Mini Pupillage Application Form
Title: ______
First Name: ______
Surname: ______
Address: ______
Home Telephone Number: ______
Mobile Telephone Number: ______
Email address: ______
Are you applying for (please tick appropriate box) -
(a) Assessed mini-pupillage
(b) Unassessed mini-pupillage
If you intend to apply for a full pupillage, please state when you would wish this to commence (NB: see attached notes for information on how to apply for a full pupillage.):
Please give dates when you would be available for a mini-pupillage:
I confirm that the contents of this form are true and complete.
Signature ______Date: ______
Received: ______
Please provide full details of all qualifications from GCSE (or equivalent) onwards, including CPE or CLE results if known, and the institutions at which you have studied. Please include grades, including grades for each paper in university examinations if known. Show any courses being followed but not yet completed, indicating when results are expected. If you are coming to the Bar after following a previous career, please give details of the jobs you have done.
Legal Interests, Skills and Experience
Which are the areas of law which particularly interest you, and why? Why have you chosen to apply to 11KBW?
Please give details of any experience you have obtained or skills you have demonstrated which you think are relevant to a career in the law, e.g. mini-pupillages, work experience with solicitors' firms, voluntary work, FRU, published articles, mooting.
Other Qualities
The main qualities which we think are necessary for a successful barrister are: an analytical mind; an ability to express ideas clearly and persuasively, both orally and in writing; the ability to think under pressure; a commitment to hard work; an organised approach to practice; and a capacity to understand, and show understanding of, the needs and problems of those for whom and with whom they work.
Bearing in mind these factors, please state here anything you have not already mentioned above which you would like us to take into account when considering your application.
Please give details of two referees whom we may contact. One at least should be an academic referee (preferably both). We will usually take up references for candidates to whom we anticipate that we may offer a mini-pupillage.
Email address
Email address
Monitoring Form
It is not compulsory to return this form, but it would be very helpful if you would do so. Its purpose is to help us ensure that all applicants are treated fairly. It will be kept separately from your application form and will not be used during the selection process other than to monitor the results.
Please tick the relevant box;
I am:
Do you consider yourself disabled? (Please tick relevant box)
Yes, and I am registered disabled
I would describe my ethnic origin as:
Tick belowWhite British
White Irish
Other White (please specify)
White/Black Caribbean
Other Mixed (please specify)
Black Caribbean
Black African
Other Black (please specify)
Other Asian
Other (please specify)
These categories are recommended by the CRE and were used in the 1991 census. They do not refer to birthplace, citizenship or nationality, but to the ethnic group to which you belong.
Please tick the relevant box of how you came to hear about us, then specify underneath. Many thanks.
Pupillage FairPublications
Other (please specify below)
Notes to Accompany Application Form
An assessed mini-pupillage is a vital part of our pupillage application process. It offers an important opportunity for us to assess your suitability for pupillage and, ultimately, tenancy, by looking beyond your academic background to measure for ourselves the skills which we consider are important for successful practice in our chambers.
Equally, it offers you an opportunity to consider whether you wish to apply to us. During the week you will meet a range of members of chambers, in both formal and informal contexts, and see some of our work. You will be able to ask us questions about practice and about chambers. We will ask you to do a piece of work which will be assessed by two members of chambers. At the end of the week you will be asked questions about the work which you have produced and offered constructive feedback on it. You will be assessed on the written work and on the oral discussion.
Places for assessed mini-pupillages are limited and are offered only to candidates who demonstrate exceptional qualities in their application. The main qualities which we think are necessary for a successful barrister are:
· an analytical mind
· an ability to express ideas clearly and persuasively, both orally and in writing
· the ability to think under pressure
· a commitment to hard work
· an organised approach to practice
· a capacity to understand, and show understanding of, the needs and problems of those for whom and with whom they work
A first or higher upper-second class degree (in any academic field) is required. It is for a candidate to demonstrate his or her abilities. If you have studied outside England and Wales, we strongly suggest that you put your results into context.
Applications for mini-pupillage should be made on the application form. The deadline for assessed mini-pupillage applications is10 November 2017. Please email your application to Claire Halas –
Assessed mini-pupillages will take place between January and March.
In exceptional circumstances, applicants for pupillage may ask to submit a written answer to a mini-pupillage problem instead of doing an assessed mini-pupillage in chambers. Any such application should also be made byNovember.
We interview candidates for assessed mini-pupillages. We will invite candidates to a short interview in chambers. If you would find that particularly difficult, please let us know and we will consider alternative arrangements, such as an interview by video conference.
We select the best-performing candidates following the assessed mini-pupillages to a final round interview and make our pupillage offers on the basis of those interviews.
Normally it is better for you to do an assessed mini-pupillage in the year in which you apply to 11KBW through the Pupillage Gateway. If you are offered an assessed mini-pupillage and your plans change, you should ask for your mini-pupillage to be deferred.
Assessed mini-pupillages are a very important part of our application process. We recognise that an assessed mini-pupillage may be expensive for applicants who are not based in London, and who may have to pay for their travel and/or accommodation. We will reimburse the travel or accommodation expenses of assessed mini-pupils who live outside the M25, up to a maximum of £150. For further information please contact Claire Halas.
Unassessed Mini-pupillages
We also offer some unassessed mini-pupillages for those who are at an earlier stage of their legal studies and who wish to consider practising as a barrister in our areas of expertise. Again places are limited and we are only able to offer unassessed mini-pupillages to applicants who demonstrate exceptional qualities. We accept applications for unassessed mini-pupillages throughout the year on the application form.
11KBW T +44 (0)20 7632 8500 DX: 368LDE
11 King’s Bench Walk, F +44 (0)20 7583 9123 Twitter: @11kbw
Temple, London EC4Y 7EQ