Working with Outcomes

Personal learning plans

Novice learner planning booklet

Personal Learning


Area of Learning

Start date

Finish date

Think and remember

“In this area of learning I already know...”

I want to find out more about…

  • …………………………………………………
  • …………………………………………………
  • ………………………………………………….

(key questions)

The “ Ideas” Page

“I have recorded ideas for my area of learning and then I asked a friend. All ideas are recorded.”

“I will start with…………………………….


Then I will……………………………………..


My Success Criteria

“My work will be successful if I…”

Show “new learning”—answer key questions



Show editing, presentation skills—correct spelling

“I will present my work as……”


PowerPoint presentation



oral presentation





“My personal learning project was excellent in

the areas of…”




The cost of my project was:




…………… Total cost$……..

“An area of challenge for me in my next project is ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………”

“My PLP has been checked by


“I am ready to share my work with….”

another student

another adult

a small group

my network group

my timetable group

“In this PLP some new skills and understandings I have learnt are……………………………………………………………

Completion date…………..2003

Our thanks go to BridgewaterPrimary School for permission to use these materials. For the full context in which this material was used, see

Working with Outcomes

Personal learning plans

Planning a New Learning Unit

(learners and advanced learners)

Unit name______

Student ______

Planning the unit

If you are to design and work through a unit which enables you to engage in significant NEW LEARNING it is essential that you:

  • Choose your topic carefully, making sure that:
  • It interests you
  • It offers opportunity for significant new learning
  • Take time to decide exactly what areas you will concentrate on by choosing questions or issues which interest you.
  • Locate sufficient resources to allow you to be successful. Try to find a variety of sources including books, magazines, newspapers, experts and the internet
  • Once you have located resources & chosen your questions you need set out your plan. It is a good idea to do this in Inspiration
  • Arrange a meeting with Pam, Iain, Rosslyn, Kay or Petera to discuss and finalise your plan
  • Plan how you will present the unit.


Our thanks go to BridgewaterPrimary School for permission to use these materials. For the full context in which this material was used, see

Working with Outcomes

Personal learning plans

Chosen new topic which interests you

Created at least 3 FAT questions

Located a wide range of resources

Thought about possible excursions/visits

Created a plan using either Inspiration or by hand

Decided on the type and way of presenting the unit

Arranged a meeting with an adult

Discussed & finalised your plan

Our thanks go to BridgewaterPrimary School for permission to use these materials. For the full context in which this material was used, see

Working with Outcomes

Personal learning plans

Student’s Signature:______Adult’s Signature______

The questions

The plan/mindmap

(paste in an Inspiration mindmap or design your own)

Details of the resources you have located

(books, magazines, newspapers, experts, Internet sites)

You must give details of all resources, included internet URL’s (web addresses)

Plan for unit presentation

(Give details of your plans for presenting the unit)

Our thanks go to BridgewaterPrimary School for permission to use these materials. For the full context in which this material was used, see

Working with Outcomes

Personal learning plans








Flash Animation

Role Play




Puppet Show


Our thanks go to BridgewaterPrimary School for permission to use these materials. For the full context in which this material was used, see

Working with Outcomes

Personal learning plans

Give details of why you have chosen this type of p

Our thanks go to BridgewaterPrimary School for permission to use these materials. For the full context in which this material was used, see

Working with Outcomes

Personal learning plans

Planning meeting

Date & Time:______People Attending:______

Additional comments

Our thanks go to BridgewaterPrimary School for permission to use these materials. For the full context in which this material was used, see

Working with Outcomes

Personal learning plans

Types of Activities

Verbal / Visual / Logical / Musical / Interpersonal / Intrapersonal / Body/Kinaesthetic / Naturalist
Writing Genres
  • Essays
  • Reports
  • Biographies
  • Poetry
  • Fiction
  • Non-Fiction
Book / Designing/ Creating/ Appreciating
  • Mosaics
  • Paintings
  • Drawings
  • Sketches
  • Illustrations
  • Sculptures
  • Models
  • Constructions
  • Models
  • Storyboards
  • Photographs
  • Visual Aides
  • Posters
  • Murals
  • Collages
/ Mazes
Codes / Performing
  • Songs
  • Musicals
  • Instruments
  • Songs
  • Harmonies
  • Music
  • Jingles
  • Scores
  • Music
  • Songs
  • Read music
  • Play instruments
/ Working with others
  • Group projects
  • Group tasks
  • Reaching consensus
Social interactions
  • conversations
  • Debates
  • Arguments
/ Keeping a Journal
Creative expression
Setting Goals
Insights / Role Playing
Using body language
Field Trips / Field trips
Field studies
  • Birds
  • Animals
  • Insects
  • plants
Ecology studies
Star Gazing
Planting & Growing
Categorizing rocks

Verbs to Use:

  • Write
  • Describe
  • List
  • State
  • Locate
  • Relate
  • Tell
  • Name
  • Find
  • Define


  • Describe
  • Explain
  • Translate
  • Discuss
  • Interpret
  • Outline
  • Summarise
  • Restate
  • Recognise


  • Construct
  • Calculate
  • Solve
  • Classify
  • Show
  • Complete
  • Apply
  • Illustrate
  • Demonstrate
  • Compile


  • Compare
  • Separate
  • Examine
  • Discuss
  • Distinguish
  • Categorise
  • Explain
  • Summarise
  • Differentiate
  • Identify
  • Contrast
  • Analyse


  • Recommend
  • Rate
  • Determine
  • Argue
  • Debate
  • Decide
  • Choose
  • Prioritise
  • Select
  • Conclude
  • Rank
  • Verify
  • Judge


  • Invent
  • Hypothesise
  • Forecast
  • Predict
  • Propose
  • Risk-take
  • Elaborate
  • Design
  • Embellish
  • Plan
  • Devise
  • Improve
  • Formulate
  • Generate

Weekly Timetable

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
8:50 / Timetable Meeting / Timetable Meeting / Circle Meeting / Timetable Meeting / Timetable Meeting
9:15 / Maths / Language / Maths / Language / Maths / Language / Silent Sustained Writing Sessions
10:00 / Personal Learning / Personal Learning / Personal Learning / Personal Learning / Personal Learning
10:30 / Fitness Class D & DE / Fitness Class D & DE / Fitness Class D & DE / Fitness Class D & DE / Fitness Class D & DE
10:50 /


11:15 / Language/Maths / Language/Maths / Personal Learning / Language/Maths / Personal Learning
12:00 / Personal Learning / Personal Learning / Personal Learning / Personal Learning / Personal Learning
12:30 / Fitness Class E / Fitness Class E / Fitness Class E / Fitness Class E
12:50 /


1:35 /


2.00 / Personal Learning / Personal Learning/
Creative Ideas / Sport Groups / Personal Learning / Personal Learning
3:15 /

Reflection, Organisation & Tidy Up

Out of Hours Learning / Out of Hours Learning / Out of Hours Learning / Out of Hours Learning / Out of Hours Learning

Our thanks go to BridgewaterPrimary School for permission to use these materials. For the full context in which this material was used, see