Meeting Notes

Agency Council on Coordinated Transportation

Washington State Department of Transportation

Friday December 12th, 2008

11:30 AM – 2:00 PM

Olympia, WA

Council Business

In Attendance

Katy Taylor (Chair), Marilyn Mason-Plunkett, Richard De Rock, Vickie Foster, Michael Rogers, Tom Gray, Page Scott, Jenny Bullard,

Safety Briefing

Katy conducted the safety briefing.

Meeting Notes – Chair

The Council approved the meeting notes from the December 2008 ACCT meeting.

Budget – Don Chartock

Don reviewed the ACCT budget and is happy to report that the budget is on track for the year.

Identify and Address Barriers

Legislation coming from the JTC

There is a great deal going on right now with both the economic recovery as well as the JTC.

There are three primary bills that ACCT is watching: 2072, 4008, and 2088. Don has been working with legislative staff on these bills and preparing responses and fiscal notes as requested.

HB 2072: This bill implements many of the recommendations of the JTC study of Special Needs Transportation. Specifically the new bill requires ACCT to:

  1. Establish Local Coordinating Coalitions in broker regions
  2. Create uniform measurements and definitions
  3. Ingetrate new planning requirements into existing plans such as TDPS, Comp plans, MPO/RTPO
  4. Create and maintain traveler web based information system
  5. Make progress on creating a single background check clearinghouse
  6. Perform two WSDOT/DSHS/ Transit Pilot Projects

Representative Wallace is the sponsor and she recognizes that this needs appropriate funding. As of the ACCT, meeting the bill was still in draft form so the council decided not to take a position on the bill, but rather would monitor it in the future. A hearing was scheduled for February 17.

HB 2088: This bill creates a workgroup led by OFM made up of state agencies and stakeholders to develop a criteria and guidelines for siting of state facilities and access to public transportation. A report would be due to the legislature ACCT and the governor by Dec 2010.

There was some concern brought up by Paul Murruey from DSHS that this would have a negative affect on group homes.

HJM 4008: This bill requests increased funding and legislative actions to advance transportation services to those with special transportation needs. This asks congress to:

  • Increase federal funding
  • Establish more coordinated planning similar to SAFTEA-LU
  • Support homeless student transportation
  • Create better reimbursement rate.

Focus on Results

OSPI Presentation

Allan Jones: Allan Jones from the OSPI briefed the council on a K-12 transportation funding study conducted by the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee. A number of different funding models were presented, in addition to the cost per student and recommendations.

Summary of Community Transportation:Ryan will be working on the 2009 update of the Summary of Community and Brokered Transportation. This report will combine the Summary and the ACCT Report to the Legislature. It will have both narrative and statistical information. The general plan is to have layed out much like the 2005 Summary.

Increase Advocacy

Richard noted that the flag stop bill supported by WSTA to clarify the rules on flag stops is moving through the process. The current provision states that a vehicle cannot stop unless in a designated stop, the current bill aims to change that. It seems to be passing without opposition.