DATE: February 26, 2003
TO: Mayor and Board of Commissioners
FROM: Director of Public Safety
COPIES: Town Manager; Deputy Town Manager
REF: Request to add a fixed lifeguard stand on that portion of the oceanfront beach between the Gulfstream Street Public Beach Access and Jennette’s Fishing Pier
As the Board of Commissioners is aware, the Town, Dare County and the State of North Carolina Aquarium System have entered into a partnership to ensure the preservation of the historical Jennette’s Fishing Pier site.
The preservation of Jennette’s Fishing Pier will also provide for increased educational as well as recreational opportunities for both our residents and visitors to Nags Head and the Outer Banks of North Carolina. The Jennette’s Fishing Pier will quickly become an educational and recreational family-oriented destination.
To better protect the increasing number of water recreation users at this location, I am recommending and requesting that the Board of Commissioners authorize and fund an additional fixed lifeguard stand to be located on the oceanfront beach between Jennette’s Fishing Pier and the already heavily used Gulfstream Street Beach Access.
The annual salary costs, plus FICA for this fixed lifeguard stand position is approximately $13,450.00, plus the housing supplement of $440.00 The uniforms and equipment for this new lifeguard position is approximately $400.00. The construction costs of the fixed lifeguard stand is approximately $300.00.
Continuation of Memo ref. fixed lifeguard stand at Jennette’s Fishing Pier Page 2
Total Estimated Costs:Salary + FICA / $13,450.00
Housing Supplement / $440.00
Uniforms and Equipment / $400.00
Cost of Lifeguard Stand / $300.00
Total Costs: / $14,590.00