience?
d. Is it free of logical fallacies?
3. Does the writing support its reasoning with secondary research?
a. Do the sources abide by the STAR criteria?
b. Are the sources cited according to MLA conventions?
4. Is a Writer’s Memo included that documents the revision history and your latest concerns of the draft?
Grading Criteria:
Thesis Statement & Introduction Paragraph / 20 points / 20%Development / 15 points / 15%
Organization / 15 points / 15%
Counterargument / 15 points / 15%
Research / 15 points / 15%
Professionalism / 10 points / 10%
Writing Process / 10 points / 10%
TOTAL / 100 points / 100%
Classical Argument Unit
Writer’s Memo
Florida International University
ENC 1101: Writing and Rhetoric I
Part 1: Writer Profile:
(Feel free to leave questions blank if you are uncomfortable sharing the information—this profile is simply designed to help your instructor(s) tailor feedback to each individual writer’s needs and experience, in accordance with FIU’s Title V grant.)
First Language: Second Language: Third Language:
How long have you been writing in English?
How would you rate your own skills when it comes to writing in English? (ex: Excellent/Good/Average/Poor)
Which kind of prose are you stronger or more comfortable writing? (ex: open-form/closed-form/both)
What writing skills do you want to work on in this course?
What writing skills do you want to work on in this essay?
Are there any specific kinds of feedback you would like from the instructor on this essay?
Part 2: Writing or Revision Strategies:
Write a paragraph (150-250 words) talking about the strategy you used in composing or revising this draft. Talk about why you made the rhetorical choices you did, and how they affect your credibility (ethos) and ability to reach an audience (pathos). You may discuss organization, choice of examples/research, word choices, concepts learned from the chapters that help when writing in this specific genre, etc. If this is a revision, what issues did you attempt to improve on, and how?What do you think you did successfully in this draft?What do you still have doubts about? If you had had more time, what else would you have done to make this draft better?
Classical Argument Unit
Grading Rubric
Florida International University
ENC 1101: Writing and Rhetoric I
Thesis Statement & Introduction Paragraph (20 points)
VERY EFFECTIVE / PARTIALLY EFFECTIVE / NEEDS SUBSTANTIAL WORK-Topic is an arguable and timely community issue
-Thesis incorporates supporting points and opposing views, and provides an excellent overview of the rest of the essay
-Thesis answers the PSI question, and is clear and consistent throughout the essay
-Introduction is effective at grabbing the reader’s attention, introducing the community issue, and providing necessary background information
20…19…18…17… / 16…15…14…13… / 12…11…10….…6….…1
-Ideas are clearly focused and fully developed
-Each point fully supports the thesis with reasons supported by appropriate evidence
-The writer uses appropriate rhetorical appeals to address a skeptical or neutral audience
15…14…13… / 12…11…10…9… / 8…7…6…5…4…3…2...1
Development (15 points)
Organization (15 points)
VERY EFFECTIVE / PARTIALLY EFFECTIVE / NEEDS SUBSTANTIAL WORK-Ideas are arranged in a logical and purposeful order that is easy for reader to navigate
-Paragraph structure and transitions are clear and appropriate
15…14…13… / 12…11…10…9… / 8…7…6…5…4…3…2…1
Counterargument (15 points)
VERY EFFECTIVE / PARTIALLY EFFECTIVE / NEEDS SUBSTANTIAL WORK-The writer addresses opposing views objectively
-The writer articulates underlying assumptions
15…14….13 / 12….11…10….9 / 8…7…6…5….4….3….2…..1
Research (15 points)
VERY EFFECTIVE / PARTIALLY EFFECTIVE / NEEDS SUBSTANTIAL WORK-Essay shows evidence of research of argument topic
-Information from at least 5 sources is incorporated smoothly into essay through direct quotation, paraphrase, or summary
-All secondary sources are properly documented with signal phrases or attributive tags
-MLA format has been followed
-Works Cited page has at least 5 sources, and is included at the end of essay
15….14……13 / 12…..11…. 10…9… / 8…7…6…5…4…3…2…1
Writer’s Professionalism (10 points)
VERY EFFECTIVE / PARTIALLY EFFECTIVE / NEEDS SUBSTANTIAL WORK-Choices in diction are effective and appropriate for an academic audience
-Very few, if any, spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors
-Each sentence can be understood upon first reading, yet sentence structure is complex and varied throughout essay
10…….9 / 8……7…..6… / 5……4……3…..2…...1
Writing Process (10 points)
VERY EFFECTIVE / PARTIALLY EFFECTIVE / NEEDS SUBSTANTIAL WORK-The writer has included a writer’s memo with each draft which shows thoughtful reflection on writing and revision strategies
-Writer shows evidence of having considered peer review and instructor comments for each draft, and incorporated suggestions when appropriate
10…….9 / 8……7…..6… / 5……4……3…..2…...1
A 93-100A- 90-92B+ 87-89B 83-86B- 80-82 C+ 77-79
C 73-76C- 70-72D+ 67-69D 63-66 D- 60-62F 59 and below
Classical Argument Unit Schedule
Instructor’s Daily Lesson Plans
Florida International University
ENC 1101: Writing and Rhetoric I
Unit Goals:
By the end of the unit, students should be able to:
- Generate an arguable and timely topic that poses a PSI question.
- Write a thesis-driven classical argument essay.
- Create a focused argument that includes reasons supported by evidence, incorporates opposing views, and addresses underlying assumptions.
- Research, incorporate, and document secondary sources.
- Make appropriate rhetorical appeals (logos, ethos, pathos) to a skeptical or neutral audience.
- Arrange ideas in a logical and purposeful order that is easy for the reader to navigate.
- Produce a final draft that shows an understanding of argument as an evidence-seeking process and a product of persuasion, as well as an indication of revision and attention to conferences and peer reviews.
- Correctly use diction, punctuation, and spelling for a college-level audience.
Weekly Goals: