Page Street Elementary School

Home of the Panthers

897 Page Street

Troy, NC 27371

(910) 576-1307

Parent Handbook


Table of Contents


Alert Now Messages17



Campbell’s Soup Labels and Box Tops16


Cell Phones11


Child Abuse/Neglect12

Code of Conduct11

Core Values, Mission, and Vision of the School 6


Dismissal Time8

Dress Code12

Early Release/Check Outs9




Ink Cartridge Recycling Program16


Interim Reports and Report Cards15

Media Center16


Messages to Students17

P.T.O. (Parent-Teacher Organization)11

Page Street Elementary Staff4-5

Parent Visits10

Parent Contact Phone Numbers17

Parent-Teacher Conferences and Phone Calls15

Photos of Students for Media Outlets17-18

Pictures (Individual and Class)17


PowerSchool 19-20

Reading and Accelerated Reader13-14

School Calendar18

School Day7

Social Development13






August 26, 2013

Dear Parents:

Welcome to Page Street Elementary School! Welook forward to working with you and your child(ren) this year and strongly encourage your participation and support. We had a successful year last year and plan to continue to grow to greater and GREATEST! Our district’s word (or phrase) for the year is “High Expectations,” and we will certainly be supporting that ideal at Page Street, too. Our own theme is “Stronger,” which goes along well with “High Expectations” since “stronger” refers to strength of mind, body, spirit, confidence, discipline, etc. We will be encouraging students and staff all year long to get stronger in all those areas; hence, we have “High Expectations” for everyone.

This parent handbook provides important informationabout our school, much of which helps our school run smoothly and our teachers provide the highest level of instruction they can offer. It is important that you read the handbook carefully and discuss it with your child. We all need to work together to make this year the best it can be for your child.

Our school hours are 7:50 A.M. – 2:40 P.M. You may find the attendance and tardy policy information on pages 7 and 8 of this handbook. I ask that you please note that our tardy bell rings at 7:50A.M.daily; any students who arrive after that must be signed in by a parent or adult who brings them to school. Please make sure you are fully aware of these policies and procedures.

We are excited about 2013-2014 andwelcome the opportunity to serve your child and work closely with you toward school success.


Anne McLean

Page Street Elementary School Faculty and Staff

Anne McLean, Principal


PowerSchool/Bookkeeper-Sherry Starnes Receptionist- Clara Armstrong

PowerSchool Attendance-Student Records

Payroll -TimesheetsFixed Assets -Work Orders

School funds -Purchase OrdersFront Office Phones

Supply Orders -Student InsuranceInjury Reports - Student Enrollment

Workman’s Comp -OSHABox Tops and Campbell Soup labels

Panther Packany other duties as assigned

Guidance Counselor Laura Chustek

Instructional Facilitator Bev Russell

ESL Teacher Laura Wolf

Reading Coach Ellen Jones

Interpreter Martha Islas

Speech-Language Pathologist Melissa Munoz

Occupational Therapist Tera Smith

Physical Therapist Mike Slingerland

Third GradeInstructional Assistants

Janet BlackmonMartha Lalor (3rd)

*MandyHallJeanene Robinson (3rd)

Lane Prince (SIT)

Nita Thompson

Fourth Grade

Mandy Brown (SIT)

Julie Davis

*Janet Reavis

Amy Yarboro

Fifth Grade

*Rebecca Cagle

Julie Estes

Krista McGuire

Ashley Jones (SIT)

Jennifer Nance

(SIT = School Improvement Team member)

Exceptional Children

Nancy Allred – EC Assistant for Mosley

Betty Harvel – EC Resource

Carol Mosley – Cross Categorical (self-contained classroom)

Corey Crane – EC Resource (1/2 time)

Regina Thomas – EC Assistant for Mosley

Special Curricula

Laura Chustek – Guidance (first semester)

Eva Duggins – Media Specialist (SIT)

Michelle Gonzales– Music Teacher (second semester)

April Greene – Computer Teacher and yearbook advisor

Ron Weaver – Physical Education


Walter Pegues

Betty Spivey

Cafeteria Staff

Patsy Brooks, Cafeteria Manager

Kay Poole

Linda Hogan

April Mabe


Gail Rushing

School Improvement Team (SIT) Committee

*Mandy Brown (4th), Chairperson

Ms. McLean

Bev Russell

Lane Prince (3rd), Secretary

Ashley Morris (5th)

Carol Mosley (EC/ESL)

Eva Duggins (Specials)

Clara Armstrong (Office and Cafeteria Staff)

Regina Thomas (TAs and Custodians)


Page Street Elementary School

(adopted Dec, 2011)

Core Values: P – Partnerships with community stakeholders are


S – Success is possible for every child in the classroom.

E – Every member of the school family deserves respect.

S – School is a place to be responsible and accountable.

Mission:Page Street Elementary is a family of learners who strives to meet the individual needs of children in a rigorous and respectful environment and, in turn, allows everyone to experience the joys of learning, self-discovery, success, and acceptance.

Vision: Page Street is a family of learners who will work collaboratively with partners in a rigorous and respectful learning environment to meet and exceed the expectations of the district and the state.

SCHOOL DAY 7:50 A.M. - 2:40 P.M.

Students need to arrive on time and remain in class until dismissal. Any car riders who arrive after the tardy bell has rung at 7:50 A.M. will need to be escorted into the office by their parent and signed in. There will be a sign placed on the sidewalk out front that lets you know if the tardy bell has rung or not.

We also ask that you not check out students from school early unless they have a medical appointment or emergency. If it is necessary for you to check your child out after 2:00 P.M,you will need to present an appointment card from a doctor’s office (this procedure is supported by MCS Board of Education policy #4400). The last few minutes of the day are important for instruction and your child’s learning, and we need them here every minute of the day.

Only adults (18+ years of age) are allowed to check out children, and their names MUST be included on the “permission to check-out” list.


All students should attend school everyday. Children need to understand the importance of regular attendance and that coming to school everyday will help them academically in all subject areas. Because of the impact of attendance on student achievement, the Montgomery County Schools’ Board of Education adopted in 2011 a new attendance policy for all students. Policy #4400 outlines the elementary policy:

  • Elementary students who miss more than fifteen (15) days will be referred to the principal for possible retention.
  • Upon the fifth (5th) absence, excused or unexcused, the principal or her designee will notify the parent/guardian of the school’s concern and remind the parent of the district’s attendance policy, promotion standards and requirements, and the NC Compulsory Attendance Law requirements.
  • Ten (10) tardies or early dismissals will equal one day’s absence.

Any absence requires a note from parents explaining the absence to the teacher upon the child's return to school. The school will determine if the reason is excused or unexcused, based on the state’s list for excused absences. If the student does not bring a note from the parent stating the reason for the absence within two days of the absence(s), the absence(s) will be deemed “unexcused.”

**Tardies : Any child arriving after 7:50 A.M. will be marked as tardy and must be signed in by parents or the adult who brings him/her to school in the main office. Once the tardy bell has rung, a sign will be placed on the sidewalk to alert parents that they must come in to sign their children in late. Excessive tardies and/or absences will be referred to thedistrict social worker.


The early bus bell rings at 2:30; the car rider bell rings at 2:35; and the “all buses” bell rings at 2:40. Car riders should be picked up promptly. Since faculty members are involved in meetings after school, we cannot be responsible for students left unattended after school. We provide school bus service throughout the Page Street Elementary School attendance area. If you find that you cannot bring your children to school or pick them up on time, please call the Transportation Officeat 576-4281 to arrange bus transportation.


Drop-off and pick-up for car riders is in the driveway closest to the school sign. Please do not drive into the bus area.

Students should be dropped off in the morning between 7:30 and 7:50 AM and should be picked up at 2:35 PM. Please pull forward and wait for the school staff to bring your child to your car. Please do not get out of your car and come to the school door to get your child or ask your child to meet you in the parking lot.

The following suggestions will improve traffic flow to our student drop-off area:

  • Have your child ready to get out of your vehicle as you pull up. Make sure students have coats, books, lunch money, and homework (signed, if needed) before you pull up to the school.
  • Pull as far forward as possible (to the end of the sidewalk), so several cars can drop off students at once, but DO NOT create a double line.
  • Be courteous to other drivers.
  • If you need to come into the building, you will need to park in one of the marked parking spaces. Please DO NOT park in the front circle drive, on the side hill, or in the school bus lot.
  • As always, be careful. Keep our children safe!

For afternoon pick up - NEW for 2013-14: each family will be given two numbered cars that we request you hang off your rear view mirror when picking up your child(ren). Students will be in a line on the walkway according to their grade level each afternoon. A staff member will be on the sidewalk and will radio to the teachers supervising the children waiting to be picked up which number cars are at the pick-up area. Those children will leave the line to get in their cars. For replacement or additional numbered cards, please see Ms. Armstrong at the front desk. And PLEASE, make sure your children know the number on your card, and please make sure your card is hanging on the rear view mirror and can be seen by our staff. If we do not see a card, you will need to park in a parking space and walk up to the line with picture identification to pick up your child. Please help us keep our children safe at all times by following this procedure.


Your child will be assigned to the appropriate bus. No child is permitted to ride another bus unless approved by the principal. Should it become necessary for your child to ride a different bus, please send a note to his/her teacher. The note should include your child’s name, the # of the bus the child will need to ride, why the change is necessary, and your signature and phone number where we can reach you if we have a question. Students will be dismissed to their buses at 2:35 P.M.


Our instructional day ends at 2:40 PM, but we realize there may be times when it is necessary for you to check your child out for doctor, dental, or othermedical appointments. All early releases must be conducted through the office. The receptionist will call your child from class. Early releases/check outs should be kept to a minimum, and again, if it is necessary for you to check your child out at 2:00 P.M. or after, you will need to present an appointment card from a doctor’s office (this procedure is supported by MCS Board of Education policy #4400).


Students are encouraged to participate in our school cafeteria program. Breakfast and lunch are served daily with the following cost:

Student Breakfast:freeStudent Lunch: $1.90

Reduced Student Lunch: $0.40

Adult Breakfast: $1.35Adult Lunch: $3.00

Extra Milk:$0.50Extra Milk:$0.50

Free breakfast is served from 7:25 to 7:50 AM. New***All 3rd grade students will go through the breakfast line each morning when they arrive at school (if before the tardy bell). If they do not want free breakfast, they will simply tell the cashier they do not want it and then proceed to the gym. Fifth graders will receive breakfast in their classrooms at 7:50 each morning; fourth graders will receive breakfast in their classrooms at approximately 9:30 each morning.

Late 3rd grade bus riders will be served when they arrive at school. Money is paid in the cafeteria or online; students may pay daily, weekly, or monthly. Reduced price and/or free meals are available to qualified applicants who submit the proper form to the cafeteria manager. Please complete the free/reduced lunch applications and get them turned in to your child’s homeroom teacher as soon as possible. Families are responsible for paying for meals until completed applications have been turned in and approved. Students who have unpaid fees in the cafeteria will not be allowed to participate in school dances and other non-curriculum related activities.

Cafeteria Manners - The dining room is an excellent place for children to

learn and practice good manners. Please talk with your children about polite and proper manners at breakfast and lunch.


All visitors must report to the officeupon arrival in order to receive a visitor’s pass. Please respect this policy since it is a safety issue for all children and staff. We encourage parent visitation, especially at lunchtime. Should you desire to visit your child's classroom, please arrange an appointment by calling the school office. When you arrive at the school, please go directly to the office to obtain a visitor’s pass. Please do not go to the classroom unannounced and interrupt instruction since instructional time is very valuable.

We make every effort to protect our children so we must know who is in the building. Even though the teacher or office staff may know you, it is IMPORTANT that you sign the visitor register in the office when you enter the building. Please help us with this by first stopping by the front office each time you enter the building. Please DO NOT go directly to the classrooms.


We are in constant need of volunteers to assist with our instructional efforts and hope you will be able to help us out on occasion. Talk with your child's teacher about any services you can provide. Please note, however, that all volunteers may be asked to submit to a criminal background check. This is a formality that helps us secure the safety of our children and staff.


Our PTO helpsfamilies and teachers work closely together to meet school goals. Meetings will be announced and held periodically throughout the year. Please participate by attending meetings and supporting fundraisers and projects.


Each Page Street Elementary School parent receives a copy of the Montgomery County Schools’ Code of Conduct in the student packet at the beginning of the school year. The parent and student should thoroughly and carefully read this packet of information, then sign and return the last page of the packet which acknowledges the information included in the Code of Conduct, Annual Public Notices, and Internet Policies of the school system. The signed page should be returned to your child’s teacher.

Additional rules of behavior that may not be included in the Code of Conduct:

  • No chewing gum
  • Dress code – please read carefully the dress code information on page 12


Page Street is not responsible or liable for student cell phones or any other electronic devices. Students are not allowed to have cell phones or other devices turned on at any time during the school day, including while on the school bus. Electronic items must be turned off and kept in the student’s book bag during the school day (even while on the bus). If a student has a deviceout of a book bag, it will be confiscated and returned to the student at the end of the day. On a second offense, the electronic device will only be released to the parent at the end of the school day. On a third offense, it will be kept by the school until the last day of the school year and released only to the parent. (MCS Board of Ed policy #4318)

We do allow students to bring their iPAD to school if they have one AND if parents complete the liability release, which can be requested from the teacher.


In order to provide the most appropriate learning environment possible, students are expected to behave respectfully and appropriately at all times. Parents will be contacted promptly and students dealt with appropriately when misbehavior occurs. One of our major goals is to provide a safe and orderly environment in which all children can feel secure and learn; therefore, we will not tolerate disruptions or behavior that interferes with that goal.