Working together to end hunger in our lifetime

Best Fund Raising Practices From Our Volunteers

Saving monetary donations

Use the slogan, “Eat one, give one” and ask volunteers to put $0.29 aside for every meal they eat. Do for 40 days and raise $34.80 per person.

30 day activity where volunteer skips a meal per week and contributes the money you would have spent on that meal.

During the seasons of Advent or Lent, ask individuals to place $1/day in a jar for 40 days.

Take a kid to dinner: Donate what you would have spent on dinner for a child to a child in need.

During church service, show mission video or have someone speak about SHN and pass a special offering. (Example: Sock it to Poverty, have kids pass socks to collect change 4 Sunday’s leading up to event.)

Mini M&M tube containers: provide to kids, who eat the candy and then fill it with quarters.


Identify employers (of members) that provide matching gifts or would sponsor volunteer events.

For youth, let them raise funds by getting people to support their packaging at $.29/meal. For example, each person can package an average of 300 meals in a typical two hour shift. Have youth seek sponsors.

Ask volunteers to raise $50 each by seeking family members, friends, co-workers to help sponsor their participation in the meal packaging event.

Approach local business, corporations and vendors who may partner and sponsor a meal packaging event.

Ask local business to collect change at the register for the meal packaging event.

Identify local restaurant to sponsor charity night where portion of the proceeds go SHN meal packaging event.

Special Events

Pie in the face: Vote on the top four people in the organization they wished to get a pie in the face. Designate a jar for each contestant and have volunteers vote for their choice by making a placing a donation in their jar. The “winner” receives a Cool Whip pie following the event.

Fun Run. Have volunteers get sponsors for the run. Organize a run from organization’s location to local restaurant, eat hot dogs, doughnuts, etc and then run back.

Have a fundraising challenge between participating organizations. Present winner with prize, t-shirt and hat at the event.

Host a SHN dinner. Cook SHN meals, show video, and ask guests to provide a donation.

Stop Hunger Now | 615 Hillsborough Street, Suite 200, RaleighNC27603 | 888-501-8440 |