"Working together for individual excellence."

Headteacher, Mrs J Finlay B.Ed (Hons) N.P.Q.H

Walkden Road, Worsley, Manchester M28 7FG

Tel: 0161 790 4234 Fax: 0161 921 1566



Sept 2014

Dear Parents/Carers

Allow me to introduce myself; my name is John Keech and I am the new Special Educational Needs

Co-ordinator (SENCO) at Mesne Lea Primary School, taking over from Miss Gill Smith who has recently left the school. Like Miss Smith, I will work at Mesne Lea on a Monday and will continue to liaise with the staff to provide the best opportunities for your child in accordance with their individual needs.

With regards to Special Educational Needs, 2014 is a year of great change. As you may or may not be aware, as of 1 September 2014, a new Children and Families Bill has been introduced by the government. This Bill includes a revision of the Special Needs Code of Practice, which may potentially have an effect on your child’s educational provision. The aim of these reforms is to put the child at the centre of a collaboration of services in order to meet the individual needs of each child. The main changes are briefly outlined below.

What will change?

The quality of support given to children will be of an equal standard to that provided in the past, with all children deemed to have special educational needs receiving continued support both at school and external level when appropriate.

Statements of Special Educational Needs will change to Education, Health and Social Care Plans (EHCPs). All provision highlighted in existing statements for the meantime will remain the same. However, all of these will be converted to EHCPs within the next three years at the discretion of the local government. These plans will cover from birth to age 25 and will be reviewed annually and also at the end of every Key Stage.

The four categories of Special Educational Need as highlighted in the revised code of practice are as follows:

  1. Communication and Interaction
  2. Cognition and Learning
  3. Social, mental and emotional health
  4. Sensory/physical

What do I do if I feel my child has Special Educational Needs?

We operate an open door policy so if you feel that your child may have Special Educational Needs, please contactme on 0161 7904234 to discuss this further.

How can I find out more?

Visit the school website ( where you can view the school’s SEND/Inclusion policy, as well as both the school and local offer with regards to Special Educational Needs provision.

I look forward to working with yourselves and your children, and I am excited to be part of the continued excellence of Mesne Lea Primary School.


John Keech