Workplace diversity is valuing the differences that individuals bring to the workplace, creating an environment free from discrimination and harassment in which individual differences are recognised and respected. Workplace diversity encompasses all of the things that make us different encouraging individual to exploit their own potential and that of others. Valuing individual differences enriches our working lives and our professional relationships with clients.
Workplace diversity relates to but is not limited to:
- Education level
- Race
- Gender
- Ethnicity
- Age
- Sexual orientation
- Religious belief
- Disability
- Family responsibility
- Personality
- Marital status
- Job function
- Skills
- Socio-economic origin
- Language
The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority’s (GBRMPA) Workplace Diversity Program has been developed to ensure that the Authority recognises, values and utilises the background, skills and abilities of all employees, and thereby making the best use of the diversity of the Australian community. This will help us achieve corporate outcomes and create an efficient and adaptive organisation.
The GBRMPA recognises that employees from different cultural backgrounds may have differing responsibilities in respect of families, community obligations and personal achievements. Implementing flexible work practices to support and recognise these differences iskey to improving the capabilities and employment opportunities for these employees and for the organisation. Effective people management will take account of these differences and be sympathetic to accommodating individual needs of staff.
Workplaces throughout the Authority are varied both in nature of work and geographical location. Essentially this requires a commitment to ensure that these differences are catered for under the policies and practices we develop. It is recognised that workplaces may have differing requirements and consequently practices, such as recruitment, may also be varied to manage this.
LegislativeRequirement / The Public Service Act 1999 requires agencies to develop and implement a Workplace Diversity Program.
Under Section 18 of the Public Service Act 1999, agencies are required to:
Maintain the principles of the EEO Program;
Develop and implement workplace diversity measures to give effect to APS values; and
Promote employment equity and a family friendly environment.
Further obligations with regard to diversity in employment and workplace diversity programs are contained in the Public Service Commissioner’s Directions 1999 – Clauses 3.1 to 3.6.
Purpose / The Authority’s Workplace Diversity Program has been developed to ensure that the Authority recognises, values and utilises the background, skills and abilities of all employees, and recognises and makes best use of the diversity of the Australian community.
Program Objectives / The long term objectives of the Authority’s Workplace Diversity Program are to ensure:
The Authority’s corporate, business and human resource plans demonstrate that the Authority values the diverse backgrounds of employees and values, and is able to access and make use of, the diverse skills and experiences of its employees;
Authority workplace structures, systems and procedures assist employees in balancing their work, family and other caring responsibilities effectively;
Engagement decisions in the Authority are made taking into account the diversity of the Australian community, as well as the organisational and business goals of the Authority and the skills required to perform the relevant duties; and
Equity in employment is promoted and upheld.
Program Action Plan / The Authority’s Workplace Diversity Program Action Plan (at Appendix 1) outlines short to medium term measures in terms of:
strategies; and
directed at meeting Diversity values and the Authority’s Workplace Diversity Program objectives.
The Authority will continuously review the Program Action Plan to assess progress. Once an activity, strategy or objective has been achieved the Authority will set addition activities, strategies or objectives to ensure continuous advancement of Diversity values and achievement of Program Objectives.
Who is Responsible? / The Chair of the Authority is ultimately responsible for the establishment of the Authority’s Workplace Diversity Program. However, responsibility for particular activities in the action plan are assigned to varying individuals and/or team.
Overall, the ultimate success of the program will be dependent on the interest and commitment of all Authority employees.